Скачать презентацию NUMERALS The numeral is a part of Скачать презентацию NUMERALS The numeral is a part of


  • Количество слайдов: 14


The numeral is a part of speech denoting number or order The numeral is a part of speech denoting number or order

The function of the numeral Numerals may be used in the sentences in function The function of the numeral Numerals may be used in the sentences in function of: n an attribute; Ten people are waited for the job. n a predicative; My son is twenty. n a subject, an object or an adverbial modifier when substantivized. The two left the office early.

Numerals n CARDINALS are used as determiners, but they are also used as head Numerals n CARDINALS are used as determiners, but they are also used as head nouns and pronouns n ORDINALS are used to express a the order in a series and can be used as a possessive determiner, as the heads of noun phrases, as adverbs

CARDINALS are used in counting “How many? ” E. g. : Only fifteen people CARDINALS are used in counting “How many? ” E. g. : Only fifteen people attended the meeting. (determiner) Troubles always come in threes (head noun) A: How many screws do you need? B: I just need two. (pronoun)

ORDINALS denote order or position “Which? ” E. g. : We celebrated his first ORDINALS denote order or position “Which? ” E. g. : We celebrated his first birthday in Hong Kong. (possessive determiner) I like all of them but the fourth was the best. (head of noun phrase) Merry came third in the race. (adverbs)

Fractional numeral is used to express parts of a whole. Commonly, it takes two Fractional numeral is used to express parts of a whole. Commonly, it takes two forms: 1. COMMON FRACTION Works according to the formula: Wholes + Numerator/Denominator Example: 1 2/3 = (is equal to or means) one (whole) and/plus two thirds Note the "s" added to the denominator: "thirds". 2. DECIMAL NUMBERS n Work according to the formula: Whole numbers (point) decimals Example: 12. 15 = (is equal to or means) twelve fifteen, or twelve point fifteen

Fractions are normally said in the following ways: n ½ - a half - Fractions are normally said in the following ways: n ½ - a half - 0. 5 British English: nought point five American English: zero point five n ¼ - a quarter - 0. 25 British English: nought point two five American English: zero point two five n ¾ - three quarters - 0. 75 British English: nought point seven five American English: zero point seven five

Writing full stops and commas in numbers Use a full stop (. ) to Writing full stops and commas in numbers Use a full stop (. ) to separate the main part of a number from the decimal part. 3. 062 means 'three point nought six two'. Say point to refer to the full stop. You can use a comma (, ) in large numbers to separate the hundreds, thousands, and millions. 3, 062 means 'three thousand sixty-two'. In British English, spaces are sometimes used instead of commas (3 062). Remember: Speakers of some other languages use (, ) and (. ) in the opposite way - the commas for the decimals and the points for thousands, millions, etc.

Exercises Exercises

1. Put in the necessary numerals in the sentences below: 1. Where is … 1. Put in the necessary numerals in the sentences below: 1. Where is … (room four, the fifth room). 2. … is on the tenth floor (flat eighty two, the eighty second flat). 3. He has been living in Liuteranska (street five, the fifth street). 4. You can take … (tram six, the sixth tram) to get there. 5. Where is Paul? He is in … (carriage ten, the tenth carriage). 6. They always take … (bus thirty, the thirtieth bus) to get to the zoo.

We can use cardinal numerals also with the words paragraph, chapter, page, part, lesson, We can use cardinal numerals also with the words paragraph, chapter, page, part, lesson, sentence. Choose the correct answer: 1. Room … is on the left of the corridor (the fifth, five). 2. Their flat is on … floor. You can easily find it (the second, two). 3. Here is the stop of tram … (the twentieth, twenty). 4. … sentence must be translated into French (four, the fifth). 5. He has … paragraph and starts making the report (six, the sixth)

3. How do you say these numbers in English? 6, 75 six point seventy 3. How do you say these numbers in English? 6, 75 six point seventy five 0, 25 a quarter 2 1 2 two and a half

Ключи 1. the fifth room, flat eighty two, street five, tram six, the tenth Ключи 1. the fifth room, flat eighty two, street five, tram six, the tenth carriage, bus thirty. 2. five, the second, twenty, the fifth, the sixth