Obesity among 4 -5 course students at the University of after name S. J Asfendiyarov. • Performed: General Practitioner interns 09 - 606 -3 group Almaty 2014
The purpose of the study. • To study the prevalence of overweight and obesity in 4 -5 course students of the medical school , to identify their particular eating behaviors and attitudes toward excess weight.
Materials and methods. • Materials and methods. A examined of 50 medical students : 20 students enrolled at the 4 course ( 13 women and 7 men , mean age was (21 ± 1, 4 years) , 30 students - 5 courses (20 girls and 10 boys, mean age - 22 ± 1 8 years). The choice is examined by the groups surveyed varying degrees of awareness of the impact of overweight on health. To solve the problems , we developed a "Questionnaire related to the health of the subject , " which included a family history in terms of excess body weight, past illnesses , regular physical activity, bad habits , balanced diet. All surveyed measured body weight , height, waist circumference , which is calculated on the basis of body mass index ( BMI) , the index waist / hip (BMI) , examined the level of blood pressure.
The results showed, that 25 ± 4, 3% of the ВМI (students have body mass index) higher than 25 kg / m 2 , including obesity ( BMI ≥ 30 kg / m 2) was found in 7 ± 2, 5%, which is comparable to the prevalence of obesity among students. The greatest number of students are overweight , study 4 (15 ± 3, 6%) and 5 course (10 ± 3% ) at 1 year of students with overweight and obesity have been identified. Students 4 courses of overweight had a mixed type of fat deposits , ITB young men did not exceed 0. 9 , the girls - 0. 8. On the 5 th year 50% of students are overweight identified the type of abdominal fat deposits , and abdominal obesity have been accompanied by arterial hypertension. Despite the fact that among the 1 st year students are not identified persons who are overweight , 20 % believe their mass excess , on 4 course - 25 , 6 -10 % (and none of them has overweight ). An interesting fact is that 47. 5% of 1 st year students limit themselves to food intake , 4 and 6 , respectively, 22. 5 and up to date 20% of students.
Among students with overweight and obesity , according to their weight excess of only 50 , the other 50 % of the students do not consider their excess weight and are not interested in changing lifestyles. Thus, the prevalence of overweight among medical students is comparable to the prevalence of overweight among students of the Medical University. Medical knowledge of the pathogenesis of many non-communicable diseases , a risk factor for obesity that is , do not have sufficient impact on students' motivation overweight to a change in lifestyle. The basis of weight gain are not only endocrine- metabolic disorders , but also neuromediatory CNS dysfunction , psychological disorders. Externalities eating behavior is manifested in an increased response of the patient than on internal homeostatic incentives to food intake ( blood glucose levels , the concentration of free fatty acids in the blood , stomach fullness , etc. ) , and to external stimuli , such as a table set , advertising evyh products, etc.
Students are facing obesity ? ! • According to recent research , the risk of weight gain in students who refuse breakfast and lunch in favor of dinner , many times higher than their peers , preferring regular food. Young body while ignoring breakfast experiencing power failure. . . and getting fatter. Where is the exit?
Сauses • Nervous tension, session , sandwiches , fast food and soda , and even clubs and nightlife. . . All this - inherent attributes of the student life , which on one side of the body require a lot of energy and strength , on the other hand are key factors in increasing the weight. Thus, according to a large study conducted in the US from 1999 to 2014, revealed a sharp increase in body mass index (BMI) in adolescents - for the past 10 years, the average BMI increased from 22 to 24. 5 kg / m 2.
Recommendations • It is impossible to change the rhythm of life of modern students, it is possible only to make an effort influence on their food behavior that is based on an irregular feed and use of plenty of "empty" calories. So, according to the last research among students, it was educed, that 47, 7% of young people skip breakfast, here 78, 4% youths and 81, 1% girls are tested power insufficiency. And the whole series of European and American researches confirm that ignoring of breakfast results students not in reduction of index of body, but as one times weight vice versa, to his increase.
Recommendations - Traditionally breakfast is the very important constituent of daily ration, especially for schoolchildren and students. In fact their activity is related to the enhanceable mental loading. It is well-proven that exactly ignoring of breakfast negative character affects on the state of memory, perception of new information and general progress. Thus, it is necessary not simply to breakfast, and breakfasting is correct. Young youths and girls need to begin a day with difficult carbohydrates, that is contained in cereals, vegetables and fruit and, certainly, squirrel. It is important to breakfast at first o'clock after awakening.
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Fundamentals of proper breakfast student: 1. Breakfast should include protein, It allows to increase the feeling of satiety and hunger dull during the day, say nutritionists University of Missouri (USA ) Breakfast of protein products may be the best way to regulate appetite and prevent overeating throughout the day , experts say. An example of a useful protein breakfast can be chicken eggs , a sandwich with boiled or baked meat with vegetables and herbs , natural cottage cheese or yogurt.
Fundamentals of proper breakfast student: • 2. Basis of a hearty breakfast - complex carbohydrates , which allow longer not feel hunger , for a long time, provide energy , as well as fiber, vitamins and minerals. Products number one in this category - cereals. Kaша - a necessary attribute of breakfast and democratic value of oatmeal makes them accessible to anyone, even the finest student wallet.
Fundamentals of proper breakfast student: • 3. The second breakfast or snack at recess need and those who are confined to the morning cup of coffee and those who are full breakfast , is not it hard to resist when there are sounds tempting crunch biscuits and crisps . STOP! Snack can also be helpful and do not require additional time to prepare. The choice is very wide: fruit, bread , yogurt and nuts.
Advice from experts • If there is no strength to get up 20 minutes earlier to cook porridge usual , you can use oatmeal noodles (time not longer than to make a cup of tea or coffee ). Kаша contain berries and fruits , as well as vitamin and mineral complex. A Kисель also contain coffee or base and does not require a milk or juice for cooking. If we abandon the sweet is not possible, and the balance is not quite show the desired results, you can try to sweet harmony. This muesli bars , which contain useful cereals , fruits and berries - with a choice of apple and flax seed , blueberry and lutein , with fennel and green tea.