First OCM OGX Team.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 22
OGX First Meeting -Lets have some fun- : D
Content • • • Vocabulary Our Product RA-MA-RE JD Explanation Legality of our internship Home Work
Vocabulary • • • X = e. Xchange EP = Exchange Participant - the participant of AIESEC internship program TN = Traineeship Nominee – job offer JD = Job Description – description of job you’re going to do during your internship ID = Identification Number – number of specific TN or EP form OGX = Outgoing Exchange - cluster that sends students in internships abroad ICX = Incoming Exchange - center that receives foreign trainees OPS = Outgoing Preparation Seminar - preparation seminar for participants of AIESEC internship My. Aiesec. net - AIESEC Web platform
Vocabulary • EP Form - EP profile created on My. Aiesec. net which is transmitted to TN Manager and the company when the EP candidate looking for an offer • TN Manager - AIESEC representative in charge of recruitment for a company • AN = Acceptance Note - letter of commitment or acceptance, the exchange of letters between the EP and the business value of contract (TN manager in this case) • GCDP = Global Community Development Program - Program Development Internship humanitarian • GIP = Global Internship Program – Program Internship professional • XPP = Exchange Program Policies - AIESEC international policies regulating the quality of exchange procedures
• • • Global Community Development Programme Стажировка в негосударственных организациях, направленное на культурное познание, предполагает волонтерскую работу с детьми в школах, университетах, лагерях и т. п. Знание английского языка: Pre. Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Advanced Продолжительность – 6 -12 недель Обеспечивается проживанием и питанием Стоимость стажировки – 1500 грн.
Global Internship Programme • Программа стажировок, направленная на развитие профессиональных навыков в сфере финансов, маркетинга, управления персоналом, преподавания, информационных технологий и многое другое • Upper Intermediate, Advanced • Продолжительность – 3 – 24 месяца • Обеспечивается зарплатой • Стоимость стажировки – 2000 грн.
RA-MA-RE • RA – Raised – interviews, contracts • MA – Matching – myaiesec. net, mails, network • RE – Realizing – VISAs, communication during X, newsletters
JD Explanation OCP • • • • Goal setting for the project Planning tool filling in and planning the project flow Planning all the events, responsobilities of the team Selection and leading of OGX project team Constant meeting held ( once a week preffered) Devision of responsobilities between the members of a Team Making feedback session, team building etc for a team Tracking on realization of goals Trackong of team efficienty Delegating task to OC Constant reporting to EB Tracking timelines on all the stages
COMM • Creating Communication plan (under VP Comm coaching)(together with OCP) • Organizing promo events in Universities (promo tables, presentations etc) • Making offline promo events (quests , flashmobs, countru days etc) • Making and controlling online promo
TM • Education about AIESEC and right expectations about organization activities X preparation (cultural shock, expectation towards hosting and sending LC, TN, EP responsibilities – XPP delivery) • Outgoing Preparation Seminar organization • EP induction: involving Eps into LC events (formal/non-formal), providing with short-term JD • Communication during internship
OGX • RA MA RE Planning of the Raising, Matching and Realizing flow • Selecting EPs ( together with TM) • Raising for LC/LC cooperations • EP Management (signing the contracts, EP registration and further servicing, OGX is EP responsible) • Taking participation in matching manias • Matching and Realization of EPs
Legality • Contract • XPP – Exchange Program Policy
What does XPP stand for? Exchange Program Policies What is it about? AIESEC International Exchange Program Policies is the main regulatory document of. It consists of 6 main chapters representing different aspects of International Internships.
XPP STRUCTURE EP Document TN Organization Document Sending Entity Document Hosting Entity Document MC/ AI Document International Control Board Document
Internship Regulations EP can go on an internship until 30 years and until 1 year of graduation. EP can go several time on exchange, until 36 months have summed up.
Restrictions Match with his home country Achieve 2 nd exchange in the same company or organization Match with the country that raised him/her
Entity that should provide the service: Sending LC a) Provide Basic AIESEC Knowledge ü b) Intern Goal-Setting ü c) Culture Shock Preparation ü d) Train on the Exchange Program Policies Hosting LC MC ü e) Send Link to Reception Wiki ü f) Provide Visa Assistance in terms of policy ü g) Provide relevant visa and labor law information thorough Reception Wiki or other way ü h) Urge EP to purchase health/travel insurance ü ü i) Send key contact information/address ü j) Send key information on TN’s expectations ü k) Keep an updated reception wiki l) Arrival pickup and bringing the EP to the first day of work ü ü
Complaint Procedure Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 • Internal Level: EP-TN-Hosting LC • (Local Level): EP Sending LC-Hosting LC • (National Level): Sending LC Sendind MC-Hosting MC, sharing over the global network • (International Level) no mutual agreement within a twoweek period - International Control Board for arbitration.
i. Change. Asia i. Change. Europe Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czech, Russia i. Change. Africa Egypt
www. myaiesec. net
Домашние задание: • OGX, TM -совершить cold calls (ДДЛ – вечер среды), позвать на интервью (вт, чт 17. 00 -18. 00, ср, пт 15. 3018. 00), тренинг; • ER – market research (20 компаний), тренинг; • COM – тренинг, постить в группах(on-line promo), встречу country day создать; small пресс-релиз country day(ДДЛ-среда); Юля – список возможных медиа-партнеров; блог оживить(ДДЛ-вс); COMM+TM+OCP – адженда country day. • изучить гайд по проведению собеседований и отбору людей; ознакомиться с контрактом, с гидом по My. AIESEC. net и XPP.