Оборот “be going + to + Infinitive” Как один из способов выражения будущего действия
В английском языке имеется несколько способов выражения будущего действия. Например: времена глагола группы Future – Future Simple, Future Progressive, Future Perfect). Одним из таких способов является также оборот “be going +to + Inf”. Особенность употребления Оборота: он употребляется, когда говорящий связывает будущее действие с тем, что уже происходить в настоящем.
Эта связь проявляется в 2 х случаях: • Говорящий высказывается о будущем действии как о вытекающем из уже имеющихся условий или признаков того, что действие произойдет • Говорящий высказывается о будущем действии как о вытекающем из принятого решения или имеющегося намерения
Примеры на 1 й случай: Please, hold me! I’m going to fall!
It’s going to be a long and rather difficult way.
He is giong to be a great pianist, isn’t he?
Примеры на 2 й случай: I’m giong to say a few words about our new work.
How long are you giong to stay here?
He isn’t going to give up tennis!
Переводится Оборот несколькими разными способами: 1) русский глагол (в будущем времени) + «сейчас» 2) «собираться, намереваться» + русский глагол (в неопределенной форме) 3) русский глагол (просто в будущем времени)
Глаголы GO и COME в Обороте • Эти глаголы реже других сочетаются с Оборотом • Они употребляются в форме Continuous для выражения действия, запланированного и подготовленного для совершения в будущем • We’re giong to theatre tonight. • A Canadian hockey team is coming to Moscow.
Оборот в Пассивном залоге: • Данный оборот также может употребляться в Passive Voice. • MODEL: am/is/are + going + to + be + V 3//ed She is going to be married soon. These trees are going to be cut down the day after tomorrow. I am going to be taught some new disciplines this semester.
В высказываниях о будущих действиях с этим Оборотом могут быть употреблены следующие обстоятельства времени: • • • • This (afternoon, evening) Tonight Tomorrow (morning, night) The day after tomorrow In a few (minutes, hours, days) In a week = in a week’s time In (2) months + in two months time In a year + in a year’s time Next (week, month, year, time) Soon Some day In the next few (days, weeks, months) In the near(est) future On these days
МОДЕЛЬ 1 The operation is going to be performed now.
This animal’s body temperature is going to become steady.
The lungs are going to receive fresh supply of oxygen at now.
Milk nutrients are going to be digested soon.
The horse is going to be made clean this evening.
This swine is nit going to be slaughtered tomorrow.
Avitaminosis’s in cattle going to be treated easily.
Tallow is not going to be converted into candle wax nowadays.
These bones are going to be ground in a few minutes.
The glucose rate is giong te increase in an hour.
This dog’s marked restlessness is going to give away one of these days.
Hay for her she-goats is ging to be drained in the sun.
This bull is not going to be crippled this afternoon!
This cow’s respiration is going to increase in a few minutes.
МОДЕЛЬ 2 The veterinarian is going to examine the animal’s skin injuries now.
The veterinarian is going to measure the animal’s body temperature
The veterinary surgery students are going to learn all the names of animal organ systems.
He is not going to cure cold-blooded animals.
This surgeon is going to open the animal’s chest.
She is going to sew up the animal’s abdomen.
We are going to get a new drug.
They ‘re going to make a calf blood test.
A mastitis therapy program’s going to be starter soon.
Kidney diseases’re going to be treated well.
The milker’s going to clean the cow’ udder before milking.
These animals arent’ going to be slaughtered the next day.
The future veterinery surgeons’re going to controle and prevent animal diseases.
МОДЕЛЬ 3 Parasites’re going to be revealed of.
Bacteria are going to migrate about the animal’s body causing infection.
Toxins are going to prevent the animal from living normally.
Visible changes are going to occur in an animal’s behaviour.
The sympthoms of a disease are going to be recognized.
This disease of livestock is giong to affect man.
An outbreak of tuberculosis is going to occur.
REstrictions on the movement of livestock are going to be imposed.
The animal’s wounds are going to be cleaned and disinfected.
Streptococcal mastitis in dairy cows is going to disappear in several years.
No germs are going to enter the milk cannery.
This animal’s going to receive veterinarian help.
Antibiotics are going to inactivate the toxins of these bacteria.
Recovering from a disease is going to occur.
МОДЕЛЬ 4 The veterinary surgery graduate is going to the private clinic.
The herd is going to the infected field!
The laboratory workers are giong to a rabies enzootic area!
A veterinarian is going to a swine quarantined group.
A graduate is coming to his graduation practice.
She is coming to dry off a cow.
The bull is coming to block where the surgical operations will be held.