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Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT (CSBG) The Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT (CSBG) The Federal Office of Community Services: An FY 2013 Update from Federal Partners September 12, 2012 1

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Major Topics • Introductions and Overview Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Major Topics • Introductions and Overview • Budget Updates – FY 2013 & FY 2014 • Program Updates – Program Operations activities; Training and Technical Assistance Portfolio; ACF Website launch; New Training & Technical Assistance; Performance Management Tools and Protocols Contract; American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Survey; Contract for Tribal organizations; Federal Funding and Accountability Transparency Act (FAFTA); American Customer Satisfaction Survey; ARRA Process Evaluation and Lessons Learned; Electronic Link for Plan Submission; other changes to anticipate in coming fiscal year • Program Monitoring – State assessment process, upcoming State assessments, other financial and program monitoring • Questions and Dialogue 2

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Office of Community Services Major Programs Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Office of Community Services Major Programs • Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) • Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) • Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) • CSBG Discretionary (CED, Rural, JOLI) • Strengthening Communities Fund (SCF) • Assets for Independence (AFI) 3

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance • Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance • Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) • Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) • CSBG Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Grants and Contracts 4

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance 5 Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance 5

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance CSBG Budget Update • FY 2012 Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance CSBG Budget Update • FY 2012 Full Year Continuing Resolution (Enacted) - $677 Million • FY 2013 President’s Budget - $350 Million (Consistent with FY 2012 Request for Same Amount) • FY 2013 Appropriation not yet enacted • FY 2013 House and Senate marks $677 Million • FY 2013 Budget calls for a core system of standards 6

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Training & Technical Assistance Updates Centers Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Training & Technical Assistance Updates Centers of Excellence and Regional Performance and Innovation Consortia 7

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance CSBG Organizational Standards Center of Excellence Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance CSBG Organizational Standards Center of Excellence • Provides expert recommendations for core federal standards in key organizational areas (e. g. Organizational Leadership, Human Resource Management, Financial Operations, Consumer Input and Involvement, Community Engagement, Board Governance) • Use core organizational standards to develop curricula, training materials, tools for assessment that will ensure all CSBG-eligible entities can be assessed according to consistent standards 8

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance CSBG ROMA Next Generation Center of Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance CSBG ROMA Next Generation Center of Excellence • Adapt existing ROMA performance management training materials to ensure that all CSBG-eligible entities have access to relevant trainings, toolkits, and guidance materials. • Establish consistent definitions and an integrated set of ROMA training curricula. • Assist States and eligible entities to participate in the ROMA effort, which includes attention to the complete ROMA cycle of performance management. 9

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Regional Performance and Innovation Consortia (RPIC) Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Regional Performance and Innovation Consortia (RPIC) • Serve as regional focal points and lead the development of a comprehensive and integrated system of T/TA capacity-building activities. • Support state community action association involvement in an ongoing state, regional, and national performance management strategy • Support CAA input in ROMA Next Generation strategies and core standards • Assist CSBG-eligible entities to participate in ROMA and to meet core CSBG standards. 10

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance RPIC - How Many Awards? • Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance RPIC - How Many Awards? • OCS to fund 11 awards. • With the exception of Region IV, there will be one award per ACF region. • In Region IV, one grant will serve FL, GA, AL & MS, and a separate grant will be serve SC, NC, TN & KY • Must be located in region or service area. • Eligible applicants in each region may coordinate efforts and apply as consortia. 11

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Two awards will be made for Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Two awards will be made for Region IV. One grant will serve MS, AL, GA, and FL. A second grant will serve KY, TN, NC, and SC. 12

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance CSBG Performance Management Tools and Protocols Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance CSBG Performance Management Tools and Protocols Contract • Provide expert analysis of the current CSBG performance system • Recommend improved methodologies for demonstrating program impact building on the current ROMA system • Logistical support for working group meetings 13

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance CSBG Performance Management Major Tasks • Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance CSBG Performance Management Major Tasks • Review Existing CSBG ROMA and NPIs • Analysis of Comparable Federal Programs • Convene Working Group Meetings in D. C. • Recommend Performance Mgt. tools • Train-the-Trainer Materials and Webinars 14

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance OCS Grantee Satisfaction Survey 2012 Administered Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance OCS Grantee Satisfaction Survey 2012 Administered by CFI We who are jointly involved in reducing the causes and effects of poverty know that for us to succeed we must provide the best possible service to those relying on us for assistance. To this end, OCS is looking for feedback from CSBG and LIHEAP grantees—our customers--to assess your satisfaction with our services. How well we work with our grantees, is an important measure of success for us. – Jeannie L. Chaffin, OCS Director 15

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance OCS Grantee Survey Type of Questions Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance OCS Grantee Survey Type of Questions • • • Ease of Grant Requirements and Reporting Accessing Grant Funds Training & Technical Assistance Provided by OCS T/TA Provided by OCS Funded Grantees Overall Satisfaction with OCS Customer Feedback Insights (CFI) Group (http: //cfigroup. com/) 16

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Program Operations Updates • Federal Funding Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Program Operations Updates • Federal Funding and Accountability Transparancy Act (FFATA) • Program Operations activities: – CSBG & SSBG Plans received September 1 – Staff Review and Acceptance 17

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Program Operations Updates • ACF Website Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Program Operations Updates • ACF Website launch (see preview of http: //transition. hhs. gov/programs/ocs) • New Training & Technical Assistance Contract for Tribal Organizations • ARRA Process Evaluation and Lessons Learned • Electronic Link for Future Plan Submission 18

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Monitoring Infrastructure CSBG Federal Monitoring State Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Monitoring Infrastructure CSBG Federal Monitoring State Monitoring - Annual review of State CSBG Plans to assure compliance with statutory requirements - Annual review of eligible entity needs assessments and plans - Statutorily Required State Assessments - - Risk Assessment of States Statutorily Required Full Onsite Review of Eligible Entities – At least once every 3 years - Ad Hoc Financial Monitoring – Review of Audit Results - Onsite review of newly designated entities - - Review of State Corrective Action Plans Follow-up reviews with eligible entities that fail to meet the goals, standards, and requirements established by the State - Document Management – Records Retention - Other reviews as appropriate. 19

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Program Monitoring • CSBG Monitoring Checklist Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Program Monitoring • CSBG Monitoring Checklist (IM-102) – http: //www. acf. hhs. gov/programs/ocs/csbg/pdf/csbgapplicationplan. pdf • State Assessments – On-site FY 2013 • Colorado • New Mexico • Montana • Rhode Island • Connecticut • Oklahoma Tentative Dates October, 2012 January, 2013 March, 2013 June, 2013 July, 2013 September, 2013 20

Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Q&A 21 Office of Community Services Division of State Assistance Q&A 21