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NUSTAR 2 not well defined awaits GSI/FAIR beams to exploit UK-NUSTAR Secondary beam intensities at FAIR ♠ isotopes of all elements (0 Me. V/u < E < 2 Ge. V/u) ♥ ions with short lifetimes (>100 ns) ♣ isomeric beams ♦ storage rings
NUSTAR – The project Super-FRS RIB production, separation, and identification PSP Experiment Description 1. 2. 2 HISPEC/ DESPEC In-beam -spectroscopy at low and intermediate energy, n-decay, highresolution -, -, p-, spectroscopy 1. 2. 3 MATS In-trap mass measurements and decay studies 1. 2. 4 La. Spec Laser spectroscopy 1. 2. 5 R 3 B Kinematical complete reactions with relativistic radioactive beams 1. 2. 6 ILIMA Large-scale scans of mass and lifetimes of nuclei in ground and isomeric states 1. 2. 10 Super-FRS High-resolution spectrometer experiments 1. 2. 11 SHE Synthesis and study of super-heavy elements 1. 2. 8 ELISe(*) Elastic, inelastic, and quasi-free e--A scattering 1. 2. 9 EXL(*) Light-ion scattering reactions in inverse kinematics (*) NESR required – alternative/intermediate “operation” within MSV under discussion. SHE physics case to be evaluated. Exploring the extremes with NUSTAR@FAIR
DESPEC (Decay Spectroscopy) SPa. M (Spins, Parities and Multipolarities) for ‘proper’ spectroscopy: to measure angular correlation, polarisation or conversion electrons. Contribution to DEGAS composite array (phase 3) Also request for mechanics (design, manufacture, installation) for combinations of AIDA, DTAS, FATIMA & DEGAS (next campaign) Segmented planars in Liverpool and Mumbai Compton scattering Ge AIDA (Si) Planar Ge (both segmented) EDAQ based on AGATA developments 10 x 10 in India
ILIMA (Isomeric States, Lifetimes and Masses) Uses the Collector Ring (not NESR) Masses of very exotic nuclei using isochronous mode Half-lives via detection of decay products Study of isomeric states UK contribution: Schottky pickups? (super high-gain, narrow-band; perfect for isomers) M. W. Reed et al. , PRL (2011) Mass precision ~10 ke. V Single ion detection in less than 50 ms
R 3 B (Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams). Reactions in complete kinematics Possible UK contribution: Si tracker update to use Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) as fist layer
Summary Plans are being developed: ILIMA R 3 B DESPEC Ideas not well defined Advantage if usable in other facilities (RIKEN? ) Needs experience with NUSTAR at GSI/FAIR