Скачать презентацию Nuclear weapon Выполнил Горяинов Алексей Nuclear weapon Скачать презентацию Nuclear weapon Выполнил Горяинов Алексей Nuclear weapon


  • Количество слайдов: 9

Nuclear weapon Выполнил: Горяинов Алексей Nuclear weapon Выполнил: Горяинов Алексей

Nuclear weapon Weapons lethality which is based on the use of of nuclear energy Nuclear weapon Weapons lethality which is based on the use of of nuclear energy , released in a chain reaction fission of heavy nuclei of some isotopes of uranium and plutonium or by thermonuclear fusion reactions light nuclei of hydrogen isotopes Взрыв ядерной бомбы в Нагасаки (1945)

Effects impact wave luminous radiation ionizing radiation radioactive land contamination electromagnetic pulse Effects impact wave luminous radiation ionizing radiation radioactive land contamination electromagnetic pulse

Impact wave Mainly affects factor of a nuclear explosion. Represents region of sharp contraction Impact wave Mainly affects factor of a nuclear explosion. Represents region of sharp contraction medium , propagating in all directions from the site explosion at supersonic speed.

Световое излучение Radiant flux comprising visible, ultraviolet and infrared rays. Distributed virtually immediately and Световое излучение Radiant flux comprising visible, ultraviolet and infrared rays. Distributed virtually immediately and lasts depending from nuclear power Bang to 20 c.

Электромагнитный импульс Transient electromagnetic field produced by the explosion of a nuclear weapon as Электромагнитный импульс Transient electromagnetic field produced by the explosion of a nuclear weapon as a result of the interaction of gamma rays and neutrons emitted by a nuclear explosion , with the atoms of the environment

 Soviet intelligence had information about the work on the creation of the atomic Soviet intelligence had information about the work on the creation of the atomic bomb in the United States comes from nuclear physicist who sympathize with the Soviet Union, in particular Klaus Fuchs. These data were presented Beria to Stalin. However, the crucial believed to have addressed to him in early 1943, a letter of the Soviet physicist Flerov, who was able to explain the essence of the problem is popular. As a result, February 11, 1943 adopted a resolution on the GKO beginning work on the atomic bomb. General management was entrusted to the deputy chairman of the GKO Molotov, who, in turn, appointed the head of the atomic project Ivan Kurchatov (his appointment was signed on March 10).

 November 6, 1947 the Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov made a statement regarding November 6, 1947 the Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov made a statement regarding the secret of the atomic bomb , saying that " this secret for a long time no longer exists. " This statement meant that the Soviet Union has discovered the secret of atomic weapons , and he has at his disposal a weapon. The scientific community of the United States made this statement Molotov as a bluff , considering that the Russian can not acquire nuclear weapons before 1952. US spy satellites have discovered the exact location of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in the Kaliningrad region , which is contrary to the assertions of Moscow, which denies transfer to tactical nuclear weapons.

The successful testing of the first Soviet atomic bomb was held on 29 August The successful testing of the first Soviet atomic bomb was held on 29 August 1949, in -built site at Semipalatinsk region of Kazakhstan [ 1 ]. September 25, 1949 the newspaper "Pravda" published the TASS report " on the statement of US President Truman to conduct an atomic explosion in the USSR "