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FACTORY MEASURES Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter to 30 th Sept 2016) Target Cane FACTORY MEASURES Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter to 30 th Sept 2016) Target Cane Milled Tones of cane milled 217, 500 2 nd Quarter (1 st July Actual 194, 482. 8 (1 st Oct to 31 st Dec 2016) Variance Target Actual Variance (23, 017. 2) 217, 500 200, 053. 7 (17, 446. 3) Sugar Made Tones 21, 969. 7 17, 568 (4, 401. 7) 21, 969. 7 17, 040 (4, 929. 7) Recovery (Ratio) TC/TS 9. 90 11. 07 (1. 17) 9. 90 11. 74 (1. 84) % 86. 0 77. 25 (8. 75) 86. 0 78. 87 (7. 13) Factory Capacity Utilization

FACTORY MEASURES Measure Indicator Cumulative (1 st Target July to 31 st Dec 2016) FACTORY MEASURES Measure Indicator Cumulative (1 st Target July to 31 st Dec 2016) Actual Variance Cane Milled Tones of cane milled 435, 000 394, 536. 50 (40, 463. 50) Sugar Made Tones 43, 939 34, 608. 00 (9, 331. 40) TC/TS 9. 90 11. 40 (1. 50) Recovery (Ratio) Factory Capacity Utilization % 86. 0 77. 60 (8. 4) FTE % 88. 0 83. 52 (4. 48)

FACTORY MEASURES - Key challenges Lack of adequate cane for milling Milling of cane FACTORY MEASURES - Key challenges Lack of adequate cane for milling Milling of cane with low pol. i. e. 11. 77 against a target of 12. 50 for six months period ended 31 st December 2016. Poor performance by mud filters Boiler 3 Tube leaks Old pumps in the process house

FACTORY MEASURES- Way forward Taken corrective measures on the Boiler 3 tube leakages and FACTORY MEASURES- Way forward Taken corrective measures on the Boiler 3 tube leakages and expects a steady run on this boiler for some time and also initiated the process of rehabilitation to improve its inherent poor design. This will be accomplished during the next annual maintenance. Initiated procurement process for supply of mixed juice and mud filter, rehabilitation of two vacuum mud filters to restore performance of this station and improve efficiency. Developed action plan on pump replacement and key equipment restoration across the process house to eliminate pump leaks, restore recoveries and related efficiencies.

FIELD LEVEL MEASURES Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter (1 st July FIELD LEVEL MEASURES Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter (1 st July to 30 th Sept 2016) (1 st Oct to 31 st Dec 2016) Target Actual 3, 400 Variance Target 0 3, 400 Actual Variance Area under cane (N/E) Surface (Ha 3, 124 Area under cane (OG) Surface (Ha 21, 600 21, 376 (224) 21, 600 21, 057 (543) Surface (Ha Total Area under cane ( OG+N/E) 25, 000 24, 776 (224) 25, 000 24, 181 (819) (276)

FIELD LEVEL MEASURES Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter (1 st July FIELD LEVEL MEASURES Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter (1 st July to 30 th Sept 2016) (1 st Oct to 31 st Dec 2016) Target Actual Ratio Plant/ Ratoon (N/E) 30: 70 Ratio Plant/ Ratoon (OG) 30: 70 Plant/ Ratoon OG+N/E) ( Ratio Variance Target Actual 30: 70 23: 77 5: 95 30: 70 6: 94 9: 91 30: 70 8: 92 Variance

FIELD LEVEL MEASURES Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter (1 st July FIELD LEVEL MEASURES Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter (1 st July to 30 th Sept 2016) (1 st Oct to 31 st Dec 2016) Target TCH Yield (OG) TCH Overall Yield ( OG+N/E) TCH 79 67. 89 Actual Variance 79 Yield (N/E) Actual Variance Target 61. 90 (17. 10) (11. 11) 55 54. 67 (0. 33) 55 53. 88 (1. 12) 59 55. 76 (3. 24) 59 55. 37 (3. 63)

FIELD LEVEL MEASURES CANE VARIETY COMPOSITION CO 945 15. 26 19. 60 KEN 83 FIELD LEVEL MEASURES CANE VARIETY COMPOSITION CO 945 15. 26 19. 60 KEN 83 -737 5. 63 D 84 -84 New Varieties 57. 74 N 14 Old Variety CO 421 0. 96 KEN 82 -472 0. 47 CO 1148 0. 09 73% 27%

FIELD LEVEL MEASURES Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter (1 st July FIELD LEVEL MEASURES Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter (1 st July to 30 th Sept 2016) (1 st Oct to 31 st Dec 2016) Target Actual Variance 18 16 (2) Harvesting Age (OG) Mean age (months ) 18 18 0 Harvesting Age (N/E) Mean age (months ) 18 20 2 18 18 0 Average Harvesting Age (OG+ N/E) Mean age (months ) 18 19 (1) 18 17 (1)

FIELD LEVEL MEASURES Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter (1 st July FIELD LEVEL MEASURES Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter (1 st July to 30 th Sept 2016) (1 st Oct to 31 st Dec 2016) Target Feeder Roads Maintenance Kms Actual 147 80 Variance Target (67) 99 Actual Variance 80 (19)

FIELD LEVEL MEASURESchallenges Key There was a decline in area under cane in due FIELD LEVEL MEASURESchallenges Key There was a decline in area under cane in due to some cane going out of cycle The overall cane yield was lower due to dry spell, low mean age at harvest and harvesting of poor lowland fields to open space for planting Cane poaching.

FIELD LEVEL MEASURES- Way forward Procure fertilizer and herbicides on timely basis for application FIELD LEVEL MEASURES- Way forward Procure fertilizer and herbicides on timely basis for application to N/E and OG Plant more cane and improve yields. Regulator to formulate and enforce laws that will ensure fair playground by all millers to militate against poaching.

SOCIO - ECONOMIC Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter (1 st July SOCIO - ECONOMIC Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter (1 st July to 30 th Sept 2016) (1 st Oct to 31 st Dec 2016) Recomme nded by AFFA Compliance Varianc e 3, 554 Price of cane per Tone (Kes) Actual 3, 554 - Recommended by AFFA Oct 3, 800 Nov. – 3, 800 Dec. – 4, 200 Actual Oct. – 3, 800 Nov. – 3, 800 Dec. – 4, 200 Variance

SOCIO - ECONOMIC Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter (1 st July SOCIO - ECONOMIC Measure Indicator 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter (1 st July to 30 th Sept 2016) Target Farm Enterprise Diversification Ratio of cane to other crops Actual Varianc e 2: 1 (1 st Oct to 31 st Dec 2016) Target N/A 2: 1 Actual 2: 1 Variance N/A

COST OF PRODUCTION Measure Indicator Cumulative (1 st July to 31 st Dec 2016) COST OF PRODUCTION Measure Indicator Cumulative (1 st July to 31 st Dec 2016) Target Cost of Sugar Production Kes /Ton 78, 282 Actual 89, 160 Variance (10, 878)

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