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Office of Risk Management SWOT Analysis Summary April 3, 2002 Use the <PAGE DOWN> Office of Risk Management SWOT Analysis Summary April 3, 2002 Use the key to advance through the slides. 22 1 April 2002

PARTICIPANTS l l l l Tommy Arbour Penny Buchanan Mary Ann Christopher Jackie Connors PARTICIPANTS l l l l Tommy Arbour Penny Buchanan Mary Ann Christopher Jackie Connors Doris Copeland Kerry Dubea Melissa Harris Richard Hollowell Nancy Messina Sandra Porter Henry Rayborn Cindy Roman Pat Reed Jack Travis Ann Wax Pam Whiteside l l l Andre’ Comeaux Debra Lazare Gary Lee John Miles Keshia Thomas Richard Thompson METHODS Project Team Members ORM Project Team Members 2

WHAT IS A SWOT ANALYSIS? This SWOT Analysis looks at the ORM’s Strengths and WHAT IS A SWOT ANALYSIS? This SWOT Analysis looks at the ORM’s Strengths and Weaknesses as well as the Opportunities and Threats the ORM faces. By focusing on the key factors affecting the ORM now and in the future, this SWOT Analysis will provide a clear basis for making decisions. 3

HOW TO EVALUATE RESULTS Strengths and Weaknesses are those factors that are internal to HOW TO EVALUATE RESULTS Strengths and Weaknesses are those factors that are internal to the ORM—the aspects which the ORM can control. Opportunities and Threats should be external in nature; however, we looked at both internal and external factors in this exercise. 4

HOW TO EVALUATE RESULTS The following should be evaluated carefully. Look at Strengths and HOW TO EVALUATE RESULTS The following should be evaluated carefully. Look at Strengths and Weaknesses critically, as if from an outside perspective, i. e. , from the viewpoint of someone outside of the ORM. An attribute is only a strength if it would be perceived as such by an external party. Opportunities and Threats need to be assessed in terms of both the likelihood of actually happening (probability) and significance to the ORM if they do happen (impact). Make a note of your top 3 factors in each category. If your top factor is missing, add it!! 5

STRENGTHS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dedicated, knowledgeable and resilient STRENGTHS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dedicated, knowledgeable and resilient staff Good working relationship with other State Agencies; customer service-oriented Willingness to improve Experienced core staff Self-Insured; ability to service claims better than commercial entity (i. e. , TPA); familiarity with State environment; ability to influence coverage Accident Reconstruction Program Access; Quarterly Road Hazard Committee Meetings (inter-agency) Organizational Structure Model tied to Division of Administration; different from other States Teamwork within the respective units Willingness to accomplish Mission Statement; no profit margin/not profit-driven 6

STRENGTHS 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Able to STRENGTHS 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Able to influence legislation; reduction of insurance cost Purchasing easier via use of ISIS Loss Prevention Training Program; improved communication with Safety Committee On-site computer technical support Open door policy of current upper management ORM Claims Council DRL Staffing regarding disposition of cases Anticipation of new office space ORM is a “Hub” for all other agencies Civil Service/Federal Protection (Performance Evaluation/Measurement) Inter-Agency Advisory Council 7

WEAKNESSES 1. Inter-unit teamwork 2. Lack of funding as well as ability to monitor WEAKNESSES 1. Inter-unit teamwork 2. Lack of funding as well as ability to monitor and 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. control at the unit level Training/Cross-training/Transition training Employee turnover and shortage of personnel Lack of strategic and tactical planning; lack of input by all levels of staff Political pressure in Claims/UW handling, general funding and staff hiring Inability to easily obtain statistical data Lack of system integration (e. g. , Corporate Systems and ISIS) Corporate Systems not user-friendly ISIS system downtime 8

WEAKNESSES 11. Inadequate promotional opportunities 12. Lack of communication 13. Inadequate filtering of pertinent WEAKNESSES 11. Inadequate promotional opportunities 12. Lack of communication 13. Inadequate filtering of pertinent information from 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. upper management to lower-level personnel Budgetary funds limited for supplies, training, equipment, etc. ) Ineffective assignment/allocation of personnel Dismissal of problem employees because of Civil Service/Federal Protection Claims investigation process Litigation management Going along with what’s in place instead of making recommendations for change Loss of subrogation opportunities 9

WEAKNESSES 21. Lack of management “team” 22. Support for development of custom applications or WEAKNESSES 21. Lack of management “team” 22. Support for development of custom applications or modifications to existing systems 23. Inability to keep knowledgeable telephone receptionist 24. “Children do not always play well together” 10

OPPORTUNITIES n Communications 1. Expand Loss Prevention Newsletter to include 2. 3. 4. 5. OPPORTUNITIES n Communications 1. Expand Loss Prevention Newsletter to include 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. all of ORM Training Outreach/Inter-Agency Advisory Council; increase frequency Make more data available to clients (with the proper level of security and access) Provide client-specific consulting more frequently with better information Improved telephone systems (auto call director, rollover/operator support; call monitoring) (Note: OTM survey was done approx. 2 years ago. ) 11

OPPORTUNITIES n Technology (cont. ) 1. Limited access and poor performance at 2. 3. OPPORTUNITIES n Technology (cont. ) 1. Limited access and poor performance at 2. 3. 4. 5. satellite offices. (Note: DSL access in the works. ) Internet access for all ORM employees (Note: Already in the works probably before physical office moves. ) Desktops for BR field personnel. (Note: Will be addressed with physical move. ) Better use of listservs (e. g. , insurance information notices, newsletter distribution, etc. ) Better use of available technology (e. g. , crosspopulation of data in integrated systems; eliminate duplicate entry of data) 12

OPPORTUNITIES n Technology (cont. ) 7. 8. 9. 13. 14. 15. 16. Automated tools OPPORTUNITIES n Technology (cont. ) 7. 8. 9. 13. 14. 15. 16. Automated tools identification, selection and acquisition process Expanded use of imaging technology More effective use of technology to identify buildings and property Enhance gathering of exposure information Centralized and automated ODRs and standards More access to client information (e. g. , DPS crash reports, Dept. of Labor wage information, OGB, etc. ) Better tracking of claim status and support for supervisory review 13

OPPORTUNITIES § Training 1. Better use of technology for training delivery 2. Skills gap OPPORTUNITIES § Training 1. Better use of technology for training delivery 2. Skills gap analysis and measurement of training § effectiveness 3. Concentrated mini-courses (e. g. , claims issues, policies/procedures, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, e-mail, etc. ) 4. Enhanced use of digital technology 5. Implement archival/retrieval system Legislation 1. “Bigger stick” to enforce agency collections 2. Review of entities who are currently excluded 3. Proposed legislation that may negatively impact ORM 14

THREATS n Litigation 1. Liberalization of workers comp laws or any adjudication processes 2. THREATS n Litigation 1. Liberalization of workers comp laws or any adjudication processes 2. Absence of retroactivity of changes in the law (e. g. , ’ 95 -’ 96 legislative actions) 3. Judges, plaintiff attorneys, defense attorneys and jury selections (e. g. , judges try to compensate for legislative restrictions, legislator/attorneys suing the State, judges who make ruling based on the will of his/her constituents, etc. ) 4. Lack of control or adequate input on selection of defense attorneys 15

THREATS n Commercial Markets 1. Terrorism exclusion 2. Mold and fungi exclusion § 3. THREATS n Commercial Markets 1. Terrorism exclusion 2. Mold and fungi exclusion § 3. Insurance pricing increasing Miscellaneous 1. Funding tied to legislation 2. Medical costs inflation 3. Uncertainty of new office configuration and how central files will affect claims operation 16

DON’T FORGET… Make a note of your top 3 factors in each category. If DON’T FORGET… Make a note of your top 3 factors in each category. If your top factor is missing, add it!! Forward your input or comments to: Debra Lazare, dlazare@methods-net. com THANKS! 17