Ø Aim: To show qualities of face to face communication in business Ø Problem: The advantages and qualities of face-to-face communication in business Ø Objectives: 2. 1. To find out the advantages of face-to-face communication 2. 2. To demonstrate qualities of face-to-face communication in business 2. 3. To provide definitions the advantages and qualities of face-to-face communication in life and in business
ØIntroduction • Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, e-mail, or telephone calls. • why, despite the development of other types of communications the role of face-to-face communication is important?
ØThe advantages of face-to-face communication • With development different types of community like email, text, video conferences, face-to-face remains an important types of communication • Do you agree with the following statement?
• The attitude to you • express her emotion and attitude by using hundreds kinds of facial expression
persistence during a discussion ability Reflect yourself eye contact determination
• Body languages Face-to-face the words we speak actually account for less than 10% of the message that we convey, while body language accounts for more than half of our message
v. Qualities face-to-face communication in business • according to a 2009 Forbes Insights survey of more than 750 business professionals. In fact, eight out of 10 respondents said they preferred face-to-face meetings.
ØExchange confidential information • Face-to-face discussions allow those involved to establish parameters and determine an appropriate process for sharing confidential information
ØDevelop workplace relationships and team cohesiveness • The potential for developing relationships and team cohesiveness increases when there are opportunities for face-to-face interactions.
ØPrevent and resolve conflicts • The discussions can increase the likelihood of positive outcomes in preventing and resolving conflicts
ØGuard against overreliance on e-mail • Have sufficient opportunities for face-to-face interactions and alternative means of communicating
Ø Reach negotiated agreements • The ability to observe the reactions of involved parties is often a key factor in successful negotiations
ØMake decisions based on complex information • Face-to-face discussions can improve the quality of a decision that is based on complex information • While meetings are needed to accomplish these objectives, other options, such as telephone and e-mail, can play a follow -up role.
Conclusion • In summation, during a conversation or a meeting, the most important aspect is that people understand each others' emotion, attitude and feelings, and only face-to-face communication can provide this unique feature.
References • http: //www. bizjournals. com/bizjournals/how-to/humanresources/2012/08/face-to-face-communication-can-help. html? page=all • http: //www. cio. com/article/29898/The_Importance_of_Face_to_Face_Co mmunication_in_business • http: //www. essayforum. com/writing-feedback-3/face-facecommunication-better-than-other-types-29396/ • http: //www. ask. com/question/advantages-of-face-to-facecommunication