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OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications Overview of the reforms. OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
The reforms to Initial Teacher Training: • New professional standards for the sector • A new credit based teacher qualifications framework • The introduction of professional formation as part of gaining professional status • Emphasis on developing skills knowledge and understanding of the specialist teaching subject or curriculum area • Stronger links between providers of initial teacher training and those responsible in an organisation for workforce planning and development • For the full endorsement of course a provider must achieve the baseline criteria for initial teacher training. OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
The overarching professional standards for all who teach in the lifelong learning sector • The standards apply to all teachers, tutors lecturers, instructors and trainers in the sector and map to the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the new initial teacher training qualifications. • The standards include values, professional knowledge and understanding and professional practice and they are identified in 5 domains: Domain A. Professional values and practice Domain B. Learning and teaching Domain C. Specialist learning and teaching Domain E. Assessment for learning Domain F. Access and progression OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
The mandatory units for the new qualifications. Introduction of mandatory units: • Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector (P/C/D) • Planning and Enabling learning (C/D) • Enabling Learning and Assessment (D) • Principles and practices of Assessment (C) • Theories and Principles for Planning and Enabling Learning (D) The following three units only form the second part of the diploma. • Continuing Personal and Professional Development • Curriculum Design for Inclusive Practice • Wider Professional Practice The units are mapped to the overarching professional standards. OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
OCR and the new regulations • In force from September 2007 • Applies to all publicly funded providers and teachers who deliver training through LSC funding. This includes further education colleges, sixth form colleges, offender learning, community learning and development and work based learning. • It is anticipated that other training providers will want their staff to gain qualifications that are recognised in the sector. LSC contracts are linked to staff being appropriately qualified • Inspection and self- assessment procedures will be used to ensure compliance. OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
The PTLLS qualifications Initial Award for all teachers (Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector) • Minimum level 3 • Mandatory 6 credits • Requires minimum 60 hours of study- 30 hours (minimum) contact and 30 hours (minimum) directed study • Free standing or ‘embedded’ as beginning of a certificate or diploma course • On starting the course trainees register with the Institute for Learning (If. L) • Up to one year to complete PTLLS • Successful completion leads to a ‘threshold licence to practice’ OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
The PTLLS Qualifications continued. Every candidate must have: • an initial assessment of literacy, numeracy and ICT needs and a plan to address the needs(the minimum core). • an Individual Learning Plan (to include the plans to address the minimum core) • one hour of observed practice – can be micro-teaching. • mentoring support. OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (CTLLS) For teachers in the associate teacher role, CTLLS: § Is a Level 3 or Level 4 award § Comprises of mandatory units totalling 18 credits with a minimum of another 6 credits from selected optional units. ( Certificate can include a maximum of 36 credits. NB: Rules of combination apply) § Requires at least a level 3 qualification in the specialist teaching area (exceptional circumstances can apply) § Requires trainees to undertake at least 30 hours of teaching practice § Requires a minimum number of 3 assessed teaching observations totalling a minimum of 3 hours. Any single observation must be at least half an hour. § Excludes observations completed for the PTLLS award. OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
CTLLS continued Teaching practice for regulated roles must take place in one or more of the following settings: § Teachers of Skills for Life must be observed by a Skills for Life specialist § Mentoring to support the area of specialism • All centre-devised optional units must be submitted to LLUK for approval and inclusion in a national bank of optional units (OCR can assist centres if it considers the unit to be of value to the sector) • Coverage of the minimum core must be within the Planning and Enabling Learning Unit • Achievement of the award entitles a teacher to apply for the status of Associate Teacher, Learning and Skills (ATLLS), from the If. L. OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
Diploma in teaching in the lifelong learning sector (DTLLS) For teachers in the full teacher role, DTLLS: • Is offered at a minimum of level 5 • Is a 120 credit award (50% of which can be offered at level 4) • Requires part one units be delivered before part 2 units. • Requires the trainee teacher to undertake at least 150 hours of teaching practice • Requires a minimum of 8 observations totalling a minimum of 8 hours. Any single observation must be a minimum of one half hour. These must not include those completed for PTLLS • Requires at least a level 3 qualification in the specialist teaching area (exceptional circumstances can apply) • Requires Teachers of Skills for life must be observed by a Skills for life specialist • Requires Mentoring to support the area of specialism OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
DTLLS continued • All centre devised optional units must be submitted to LLUK for approval and inclusion in the national bank of optional units. (OCR can assist centres if it considers the unit to be of value to the sector) • Rules of combination for the optional units apply • A teacher can apply to the If. L for the status of Qualified teacher, Learning and Skills Sector (QTLLS) once they have: ü achieved this award ü completed a period of professional formation ü have evidence to prove the achievement of at least level 2 personal skills in literacy, language, numeracy and ICT. OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
Responding to the sector’s need The new qualifications framework recognises the career pathways of teachers in the sector and employers' needs: • sets out the roles and responsibilities of an ‘associate teacher’ and a full teacher (an associate teacher is not a learning support assistant. There will be separate qualifications for learning support staff from September 2008) • encourages the development of optional units that reflect the needs of the sub sectors within the further education sector. This will enable training to be contextualised. The ‘one size fits all’ approach should come to an end • introduces a credit and transfer agreement. This should enable trainees and employers to build their qualifications with providers who can respond to their needs. It applies to all providers of initial teacher training in the sector OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
Responding to the sector’s needs (continued) • 1 credit equals ten hours of work. The general guidelines are that five hours should be taught and five hours based on self supported study, thus ensuring consistency across the awards. • Agreed that a trainee can take up to one year from the date of appointment to achieve the initial award and five years from the date of appointment to complete the certificate or diploma • Agreed that for existing staff who wish to apply to the If. L for ATLS or QTLS there arrangements being developed for APL/APEL and a tariff of legacy qualifications. This tariff will include overseas qualifications. These arrangements will enable the identification of the ‘gaps’ that exist in an individual’s existing qualifications and training so they know what more they must do to achieve ATLS or QTLS § OCR has provided documentation that maps existing FE qualifications to the new standards for APL purposes • Provides a range of pathways that have been developed for Skills for Life teachers. OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
The impact of the reforms • The 2002 -2003 Ofsted inspection survey of initial teacher training for the further education sector identified a number of weaknesses in provision • Equipping or Teachers for the future was the Df. ES response to the inspection report. It was produced after extensive consultation with the sector. It set out the need for a ‘step change’ in the quality of initial teacher training for the sector as a whole. This would include all providers who were funded by the LSC to ensure that all learners in the sector are taught and trained by appropriately qualified teachers. • The impact of the reforms will be monitored by the inspection process using the inspection framework for initial teacher training. OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
OCR’s Response to the New Standards and their implications • The development of coherent programmes of study for the award. • Comprehensive guidance for Centres and trainee teachers. • A range of teaching and learning materials with clear links to learning outcomes, assessment criteria, Goldust resources and materials developed directly by OCR. • Support from experienced professional staff. OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications
For further information and advice OCR dedicated website: www. lifelonglearning. ocr. org. uk LLUK Information and Advice: www. lifelonglearninguk. org Institute for Learning: www. ifl. ac. uk OCR Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Qualifications