Скачать презентацию Official Recognition of Natural Mineral Water Legal Frame Скачать презентацию Official Recognition of Natural Mineral Water Legal Frame


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Official Recognition of Natural Mineral Water. Legal Frame and Practical Implementation Including Recognition of Official Recognition of Natural Mineral Water. Legal Frame and Practical Implementation Including Recognition of Natural Mineral Waters from Third Countries Ilona Drulyte National Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute Lithuania

Legislation in Lithuania Basic legislation adopted by the Minister of Health: n Lithuanian Hygiene Legislation in Lithuania Basic legislation adopted by the Minister of Health: n Lithuanian Hygiene Norm HN 28: 2003 „Requirements for exploitation and marketing of natural mineral water and spring water“ – transposing EU Directives n Rules of recognition of natural mineral water in Lithuania – defines procedure of the recognition

Application and relevant documents Lithuanian Geological Survey Radiation Protection Centre State Public Health Service Application and relevant documents Lithuanian Geological Survey Radiation Protection Centre State Public Health Service Publication Protocol on the recognition of Natural Mineral Water Distribution of information to concerned authorities

Recognition Legal framework - Art. 1 of 2009/54/EC n extracted from the ground of Recognition Legal framework - Art. 1 of 2009/54/EC n extracted from the ground of a MS and recognized by the responsible authority of that MS n extracted from the ground of a third country, imported into the Community and recognized as natural mineral waters by the responsible authority of a MS

Recognition of local waters Recognized by responsible authority as satisfying the provisions of Annex Recognition of local waters Recognized by responsible authority as satisfying the provisions of Annex I, section I (definition): n Underground water source that is protected from pollution n Microbiologically wholesome n Characteristic composition n Composition, temperature and other essential characteristics remain stable within the limits of natural fluctuation

Rules of recognition of natural mineral water in Lithuania n For the recognition should Rules of recognition of natural mineral water in Lithuania n For the recognition should be submitted data (Report) on the physical, chemical and microbiological composition demonstrating correspondence to the requirements for natural mineral water

Geological & hydrological data Geological & hydrological data

Geological & hydrological data approved by Lithuanian Geological Survey n n n n n Geological & hydrological data approved by Lithuanian Geological Survey n n n n n Geological status of the water source Protection of aquifer from possible contamination Hydrological data Information on catchment’s equipment Organoleptic, physical, chemical & physico-chemical parameters at the source Data on influence of flow rate to water composition Recommended flow rate Monitoring foreseen Protection (safeguard) zones

Report: other data n n n Main constituents Trace elements Organic contaminants Microbiology Data Report: other data n n n Main constituents Trace elements Organic contaminants Microbiology Data on radioactivity - approved by Radiation Protection Centre Data given in the report on physical, chemical and microbiological parameters should be based on analysis carried out in accredited laboratories

Main constituents Li + Na + K+ NH 4 + Mg 2+ FCl Br Main constituents Li + Na + K+ NH 4 + Mg 2+ FCl Br INO 2 H 2 Si. O 3 H 3 BO 3 p. H CO 2 Ca 2+ Sr 2+ Mn 2+ Fe 2+/3+ NO 3 SO 4 2 HCO 3 HPO 4 2 - - Dry residues at 180 0 C & 220 0 C

Trace elements Sb Cd Rb As Zn Se Al Cr Ag Sn Cu Co Trace elements Sb Cd Rb As Zn Se Al Cr Ag Sn Cu Co Ba Pb Mo Be Hg V Cs Ni U

Organic substances and indicators Permanganate Surface active index substances PCB Cyanides Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Organic substances and indicators Permanganate Surface active index substances PCB Cyanides Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Haloforms Esters of phtalates Total organic nitrogen Halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons Others (if they could be as a result of contamination) Phenols Pesticides Total organic carbon Antioxidants

Microbiological parameters Total colony count at 20 -220 & 370 C (at least 30 Microbiological parameters Total colony count at 20 -220 & 370 C (at least 30 samples at different seasons) n E. coli and other coliforms n Faecal streptococci n Sporulated sulphite-reducing anaerobs (clostridium) n Ps. Aeruginosa n Absence of parasites and pathogens n

Fluctuation tolerated n n Composition, temperature and other essential characteristics of NMW at the Fluctuation tolerated n n Composition, temperature and other essential characteristics of NMW at the catchments must remain stable within the limits of natural fluctuation and not affected by variations on the rate of flow ± 20 % for main constituents ± 50 % for CO 2 Based on data of analysis performed in 30 days-2 years period monitoring depending on type of aquifer (at least 6 -24 samples respectively)

Wellfield’s protection (safeguard) zone n n Legal obligation Consist from 3 protection strips: strong Wellfield’s protection (safeguard) zone n n Legal obligation Consist from 3 protection strips: strong protection (high security), microbial contamination, chemical contamination Limited activities Registration

Water suppliers are responsible for the proper management of the high security strips of Water suppliers are responsible for the proper management of the high security strips of the safeguard zone and all the water supply equipment therein It must be fenced or in other means protected from illegal influence

Restrictions of activities in wellfield protection zone n n n Activities in protection zone Restrictions of activities in wellfield protection zone n n n Activities in protection zone limited as to avoid possible contamination Depends on type of aquifer Listed in legislation

Procedure of establishment of protection zone n n n Methodology of calculation approved by Procedure of establishment of protection zone n n n Methodology of calculation approved by Lithuanian Geological Survey Safeguard zones should be indicated in the territorial planning document (maps) in municipalities Persons engaged in economic activity in the second and third strip, must follow restrictions of economic activities

Waters from the third countries Certificate (-es) of the responsible authority in the country Waters from the third countries Certificate (-es) of the responsible authority in the country of origin of water: n That water corresponds to the requirements for natural mineral water (definition) n Regular checks made on the application of the provisions of Annex II, paragraph 2 n This certificate must be provided together with other documents and valid up to 5 years

Documents provided with certificate (1) Technical means as to prevent contamination of groundwater and Documents provided with certificate (1) Technical means as to prevent contamination of groundwater and at the point of extraction and preserve it’s characteristic properties: n prevention from contamination of the outlet, catchments, treatment and bottling equipment; n suitability to come into contact with water of materials used for equipment of catchments, distribution system, reservoirs and bottling; n means to prevent adverse effect on the microbial and chemical characteristics of water at the use of water, particularly during the washing of reservoirs and bottling; n means to ensure of aseptic distribution of natural mineral water from point of abstraction till bottling; n prohibition of transportation of natural mineral water in containers other than those for distribution to the ultimate consumer

Documents provided with certificate (2) Data on checks of natural mineral water: n results Documents provided with certificate (2) Data on checks of natural mineral water: n results of regular inspection of responsible authority in the country of abstraction including data on microbial, physicochemical and chemical characteristics; n results of self monitoring provided by company including data on microbial, physicochemical and chemical characteristics; n application of HACCP (implementation and surveillance).

Information on recognized NMW published: n n Newsletter , , Valstybes zinios, , (, Information on recognized NMW published: n n Newsletter , , Valstybes zinios, , (, , State News, , ) www. vvspt. lt Official Journal of the European Union http: //ec. europa. eu/food/labelling nutrition/water/index_en. htm

Thank you for attention! idrulyte@vet. lt Thank you for attention! idrulyte@vet. lt