- Количество слайдов: 22
§ 1. [(j) u: ] is represented by the. Letter u both in accented and unaccented syllables 1) in initial position, when it forms a syllable by itself (a), and in medial position, when it is at the end of open non final syllables (b): Urg’uli va urg’usiz bo’g’inda “u” harfi orqali [ju: ] tovushi ifodalanadi, 1 vaziyatda “u” ning o’zi bo’g’in hosil qiladi va o’rta vaziyatda qachonki u oxirgi bo’lmagan ochiq b’og’inda [ju: ] bo’ladi. 2
a) unity [`ju: nəti] – birlashmoq union [`ju: niən] – uyushma uvula [ju: vjula] – a’zo usual [`ju: 3 l] – odatiy unite [ju: nait] – birlashmoq unique [ju: ni: k] – yagona utensil [ju: tensl] – idish – tovoq unanimous [ju: næniməs] – hamfikr 3
b) duty [dju: ti] – burch truly [tru: li] – chin, rost fuel [fju: əl] – yoqilg’i cruel [kruəl] – zolim fusion [`fju: 3 n] – birlashish future [`fju: t∫əl(r)] – kelajak humor [hju: mə(r)] – hazil rumor [rju: mə(r)] – mish museum [mju: ziəm] – muzey supreme [su: `pri: m] – oily, yuqori judicial [d 3 u: di∫l] – sud qarori municipal [mju: `nisipl] – shaharga qarashli 4
Note that “u” is final in menu and flu (short for influenza). 2) in medial position, in closed syllables if the consonant closing the syllable is represented by a consonant letter which is followed by silent e (“u+a consonant let ter + silent e” pattern): O’rtada kelganda yopiq bo’g’inda ovozsiz “e” bilan kelgan yopiq undosh harf orqali ifodalanadi. 5
MONOSYLLABLES cube [kju: b] – kub tube [tju: b] – quvur rude [ru: d] – qo’pol crude [kru: d] – ishlanmagan jute [d 3 ju: t] – yut qabilasi flute [flu: t] – fleyta mute [mju: t] – xira, past brute [bru: t] – berahim POLYSYLLABLES amuse [əmju: z] – kuldirmoq excuse [ikskju: z] – bahona refuse [`refju: s] – norozilik produce [prədju: s] – yalintirmoq perfume [p 3: fju: m] – xushbo’y execute [eksi`kju: t] – qatl etmoq institute [`institju: t] – institut attribute [ə`tribju: t] – ishonmoq useful [ju: sfl] – foydali rudely [ru: dili] – yoqimsiz hugeness [hju: d 3 ns] – ulkanlik tuneless [tju: nləs] – ohangsiz, jim 6
In truth u stands for [u: ] in the closed accented syllable ending in a consonant represented by a digraph. “truth” da [u: ] yopiq urg’uli bo’ginda so’z undosh bilan tugab diagraf orqali ifodalanadi. Letter combination “ew” In final position, mainly at the end of monosyllables (a), in their derivatives and inflexional forms (b), and in medial position, in a limited number of root words (c): 7
a) jew [dju: ] – yahudiy dew [tsu: ] – shabnam flew [flu: ] – uchmoq chew [t∫u: ] – chaynamoq crew [kru: ] – komanda screw [skru: ] – mix pew [pju: ] – skameyka mew [mju: ] – miyovlamoq knew [nju: ] – bilmoq slew [slu: ] – urib o’ldirmoq nephew [nefju: ] – jiyan curfew [k 3: fju: ] – komendant soati 8
b) dewy [`dju: i] – nam newly [nju: li] – yaqindagi mewing [mju: ing] – miyovlamoq Jewish [`d 3 u: i∫] – Jo’xut c) pewter [`pju: tə] – qalay shrewd [∫ru: d] – fahmi o’tkir jewel [`d 3 u: əl] – qimmatbaho tosh ew for [ju: ] is initial only in ewe and ewer. ew harf brikmasi asosan 1 bo’g’inli sozlarning oxorida keladi. Ularning o’zgarish shakllari va o’rtada kelganda so’zning o’zagini chegaralab beradi. Izoh: faqat ewe va ewer so’zlarida “ew” so’zning boshida kelgan. 9
Letter combination “ue” In final position, at the end of monosyllables (a) and polysyllables (b), and in their derivatives and inflexional forms before suffixes beginning with a consonant (c): 10
a) blue [blu: ] – ko’k flue [flu: ] – pux clue [klu: ] – kalit glue [glu: ] – yelim rue [rju; ] – tavba qilish true [tru: ] – rost cue [kju: ] – ishora due [dju: ] – keraklisi 11
b) c) imbue [imbju: ] – tus bermoq imbrue [imbrju: ] – dog’ tushirish pursue [pəsju: ] – taqib qilmoq construe [kenstru: ] – tahlil qilish issue [i∫u: ] – son(gazeta, jurnal) statue [siæt∫u: ] – haykal value [vælju: ] – boshlamoq avenue [ævənju: ] – shoh ko’cha glues [glu: s] – yelim blueness [blu: ns] – ko’mko’klik rueful [ru: ful] – g’amgin clueless [klu: ns] – kalitsiz 12
Izoh: Bir bo’g’inli va ko’p bo’g’inli so’zlarning oxiroda va ularning undosh harf bilan boshlanadigan suffiksdan oldin so’z hosil qilish va o’zgartirish shakllarida ishlatiladi. Note: Arque and other verbs ending in –ue lose the final silent e before –ed according to the rule; the vowel letter of the suffix takes its place and thus preserves the grapheme of the initial form unchanged: argue+ed— argued. Agar –ue bilan tugagan so’zlarda “u” mavjud bo’lsa masalan –arque va boshqa so’zlarda qoidaga ko’ra –ed dan oldin so’ngi –e tushib qo’ladi. Suffiksning so’ngi harfi –e o’rnini egallaydi va 1 formaning grafemasi o’zgarmay qoladi. Masalan: arque + ed = arqued. 13
Letter combination eu is written mainly in borrowings from Greek, Latin and French, in initial (a) and medial position (b): “eu” harf brikmasi asosan 1 va 2 bo’g’inlarda grek, lotin va fransuzchadan so’zlar tarkibida uchraydi. a) euphony [`ju: fəni] – xush ovoz euphemism [`ju: fəmizəm] – efimizm eucalyptus [ju: kə`liptəs] –ekvalipt 14
b) feud [fju: d] – nizo feudal [`fju: dl] – feodal neutral [`nju: trəl] – neytral neuter [`nju: tə(r)] – bichmoq deuce [dju: s] – dyus sleuth [slu: o] – skotch pseudonym [`sju: dənim] – taxallus pneumonia [nju: `məuniə] – pnevmaniya rheumatism [`ru: mətizəm] – revmatizm neurotic [njuə`rotik] – nevroz pneumatic [nju: mætik] – pnevmatik leukocytes [`lu: kəsait] – leykotsit 15
Letter combination ui is written in medial position, in the following words and their derivatives: bruise [bru: z] – ko’kartirmoq cruise [kru: z] – sayohat qilmoq fruit [fru: t] – meva juice [d 3 u: s] – sharbat suit [su: t] – kostyum pursuit [pəsju: t] – taqib recruit [ri`kru: t] – yangi askar nuisance [`nju: sns] – kongilsizlik ui harf birikmasi quyidagi so’zlarda va ularni hosil bo’lishida o’rta pozitsiyada yozilgan. 16
Letter combination 00 represents [u: ] in medial position, in closed accented syllables of a great number of words, mainly before a single consonant represented by a single letter (a), and at the end of a limited number of words (b): a) cool [ku: l] – salqin tool [tu: l] – asbob, uskuna noon [nun: n] – peshin foolish [fu: lis] – axmoq balloon [bə`lu: n] – havo shari cartoon [ka: tu: n] – multfilm honeymoon [`hΛnimu: n] – asal oyi 17
b) too [tu: ] – ham woo [wu: ] – erishmoq moo [mu: ] – molning marashi coo [ku: ] – muloyim zoo [zu: ] – zoopark shoo [∫u: ] – hayvonlarga nisbatan taboo [tə`bu: ] – man qilingan cuckoo [kuku: ] – kakku tattoo [tə`tu] – tatuirovka bamboo [bæm`bu: ] – bambuk shampoo [∫əm`pu: ] – shampun kangaroo [kænggə`ru: ] – kenguru Note that oo for [u: j is initial in ooze, its derivatives and inflexional forms. ooze so’zida [u: ] birinchi keladi, qo’shimchali shakllari ham bor 18
Letter o. stands for [u: ] in the following words, their derivatives and inflexional forms: o harfi quyidagi so’zlarda [u: ] bo’lib o’qiladi. do [du: ] – bajarmoq to [tu: ] – ichki tomonga move [mu: v] – ko’chmoq lose [lu: z] – yuqotmoq prove [pru: v] – isbotlamoq improve [impru: v] – yahshilanmoq tomb [tu: m] – qabr womb [wu: m] – bachadon two [tu: ] – ikki who [hu: ] – kim whose [hu: z] – kimning reprove [ri`pru: v] – xayfsan e’lon qilish whom [hu: m] – kimni 19
Letter combination “ou” is written at the end of the word you and in medial position, mainly in the words of French origin: youth [ju: ] – yoshlik uncouth [Λn`ku: o] – yoqimsiz wound [wu: nd] – jaroxat douche [du: ∫] – dush route [ru: t] – yo’nalish routine [ru: ti: n] – belgilangan tartib rouble [ru: bl] – pul souvenir [su: bə`niə(r)] – suvenir soup [su: p] – sho’rva group [gru: p] – guruh troupe [tru: p] – truppa rouge [ru: 3] – lab bo’yog’i coupe [ku: pei] – kupe coupon [ku: pon] – kupon Rare Spellings: shoe, canoe; through; beauty; queue. 20
Exercise 3. Copy the words given under on, eu, ui, o, and Rare Spellings, look up those you don't know in the dictionary and practice spelling both these words and their derivatives. euphony – euphemism, euphonic sleuth – sleuth hound pneumatic – pneumonia glues – gluly sluice – gate reprove – reproof (hayfsan) rouge – rough – cast – rough – house rue – ruefully 21
Exercise 8. Write the proper homophone. 1. That rose has no [root]: it will soon droop. 2. There are two; [route]s by which you may do that tour. 3. The wind [blew] the boy's cap. 4. The youth got tired of his job and [throw] away. 5. It is truly delightful to travel [through] the Urals. 6. Two [too] birds rose up and [flew] away. 7. Helen suddenly fell ill. The doctor said that it was the [flu: ]. 8 Soon the [two] [new] students on duty [knew] that [new]s [two]. 9. The tulips are wet with the morning [dew]. 10. The train is [deu] in Moscow at 11 p. m. Exercise 9. Write the Past Tense form of the verbs: Fly, slay, grow, draw, throw, blow, know. Flew, slew, grew, drew, threw, blew, knew. 22