Скачать презентацию NVK Dolinska gimnasium 3 From 7 -A Скачать презентацию NVK Dolinska gimnasium 3 From 7 -A


  • Количество слайдов: 23

NVK Dolinska gimnasium № 3 From 7 -A Teacher: Sheremet T. V. Pityuhina Elvira NVK Dolinska gimnasium № 3 From 7 -A Teacher: Sheremet T. V. Pityuhina Elvira 2014 -2015 p.

Dramas The theatre hall Tragedies The orchestra pit Theatre companies Goes up Beforehand A Dramas The theatre hall Tragedies The orchestra pit Theatre companies Goes up Beforehand A spectator The ticket booths Break into applause The ticket box offices The interval Opera glasses The lights go up

Dramas Dramas

Tragedies Tragedies

ket box offices The tic ket box offices The tic

The theatre hall The theatre hall

orch The a pit estr orch The a pit estr

The interval The interval

The lights go up The lights go up

Text Text

We have a beautiful in our city. It is a modern building situated not We have a beautiful in our city. It is a modern building situated not far from the city centre. The visitors can enjoy watching dramas, tragedies and comedies there. Sometimes , theatre companies from other cities or countries perform their opera and ballets on its stage.

The visitors usually buy tickets beforehand in the ticket booth or in the. ticket The visitors usually buy tickets beforehand in the ticket booth or in the. ticket box offices.

You can also take opera glasses there. After that you fallow your way to You can also take opera glasses there. After that you fallow your way to theatre hall.

The curtain is usually drawn and you can’t see scenery before the performance starts. The curtain is usually drawn and you can’t see scenery before the performance starts. The orchestra pit is next to the stage. This is where musicians sit and play the music.

The curtain goes up and you become a spectator. If the spectator enjoy the The curtain goes up and you become a spectator. If the spectator enjoy the performance, they break into applause.

The interval starts when the lights go up. The spectators leave their seats and The interval starts when the lights go up. The spectators leave their seats and go to the buffet where they can eat a cake and drink a glass of lemonade.