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  • Количество слайдов: 48

Ø Places Where You Go Shopping Ø Ways You Go Shopping Ø Places Where You Go Shopping Ø Ways You Go Shopping

1 Places Where You Go Shopping 1 Places Where You Go Shopping

Places Where You Go Shopping Directions: Enjoy the following pictures and tell the names Places Where You Go Shopping Directions: Enjoy the following pictures and tell the names of these places where people usually buy what they need. Share with your partners your opinions on the favorite places where you go shopping.

Places Where You Go Shopping department store 百货公司 Places Where You Go Shopping department store 百货公司

Places Where You Go Shopping bazaar/grocery store 杂货店 Places Where You Go Shopping bazaar/grocery store 杂货店

Places Where You Go Shopping supermarket 超市 Places Where You Go Shopping supermarket 超市

Places Where You Go Shopping exclusive agency/franchised store 专卖店 Places Where You Go Shopping exclusive agency/franchised store 专卖店

Places Where You Go Shopping Sample 1 I prefer to go shopping in drug Places Where You Go Shopping Sample 1 I prefer to go shopping in drug stores. There are many such stores in the neighborhood so it is convenient for me to buy what I need, especially some daily necessities. What’s more, the prices of goods in such stores are reasonable.

Places Where You Go Shopping Sample 2 I prefer to go shopping in department Places Where You Go Shopping Sample 2 I prefer to go shopping in department stores. In such stores, nearly everything I need is available. In addition, the quality of the goods there is relatively high and shopping there always means enjoyment because of wide room and good service.

Places Where You Go Shopping Sample 3 I prefer to go shopping in exclusive Places Where You Go Shopping Sample 3 I prefer to go shopping in exclusive agencies. I’m always keen on goods of one certain brand if I find the goods of that brand are always suitable for me. Besides, I’m not good at bargaining. I feel it very comfortable for me to buy things at a fixed price because I needn’t bother to bargain.

2 Ways You Go Shopping 2 Ways You Go Shopping

Ways You Go Shopping Directions: Usually people go to some shops to purchase what Ways You Go Shopping Directions: Usually people go to some shops to purchase what they need. However, nowadays, as computers are becoming more and more popular, nearly everything is changing, including the way people go shopping. Besides the traditional way of doing shopping, can you find other ways? Which way do you prefer? And why? Share your opinions with your partners.

Ways You Go Shopping ★ Online Shopping Online shopping is becoming more and more Ways You Go Shopping ★ Online Shopping Online shopping is becoming more and more popular for a number of reasons; prices are often lower online, you don’t have to queue up in busy shops and you can buy almost any product imaginable with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Ways You Go Shopping ★ TV shopping Ways You Go Shopping ★ TV shopping

Ways You Go Shopping Sample 1 I prefer online shopping for a number of Ways You Go Shopping Sample 1 I prefer online shopping for a number of reasons; I spend less money online; I don’t have to queue up in crowded shops; and I can buy almost any product imaginable with just a few clicks of my mouse. There are many websites where I can do online shopping, for example, e. Bay and Amazon. com.

Ways You Go Shopping Sample 2 I prefer TV shopping since it is convenient, Ways You Go Shopping Sample 2 I prefer TV shopping since it is convenient, especially for those who seldom have time to go shopping. What’s more, I get more information about the goods I’m interested in while saving time, energy and money.

Ways You Go Shopping Sample 3 I prefer the traditional way of shopping since Ways You Go Shopping Sample 3 I prefer the traditional way of shopping since it is rather safe. Online shopping and TV shopping always make me frightened because I’m always afraid of falling into trouble and traps if I do online shopping and TV shopping.

Let’s Go Shopping! Let’s Go Shopping!

v. Which of the following pictures best describes your shopping habits? v. Which of the following pictures best describes your shopping habits?


A survey about shopping habits v Work in pairs and find out about each A survey about shopping habits v Work in pairs and find out about each other’s shopping habits by asking the following question: v Do you enjoy shopping? Why? v How often do you go shopping? v Where do you prefer to go for shopping? v Do you consider yourself an impulsive spender, or do you do much planning and make careful comparisons before buying things? Give reasons or examples to explain.

v Are you fond of shopping or do you hate shopping? Why? Possible answers: v Are you fond of shopping or do you hate shopping? Why? Possible answers: v I’m fond of shopping because… v It is relaxing. v It is a good exercise. v It can help me keep up with the fashion. v It can enhance interpersonal relationship and strengthen friendship.

v I hate shopping because… v It is time-consuming. v It encourages waste and v I hate shopping because… v It is time-consuming. v It encourages waste and extravagance. v It makes us spend money on some unnecessary things.

v How often do you go shopping? / What’s the frequency of your shopping? v How often do you go shopping? / What’s the frequency of your shopping? v Once a week. /Once a month. v Very often. v Once in a while. v Seldom. /Occasionally.

v Where do you prefer to go for shopping? v Supermarkets (hypermarket) v Department v Where do you prefer to go for shopping? v Supermarkets (hypermarket) v Department stores v Shopping malls or centers v Groceries/ general stores v Open-air market /flea market v Discount shops v Boutiques v On-line shops

v Do you consider yourself an impulsive spender, or do you do much planning v Do you consider yourself an impulsive spender, or do you do much planning and make careful comparisons before buying things? Give reasons or examples to explain.

Describe a department store: Which department is on each floor? v Children’s wear v Describe a department store: Which department is on each floor? v Children’s wear v Men’s wear v Women’s wear v Furniture v Electrical goods v Sporting goods v Luggage v Cashier v Restrooms v escalator

Role play v. A: You are an assistant working at the Information Desk of Role play v. A: You are an assistant working at the Information Desk of a department store. Your job is to provide information to customers. v. B: Think of three items that you’d like to buy in the department store. Ask where you can find each item.

Sample dialog v A: Can I help you? v B: Yes, I’m looking for Sample dialog v A: Can I help you? v B: Yes, I’m looking for a shirt for my husband. v A: Men’s wear is on the second floor next to the sporting goods department. v B: Great. I’m also looking for a TV. v A: Electrical goods department are on the third floor, next to the furniture department. You can take the escalator. v B: And where’s that? v A: Right next to hardware.

See if you can express the following messages in English: v 我想买副墨镜。 I’m looking See if you can express the following messages in English: v 我想买副墨镜。 I’m looking for a pair of sunglasses. v 你们这里有咖啡壶卖吗? Do you sell coffee boilers? v 您还需要什么别的吗? Can I get you anything else? v 我们这里毛衣的款式很多。 We have a very wide selection of sweaters.

v 这些都是新到的货/最新款的。 These are all new arrivals/ the latest fashion. v 您想要什么款式/颜色的呢? What style/color v 这些都是新到的货/最新款的。 These are all new arrivals/ the latest fashion. v 您想要什么款式/颜色的呢? What style/color do you have in mind? v 这里有您穿的码。您要试一下吗? Here is one your size. Would you like to try it on? v 请问试衣间在哪儿? Where is the fitting room?

v 您觉得这件怎么样?我觉得您穿很合身。 How do you like this one? I think it suits you well. v 您觉得这件怎么样?我觉得您穿很合身。 How do you like this one? I think it suits you well. v 这款很耐穿,而且不走形。 It wears well and keeps its shape. v 这款很衬您的肤色/身材。 It suits your complexion. /It shows your figure off nicely. v 我喜欢这个款式,但是颜色有点太亮了,这款有 深蓝色的吗? I like the style, but the color is a bit too loud/showy. Have you got this in dark blue?

v 不好意思,蓝色的买断货了。不过我们后天可能会进新货。 I’m sorry blue ones are out of stock. But we may get v 不好意思,蓝色的买断货了。不过我们后天可能会进新货。 I’m sorry blue ones are out of stock. But we may get a supply the day after tomorrow. v 原价是 400元,但是今天我们可以卖您 320元。我们今天打八折。 The normal price is 400 yuan, but you can have it v for 320 yuan. We offer a 20% discount. 好的,我买下了。你们收信用卡吗? OK, I’ll take it. Do you accept credit card?

Role play v A customer (A) is shopping for a shirt, but the salesperson Role play v A customer (A) is shopping for a shirt, but the salesperson (B) is too enthusiastic about showing the shirts on display. v A husband (A) is very impatient with his wife (B), who has spent a long time choosing new shoes. The salesperson (C) in the shop is very patient and helpful.

Bargaining For the buyer: v That’s too expensive/dear. I can’t afford it. v Sheer Bargaining For the buyer: v That’s too expensive/dear. I can’t afford it. v Sheer robbery! / It’s daylight robbery. v I don’t think it’s worth that much. v The price is not reasonable. v That seems a high price for a secondhand bicycle. v That’s more than I was thinking of giving. v Can it come down a bit? v Is it possible to lower the price a little more? v I’m sure you can do better than that.

For the seller: v It’s a real bargain. v 100 yuan, you can’t be For the seller: v It’s a real bargain. v 100 yuan, you can’t be wrong on that. v You won’t get a better buy than this one. v That’s our rock bottom price. / That’s almost cost price. v We are actually giving this away. v I can bring the price down to 30 yuan a piece, if you’re going to make a big purchase. v Well, 150 is the lowest I can afford to sell it for. That’s the best we can do. v The prices have already been reduced greatly.

v How much will you give for it? v How much would you like v How much will you give for it? v How much would you like it to be? v I will give you no more than 50 yuan. v You have to strike a balance, if you wish to get somewhere. v How about splitting the difference? v That sounds reasonable. v That’s more like it.

Role play: Campus flea market Role play: Campus flea market

decide (not) to do sth. …to go shopping …to do the/some shopping …to shop decide (not) to do sth. …to go shopping …to do the/some shopping …to shop o to buy … for sb. (me/her/him/them/myself/yourself/himself) o to buy sb. sth

Why…? = What …for? o need n. ----don’t need n. o need to do Why…? = What …for? o need n. ----don’t need n. o need to do n. -----don’t need to do n. o needn’t do sth (情态动词can、must、may) Where are they going? Which shop are you go to?

What kind of…/ which + n. /pron v the … with/without the … v What kind of…/ which + n. /pron v the … with/without the … v Which n. (one/ones) o Ask questions o I prefer the jeans with the stripes. o I will buy the ones over there. o The jeans on the left are made in Korea

Prons: one/ones/ another / the other it/them v try it/them on … v try Prons: one/ones/ another / the other it/them v try it/them on … v try on the clothes/this one/these ones

Prons: mine/yours/theirs myself/ourselves Alice: ______ My shoes are too small to wear. mine Tom Prons: mine/yours/theirs myself/ourselves Alice: ______ My shoes are too small to wear. mine Tom : so are ______(my/mine/it/they) ____ something anyting nothing S A: Do you need something fashionable for your son? Mrs: No, I don’t need anything for boys. I need something for my daughter. don’t You have nothing for girls, _____ you? 1 2 3

Will you take it/them? Why or why not? 2 This pair of jeans __ Will you take it/them? Why or why not? 2 This pair of jeans __ too loose/tight to wear. is are Jeans of this kind _____ the most fashionable this year. is The dress with the necklace ___ fantastic. is The videos as well as the discs ____ super. is This pair of trousers ___ too dirty. Could you show me another pair? 1 2 3

My shopping experience 1. Do you like shopping? Have you gone shopping with someone? My shopping experience 1. Do you like shopping? Have you gone shopping with someone? 2. When and where did you do the shopping? 3. Who did you do the shopping with? 4. What did you see and what did you buy? Did you try on some clothes? Did the clothes fit you? (Are they/Is it loose / tight/fashionable/expensive/) 5. How did you feel? 1 2 3

My shopping experience I like going shopping because it’s very interesting. I have gone My shopping experience I like going shopping because it’s very interesting. I have gone shopping with my mum. One Saturday, my mum took me to the shopping center in Xujiahui. There are many different cool clothes shops. I saw a lot of fashionable clothes for girl. Mum bought me a new pair of jeans, a Nike T-shirt and a pair of sports shoes. Mum needed to buy a new pair of shoes, so she tried on some shoes. But she didn’t buy them because she thought they were too expensive. But she bought a dress with the blue stripes. The dress fitted her very much. Later, she tried on a pair of trousers but they were too tight for her to wear so she didn’t buy them. We also bought a… for Dad. After shopping, we enjoyed delicious food in Tasty Food Restaurant. What a happy weekend we had! I hope when I grow up, I can buy my mum beautiful clothes.