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OER: What’s happening Rory Mc. Greal Athabasca University November 2014
Some images are fair dealing/fair use
e. Mundus Euro. Project Athabasca U - CA U Autonoma Metropolitana MX Moscow U U of Leicester Economics, Statistics UK MENON & Informatics- RU U. La Rioja Network BE ES Universitas Siswa Bangsa IN Fundação de Apoio a Universidade de São Paulo - BR Open Educational Resources - OER Foundation NZ
14 -7 -22
Policies for OER UPtake OER
Creative Commons Attribution 3. 0 License (some images fair dealing) OER in Canada: A POERUP Report D. Quirk R. Mc. Greal T. Anderson Athabasca University http: //poerup. referata. com/wiki/Canada
https: //oerknowledgecloud. com/ 8
• • • Learners who access OER and acquire knowledge/skills cannot have their learning assessed and accredited OER Pathways +30 institutions/orgs on 5 continents
Open Data Canada • Innovation • Leveraging public information • Develop consumer/commercial products • Better use of broadband • Research • Informed decisions for consumers
THE BIG Canadian SPLIT • School Level vs Higher Education Ministries • Paris Declaration on OER
Washington State
+90 HE courses - partner with California http: //open. bccampus. ca/open-textbook 101/where-to-find-open-textbooks/ 18
Alberta • $2 million for OER? • Post-secondary
Assessment • Credibility/authenticity essential • On-campus exams • individual invigilator/proctor • Computerized – biometrics • Eportfolios and projects • Reduces labour costs
Recognition of Prior Learning PLAR or PLA (Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition) Portfolios Challenge for credit (exams) Credit transfer Breaking down silos with MOOCs
Recognition of prior Learning (RPL) No standards Idiosyncratic at each institution (& within institutions) Unnecessary duplication Not cost-effective
Challenge for Credit Few institutions Bologna Process in Europe Problematic in most jurisdictions Standards are lacking Is it RPL?
Challenge for Credit • Assessment – computerized testing – Multiple-choice & essays – peer assessment? – portfolios – projects
What’s wrong with cost-effectiveness?
A sustainable MOOC scenario? • Course price: $650 • Course cost: $700 • Loss: $ -50 • Challenge exam price: $150 • Challenge exam cost: $ 50 • Profit: $100
Opportunity If public institutions do not adapt then the gap can and will be filled by private, for profit entrepreneurs
• “the real squeeze exerted by MOOCs may not be on the campus F 2 F learning format, but rather on the paidfor online formats” Haggard, S. (2013, September). Maturing of the MOOC Vol. Research Paper number 130. Retrieved from www. gov. uk/bis
Virtual Mobility Using ICT to connect students in different countries to activities, courses & programmes
Virtual Mobility Online learning replaces travel even within cities http: //www. virtual-mobility. com/
ucation ed “Global competition in telecommunications is an overwhelming and irreversible tide. We can neither go against, alter nor shut out this tide. We will simply be bypassed and rendered irrelevant. ” - Singapore government l. M ua rt i ty ili ob V Globe & Mail Aug 6, 1994
Credit Transfer Easy in North America in first two years Problematic for specific programmes & in upper years
Canadian Virtual University Credit transfer agreement among 12 universities in five provinces Athabasca University Credit Transfer
Credit transfer North American 3 credit system Bologna Process in Europe Problematic in most jurisdictions Standards are lacking Labour intensive
Transnational Qualifications Framework for the Virtual University of the Small States of the Commonwealth procedures and guidelines to translate national accreditation for recognition
“Experience without a formal representation has very limited exchange value -- as those whose only degree is from the university of life well know” – Brown & Duguid (1996)
The right to have your knowledge and skills recognized is a Human right
• “Affordability in the future may be the first requirement not an afterthought. ” Whitesides (2011) The race may not be to the swift, but to the cheap
Hampton, G. Distance Education