The numeral is a part of speech denoting number or order
The function of the numeral Numerals may be used in the sentences in function of: n an attribute; Ten people are waited for the job. n a predicative; My son is twenty. n a subject, an object or an adverbial modifier when substantivized. The two left the office early.
Numerals n CARDINALS are used as determiners, but they are also used as head nouns and pronouns n ORDINALS are used to express a the order in a series and can be used as a possessive determiner, as the heads of noun phrases, as adverbs
CARDINALS are used in counting “How many? ” E. g. : Only fifteen people attended the meeting. (determiner) Troubles always come in threes (head noun) A: How many screws do you need? B: I just need two. (pronoun)
ORDINALS denote order or position “Which? ” E. g. : We celebrated his first birthday in Hong Kong. (possessive determiner) I like all of them but the fourth was the best. (head of noun phrase) Merry came third in the race. (adverbs)
Fractional numeral is used to express parts of a whole. Commonly, it takes two forms: 1. COMMON FRACTION Works according to the formula: Wholes + Numerator/Denominator Example: 1 2/3 = (is equal to or means) one (whole) and/plus two thirds Note the "s" added to the denominator: "thirds". 2. DECIMAL NUMBERS n Work according to the formula: Whole numbers (point) decimals Example: 12. 15 = (is equal to or means) twelve fifteen, or twelve point fifteen
Fractions are normally said in the following ways: n ½ - a half - 0. 5 British English: nought point five American English: zero point five n ¼ - a quarter - 0. 25 British English: nought point two five American English: zero point two five n ¾ - three quarters - 0. 75 British English: nought point seven five American English: zero point seven five
Writing full stops and commas in numbers Use a full stop (. ) to separate the main part of a number from the decimal part. 3. 062 means 'three point nought six two'. Say point to refer to the full stop. You can use a comma (, ) in large numbers to separate the hundreds, thousands, and millions. 3, 062 means 'three thousand sixty-two'. In British English, spaces are sometimes used instead of commas (3 062). Remember: Speakers of some other languages use (, ) and (. ) in the opposite way - the commas for the decimals and the points for thousands, millions, etc.
1. Put in the necessary numerals in the sentences below: 1. Where is … (room four, the fifth room). 2. … is on the tenth floor (flat eighty two, the eighty second flat). 3. He has been living in Liuteranska (street five, the fifth street). 4. You can take … (tram six, the sixth tram) to get there. 5. Where is Paul? He is in … (carriage ten, the tenth carriage). 6. They always take … (bus thirty, the thirtieth bus) to get to the zoo.
We can use cardinal numerals also with the words paragraph, chapter, page, part, lesson, sentence. Choose the correct answer: 1. Room … is on the left of the corridor (the fifth, five). 2. Their flat is on … floor. You can easily find it (the second, two). 3. Here is the stop of tram … (the twentieth, twenty). 4. … sentence must be translated into French (four, the fifth). 5. He has … paragraph and starts making the report (six, the sixth)
3. How do you say these numbers in English? 6, 75 six point seventy five 0, 25 a quarter 2 1 2 two and a half
Ключи 1. the fifth room, flat eighty two, street five, tram six, the tenth carriage, bus thirty. 2. five, the second, twenty, the fifth, the sixth