o t. D a ! h ? W ow a: Kn re o K ou Y
Where in the world is Korea? Korea is on the continent of Asia. It is near China and Japan.
Some things you may not know about Korea: - The capitol of Korea is Seoul. - The population of Korea is estimated to be 22, 928, 040 people. - People have been living in Korea for at least 10, 000 years. - Korea is approximately 222, 154 square kilometers ( about the size of Britain. )
Korean is the official language. The Korean alphabet is Hangeul
In 1950 the communists in the North invaded the South sparking the beginning of the Korean war. The war went on until 1953 and more than 2. 5 million people from Korea, China, America as well as many other countries died. The war has never officially ended and the countries are still divided today.
What kinds of clothes do Koreans wear?
Today, people in Korea dress just like you or me.
But sometimes they wear very special clothes…
What do Koreans eat?
They eat some food just like us…
They also have all sorts of food that you may not know. Bibimbap Samgyeytang- Chicken soup with ginseng Tooth fish! Korean barbeque Korean Hot Pot
Korean Mask Dance The Korea mask dance started in ancient times by the shamans to celebrate things such as planting and harvesting. It was also believed to please goddesses and keep away evil spirits. Today it is used for entertainment. Each dance tells a story.
안녕히 가세요 (that means “good-bye” in Korean!)