- Количество слайдов: 23
Number Expression Rules
RULE 1 Spell a number that begins a sentence even when other numbers in the sentence are shown in figures.
Rule 1 Twelve of the new shrubs have died; 48 are doing well.
RULE 2 Use figures for numbers above ten, and for numbers from one to ten when they are used with numbers above ten.
Rule 2 She ordered 8 word processors, 14 computers, and 4 printers.
RULE 3 Use figures to express dates and time (unless followed by o’clock).
Rule 3 He will arrive on Paygo Flight 418 at 9: 48 a. m. on March 14.
RULE 4 Use figures for house numbers except house number One.
Rule 4 My home is at 8 Vernon Drive; my office, at One Weber Plaza.
RULE 5 Use figures to express measures, weights and dimensions.
Rule 5 Glenda Redford is 5 ft. 4 in. tall and weighs 118 lbs. 9 oz.
RULE 6 Use figures for numbers following nouns.
Rule 6 Review Rules 1 to 18 in Chapter 5, pages 149 and 150, today.
RULE 7 Spell (and capitalize) names of small-numbered streets (ten and under).
Rule 7 I walked several blocks along Third Avenue to th Street. 54
RULE 8 Spell indefinite numbers.
Rule 8 Joe owns one acre of Parcel A; that is almost fifty percent.
RULE 9 Use figures for a series of fractions and/or mixed numbers.
Rule 9 The measuring cups come in ¼, ½, and ¾ sizes.
RULE 10 Use figures for definite numbers used with percent, but use words for indefinite percentages.
Rule 10 Almost fifty percent attended the play and 20% of the parents attended.
RULE 11 Use words for isolated fractions.
Rule 11 Nearly seventy members voted; that is nearly a fourth.