O’BRIEN 2008, PG 137 - 140 Margaret J Meehan SUICIDE
SUICIDE Definition: The willful taking of one’s own life. Margaret J Meehan Some Facts. v The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 500, 000 people worldwide commit suicide annually. v In the USA suicide rates among 15 – 24 year olds have trebled since 1960.
v Women make about three times as many suicide attempts as men, but men are three times more likely to kill themselves. Margaret J Meehan These differences are due to: 1. A higher incidence of depression in women. 2. Men’s choice of more lethal methods (shooting hanging, jumping off buildings)
Motives: There appear to be two fundamental motives for suicide attempts. 1. The desire to end one’s life. 2. The desire to manipulate and coerce other people into doing what the suicidal person wants. 3. In one study 56% of suicide attempts were classified as having been motivated by the desire to die Margaret J Meehan A History of Sexual or physical abuse significantly increases the likelihood of later suicide attempts. Depression is one of the strongest predictors of suicide.
v Women who commit suicide have a relatively greater tendency to be motivated by failures in love relationships, where as men have a greater tendency to be motivated by failure of their occupations. Margaret J Meehan v The rate for both gender is higher among those who have been divorced or widowed.
Parasuicide Margaret J Meehay This is an attempt that does not end in death, often seen as a cry for help or an attempt to force other people to meet one’s needs.
An Irish Perspective ranks fifth highest in the EU for rates of youth suicide (14 -24 yrs). 20% of them may have mental health problems. v For every woman who commits suicide approximately four to five men will. Margaret J Meehay v Ireland
v Figures for 2003 showed that there were 12. 5 suicide deaths per 100, 000 of the population in Ireland. compares with 8. 5 in Northern Ireland, 9. 9 in England, 12 in Wales, and the highest was in Scotland at 15. 7 v Chambers (2005), research and resource officer of Ireland’s National Suicide Review Group, pointed out that among people in their 20’s or early 30’s the suicide rate was higher, 15. 7 deaths per 100, 000. Margaret J Meehan v These
See page 138 for Young Men’s Outlook on Life. Margaret J Meehan Useful Contacts. Aware: Helpline counseling service. 1890 303302 Samaritans: Helpline 1850 609090 Pieta House: Centre foe the Prevention of Self. Harm or Suicide. Tel: (01) 6010000