- Количество слайдов: 14
Ø Please sign up for a conference in the hallway and take a reminder slip. Ø If you choose, sign up to be a guest reader. Ø Leave your child a special note in their desk with the provided paper.
Mrs. Nesic’s Class Gardiner Elementary School Room 1
. • Born and raised in beautiful Burton Ohio. She attended Berkshire High School and Graduated in 1982. • Graduated from Bowling Green State University with a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education in 1986. • Graduated from John Carroll University with a Master’s degree in Reading in 1995. • Began teaching in Vermont as a 1 st and 2 nd grade combined teacher. • Returned to Ohio and started in Kenston in 1988. • Started the Looping program in Kenston and is ending a 4 th loop. • Lives in Reminderville, Ohio, with her husband 3 sons.
2 nd grade at a glance ¡ ¡ Language Arts – Spelling, Phonics, Reading, Writing - WOW – Mrs. Swanson - Begin cursive writing in Jan. Math – Addition & Subtraction 0 -18, regrouping, timed tests -Geometry (2 D & 3 D), data analysis, algebra, number sense/operations Science – Changes over time, Solids/Liquids/Gas, Energy & motion, Life cycles Social Studies – New Curriculum and new S. S. series this year. Focus on Citizenship, rules, Biographies of famous people in history, etc.
Specials Schedule • Monday – Gym 9: 35 -10: 20 • Tuesday – Computer 10: 40 -11: 30 • Wednesday – Music 10: 40 -11: 40 • Thursday – Art 10: 40 -11: 45 • Friday – Library 10: 40 -11: 30 Health (every other week 10: 30 -11: 00)
Our Sample Day • • • 8: 15 -8: 50 – Journals/Check in/Attendance 8: 50 -9: 00 – Bathroom break 9: 00 -9: 15 – Morning Meeting 9: 15 -9: 45 – Word Block 9: 45 -10: 30 – Guided Reading Block 10: 30 -11: 30 - Specials 11: 30 -11: 50 – Writing Block 11: 50 -12: 45 – Recess & Lunch 12: 45 -1: 10 – DEAR time 1: 10 -1: 40 – Math 1: 45 – 2: 45 – Science and Social Studies 2: 45 -3: 05 – Homework/Prepare for dismissal
Your child will have approximately 30 -40 minutes of homework Monday –Thursday. We fill out an assignment notebook each day with the homework listed. There will be approximately 10 minutes of math practice, 10 minutes of spelling practice, and 1020 minutes of reading. In second grade, the children will be part of the 100 minutes of reading club. Each week, every student is responsible for and expected to read at least 100 minutes. The reading can be done in a book of choice by the child (but should be an appropriate reading level). A chart will come home every Friday. It will be due the following Friday. Students are responsible for filling out the minutes read each day. Parents must sign the chart before it comes back to school. Please keep in mind that this is a gradelevel assignment and it will part of your child’s reading grade. Stickers will be given as the charts are turned in completed. Homework is to be turned in the following day and the assignment notebooks must be signed or initialed by a parent each night. Thank you for helping your child take responsibility for completing his/her homework.
Your child will bring the jar when it is his/her turn to decorate the show and tell board. Please put a random amount of inexpensive items in the jar (i. e. cotton balls, cereal, wrapped candy, etc. ). Keep in mind that if the items are eatable, please put enough in for the entire class. We will estimate the number of items in the jar throughout the week and check our accuracy on Friday. Estimation is a skill in our curriculum. Estimation Station ¡ ¡ How many?
Snack This year many of us are adjusting to being at school all day. We eat lunch at 11: 50. It is a long span between breakfast and lunch. Therefore, I feel it would be appropriate to have a midmorning snack. I have provided a small, healthy snack for each child since the first day of school. I would like to ask you to send in a SMALL, HEALTHY snack that is enough for 25 children on the first day of each month. (I will send a reminder slip) I will store them in the room and pass a snack out each day. This works well so that children don’t have to remember to bring a snack each day. Some ideas include: crackers, pretzels, dry cereal, granola bars, or any other “easy to store” food you choose. We eat while we work so keep in mind that messy foods aren’t the best choice.
Show and Tell Board • Each week, one student will be responsible for decorating the board. • Items can be brought it and hung on the board to display during the week. • Student decorate the board on Monday and tell about it on Friday. • All items must fit on the board and be able to be hung. Items such as awards, pictures, wrappers from favorite foods, fabric, art, etc. are possibilities. Show and Tell!
ü We listen to music throughout the day. We sing and dance too! ü We celebrate birthdays on or near the child’s special day. If you’d like, please send in an individual snack for each child to enjoy! ü We will be doing lots of fun activities with Mrs. Nagaj’s class. ü We will have a guest reader each week, so please don’t forget to sign up (parents, grandparents, etc). ü We love to have parent volunteers to help us by working with children, copying, and other exciting jobs. If you are interested in sharing your time with us, please fill out the form inside of your packet and return it to me. ü We will be going to theater in October for a field trip. ü Standardized Tests we take this year: Off-Grade Proficiency and Diagnostics
More 2 nd Grade Topics • Teaching independence and responsibility. Movement toward being able to solve problems and complete assignments independently. • Assignment Notebook – new this year. • Cursive Writing to begin in January. • We switch teachers for Science & Social Studies. • Team Teaching reading with Mrs. Croft.
• Class newsletter will come home every Friday to keep you up to date on what we’ve been learning and other important information. • Brief notes/comments can be written in the assignment notebook. • E-mail Ke_nesic@lgca. org • Send in a note. Please keep in mind that we will try respond to your notes, emails, and/or phone calls as soon as possible. Gardiner Information: www. kenstonlocal. com
Before you go! Please take the time fill out the 3 X 5 index card on the corner of your desk with the following information: v Child’s name v Parent’s names v Address v Phone numbers (home, work, cell, etc) v E-mail address v Child’s birthday Thank you for coming! We’re looking forward to working with you and your children as a team in education!