Скачать презентацию OECD-Korea Regional Centre for Competition Regional Antitrust Workshop Скачать презентацию OECD-Korea Regional Centre for Competition Regional Antitrust Workshop


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OECD-Korea Regional Centre for Competition Regional Antitrust Workshop on Abuse of Dominance Case Study OECD-Korea Regional Centre for Competition Regional Antitrust Workshop on Abuse of Dominance Case Study Abuse of Dominance in Japan 23 April, 2008 Kazuyuki KATAGIRI Japan Fair Trade Commission 1

Table of contents 1. Backgrounds of the case against NTT East (1) Services concerned Table of contents 1. Backgrounds of the case against NTT East (1) Services concerned (2) Related Entrepreneurs (3) Situation of the FTTH service market in Japan 2. NTT East’s conducts and results 3. Building and presenting of evidence 4. Application of the law 2

(1) Services u FTTH (fiber to the home) service = one of broadband internet (1) Services u FTTH (fiber to the home) service = one of broadband internet access services, which permits transmission over longer distances and at higher data rates than other forms of communications. u For this communication, optical fiber network is established between a telecom office and an optical network unit at an end-user’s home. 3

Types and technologies of FTTH There are two types of FTTH services, FTTH service Types and technologies of FTTH There are two types of FTTH services, FTTH service for business and those for private home. u FTTH service for private home has two technologies, FTTH (fiber to a detached home) and FTTB (fiber to an apartment house). u 4

FTTH (fiber to the home) types, Single Star and Double Star u Single Star FTTH (fiber to the home) types, Single Star and Double Star u Single Star Telecom Office End User’s Home ONU 5

FTTH (fiber to the home) types, Single Star and Double Star u Double Star FTTH (fiber to the home) types, Single Star and Double Star u Double Star Telecom Office splitter End User’s Home splitter ONU 6

(2) Entrepreneurs Higashinihon Denshin Denwa Kabushiki Kaisha (NTT East) u Japanese corporation providing regional (2) Entrepreneurs Higashinihon Denshin Denwa Kabushiki Kaisha (NTT East) u Japanese corporation providing regional telecommunications services in the east areas of Japan 7

Competitors of NTT East TEPCO u Japanese corporation. It provides electric power in Kanto Competitors of NTT East TEPCO u Japanese corporation. It provides electric power in Kanto areas of Japanese corporation. USEN Broad u Japanese corporation. It is the biggest wired radio broadcasting company in Japan. 8

(3) Situation of FTTH service market ○ Net-work share of NTT EAST and its competitors (3) Situation of FTTH service market ○ Net-work share of NTT EAST and its competitors in FTTH service area except FTTB, in the east areas of Japan NTT East      86. 9% NTT East’s competitors  13. 1% (available lines in September 2004) NTT East’s competitors  ・TEPCO and USEN Broad 9

Situation of FTTH service market u Share of NTT EAST is quite huge. 10 Situation of FTTH service market u Share of NTT EAST is quite huge. 10

Background u NTT East possesses high speed fiber-optic networks over eastern Japan. u It Background u NTT East possesses high speed fiber-optic networks over eastern Japan. u It is not easy for other telecom carrier to access to NTT East’s competitors’ fiber-optic networks. u It is hard for other telecoms to build new fiber networks on their own. It is difficult for the telecom carriers to offer an FTTH service without accessing the fiber-optic networks owned by NTT East. 11

NTT East’s fiber-optic network NTT East FTTH Service End User’s Home Access to NTT NTT East’s fiber-optic network NTT East FTTH Service End User’s Home Access to NTT East’s network Other Telecom Carrier 12

Access fee and user charge NTT East User charge End User’s Home Access fee Access fee and user charge NTT East User charge End User’s Home Access fee Other Telecom Carrier 13

NTT East’s FTTH service named “B-FLET’S” NTT East B-FLET’S End User’s Home Access fee NTT East’s FTTH service named “B-FLET’S” NTT East B-FLET’S End User’s Home Access fee Other Telecom Carrier 6, 344 yen per month 14

2. NTT East’s conducts and results Conducts of NTT East u NTT East set 2. NTT East’s conducts and results Conducts of NTT East u NTT East set a discounted user charge lower than the actual access fee (6, 344 per month). u NTT East made it quite difficult for other telecoms to enter into the detached houses market and eliminated it from the market. 15

How to set a lower user charge -1 NTT East User charge End User’s How to set a lower user charge -1 NTT East User charge End User’s Home Single Star Access fee Other Telecom Carrier 6, 344 yen per month 16

How to set a lower user charge -2 NTT East User charge End User’s How to set a lower user charge -2 NTT East User charge End User’s Home Double Star Access fee Other Telecom Carrier Lower charge Much lower per each end user 17

B-FLET’S named “New Family Type” 5, 800 yen User charge NTT East End User’s B-FLET’S named “New Family Type” 5, 800 yen User charge NTT East End User’s Home New Family Type Access fee Other Telecom Carrier estimated 4, 906 per a user On the assumption that double star is adopted 18

Actual Situation User charge NTT East New Family Type 5, 800 yen End User’s Actual Situation User charge NTT East New Family Type 5, 800 yen End User’s Home Access fee Other Telecom Carrier Actually, single star is adopted 6, 344 yen per a user 19

Actual Situation after discounting User charge NTT East New Family Type 4, 500 yen Actual Situation after discounting User charge NTT East New Family Type 4, 500 yen End User’s Home Access fee Other Telecom Carrier 6, 344 yen per a user 20

Market Effect of NTT East’s Conducts ○ The total amount of contracts of NTT East’s Market Effect of NTT East’s Conducts ○ The total amount of contracts of NTT East’s FTTH service for detached houses September 2003 Total amount March 2004 193, 000 324, 000 Increasing by 68% in a half year 21

No other telecom’s entrance User charge 4, 500 NTT East New Family Type End No other telecom’s entrance User charge 4, 500 NTT East New Family Type End User’s Home Access fee 6, 344 Other Telecom Carrier 22

3. Building and presenting of evidence The record of statement The JFTC recognized the 3. Building and presenting of evidence The record of statement The JFTC recognized the fact by the evidence, mainly the records of statement written on the interviews with an employee of the concerned company. Presenting in the Hearing Procedure In the procedure of the hearing, the investigators presented the evidences concerned to prove the JFTC’s findings with regard to the case. 23

4. Application of the law in the decision Section 3 of the Antimonopoly Act 4. Application of the law in the decision Section 3 of the Antimonopoly Act “No entrepreneur shall effect private monopolization or unreasonable restraint of trade. ” The definition of “private monopolization” in the Antimonopoly Act The term "private monopolization" as used in this Act shall mean such business activities, by which any entrepreneur, individually or by combination or conspiracy with other entrepreneurs, or by in any other manner, excludes or controls the business activities of other entrepreneurs, thereby causing, contrary to the public interest, a substantial restraint of competition in any particular field of trade. (para 5, Section 2). 24

“Substantial restraint of competition” u. A situation in which competition itself has significantly lessened “Substantial restraint of competition” u. A situation in which competition itself has significantly lessened and thereby a specific firm or firms can control the market by determining freely, to some extent, prices, qualities, volumes, and various other terms on its or their own volition (December 9, 1953, Tokyo High Court) 25

Elimination measures No elimination measure was ordered. 26 Elimination measures No elimination measure was ordered. 26

Thank you for your kind attention! Web site for NTT East Case; http: //www. Thank you for your kind attention! Web site for NTT East Case; http: //www. jftc. go. jp/epage/pressreleases/2003/December/031204 ntt. pdf 27