Скачать презентацию Nu Skin s Mission Our mission is to Скачать презентацию Nu Skin s Mission Our mission is to


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Nu Skin®’s Mission “ Our mission is to be a force for good throughout Nu Skin®’s Mission “ Our mission is to be a force for good throughout the world by empowering people to improve lives with rewarding business opportunities, innovative products and an enriching, uplifting culture. ” The Nourish the Children® (NTC) initiative unites Nu Skin® with our extensive worldwide distributor force in nourishing the world's hungry children.

Saving Children with a Unique Concept o In 2002, Nu Skin® launched the NTC Saving Children with a Unique Concept o In 2002, Nu Skin® launched the NTC initiative as a way to help address the epidemic problem of world hunger. o NTC is a humanitarian initiative of the for-profit company Nu Skin Enterprises and a co-venture with selected public charities. NTC itself is not a charity. o Innovative concept: NTC sells a highly nutritious food – Vita. Meal – and then donates all purchases to third-party non-profit organisations specialised in distributing food to those suffering from malnutrition and famine.

Recognised Around the World Recognition of Nu Skin ®’s unique Nourish the Children® initiative Recognised Around the World Recognition of Nu Skin ®’s unique Nourish the Children® initiative by the 2007 American Business Award for the: Best Corporate Social Responsibility Programme The American Business Awards or the Stevies, honour companies of all types and sizes and the people behind them. The Stevies also recognise outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide.

Why do We do it? Every 6 Seconds a child dies from malnutrition. That Why do We do it? Every 6 Seconds a child dies from malnutrition. That is 5, 000 children every year. Nu Skin Enterprises offers distributors and customers a chance to make a real difference in the lives of suffering children.

Demonstrate the Difference With Vita. Meal, you can break the Poverty Cycle and save Demonstrate the Difference With Vita. Meal, you can break the Poverty Cycle and save millions of children from malnutrition.

The Poverty Cycle Lack of Nutritious Food Poverty & Illiteracy Trap Vitamin Deficiencies Infections The Poverty Cycle Lack of Nutritious Food Poverty & Illiteracy Trap Vitamin Deficiencies Infections & Diarrhoea > Inability to Absorb Nutrients Inability to Learn or Work Increasing Malnutrition

Vita. Meal - More Than Just A Meal o Vita. Meal was specially formulated Vita. Meal - More Than Just A Meal o Vita. Meal was specially formulated for malnourished children by Pharmanex ® scientists and an expert in child malnutrition in thirdworld countries. o It provides the ideal balance of calories, protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that undernourished children need in order to grow and develop to their full potential. o Vita. Meal is distributed via reputable charities who have the necessary infrastructure to realise delivery efficiently.

Vita. Meal – Breaking the Poverty Cycle Vita. Meal 25 Vitamins & Nutrients Escape Vita. Meal – Breaking the Poverty Cycle Vita. Meal 25 Vitamins & Nutrients Escape from the Poverty Trap Employment Opportunities Healthy Mind & Body Education via School Feeding

School Feeding Programmes School feeding leverages Vita. Meal donations: n children drawn to school School Feeding Programmes School feeding leverages Vita. Meal donations: n children drawn to school for hot meals n nourishes minds and bodies n greatly increases the number of girls able to attend school. The power of educating girls: n educated girls have fewer teen births n educated mothers educate their children n educated mothers break the cycle of illiteracy and poverty n educated mothers can save a society.

Working Partner – Feed the Children® o NTC’s primary global partner o An international, Working Partner – Feed the Children® o NTC’s primary global partner o An international, non-profit, nondenominational Christian relief organisation o The third largest international charity in the United States (US) o Dedicated to distributing millions of kilograms of food every year to families in more than 60 countries.

How Does NTC Work? Contributors make a “virtual” purchase of Vita. Meal via NTC. How Does NTC Work? Contributors make a “virtual” purchase of Vita. Meal via NTC. The Vita. Meal is produced at factories in Malawi and China, using local produce and local labour. The Vita. Meal is distributed by Feed the Children® and other reputable aid organisations. Starving Children Live!

The NTC Difference NTC differs from aid organisations in the following ways: n NTC The NTC Difference NTC differs from aid organisations in the following ways: n NTC is not a charity. It is a profitable humanitarian initiative run by a for-profit company, Nu Skin Enterprises. n Contributors donate a food product, not money. The whole donation is delivered to the needy. n We work with reputable aid organisations. n Contributors are financially rewarded for their humanitarian donations. n Vita. Meal is produced in Malawi and China, fostering growth in the local economies. n We provide detailed information, pictures, reports and videos from the projects in the different locations.

Malawi – The Warm Heart of Africa o Of Malawi’s 13, 900, 000 people, Malawi – The Warm Heart of Africa o Of Malawi’s 13, 900, 000 people, 2, 000 are orphans. o Life expectancy is 44 years o 30% of children die before the age of five. Due to: n Malnutrition n AIDS o 90% of the population lives in rural areas.

More Than Just Feeding…. o Not just giving food, but helping Malawians to create More Than Just Feeding…. o Not just giving food, but helping Malawians to create a better future for themselves and their families via agricultural development programmes. o Since 2004, NTC and the Malawi Project work together to provide long-term help via development projects partly funded by Nu Skin®. o Europe is focusing its efforts and resources on one destination: Malawi.

Malawi Vita. Meal Manufacturing Plant o Nu Skin® provided half of the funds to Malawi Vita. Meal Manufacturing Plant o Nu Skin® provided half of the funds to build the Vita. Meal Manufacturing Plant in Lilongwe, Malawi. o The other half of the funds were given as a loan to Napoleon Dzombe, administrator of the plant. o Pharmanex® scientists adapted the formulation of Vita. Meal to cater to the traditional Malawian diet and locally available produce. They also trained the people who work at the plant. o The plant is owned by Malawians and offers continued value to the people of Malawi. o The plant opened in 2004.

Malawian Working Partners Malawi Project o It is a US-based charity, which works to Malawian Working Partners Malawi Project o It is a US-based charity, which works to provide food aid, health care, educational programmes and agricultural development programmes for the people of Malawi. Napoleon Dzombe o o o He is a native Malawian who left his home as a young man with only US$3 in his pocket and an admonition from his father to help his people. He became a successful businessman and began providing food from his home to people in need. He is now working with the Malawi Project and taking care of the Vita. Meal plant and supervising the distribution of Vita. Meal bags to thousand of malnourished children.

Fabulous Results o The Vita. Meal plant produces over 2, 400, 000 meals per Fabulous Results o The Vita. Meal plant produces over 2, 400, 000 meals per month, providing vital nourishment for Malawian orphans. o Local production creates jobs for about 400 people. o Local farmers have a market for their produce. o Providing Vita. Meal to schools attracts children to school who would otherwise have to work to help provide for their families. o Local production means transportation costs are minimal, freeing up more funds for other aid efforts.

Vita. Meal Distribution o Distribution is done through orphanages, child centres, hospitals, schools… o Vita. Meal Distribution o Distribution is done through orphanages, child centres, hospitals, schools… o Direct village distribution n In most cases, orphans stay with their family in villages Once a month, Vita. Meal distribution is done with the help of local villages’ chiefs Every needy child receives a voucher that they exchange for one Vita. Meal, giving them a warm meal each day for one month.

How You Can Participate o Buy Vita. Meal Bags: n 1 -bag donation = How You Can Participate o Buy Vita. Meal Bags: n 1 -bag donation = 30 meals n 2 -bag donation = 60 meals n 5 -bag donation = 150 meals o Donate through ADR programme : n n n Long-term help – only way to help children Receive product points – for free Nu Skin® products Qualify to be a NTC Ambassador

Nu Skin® Increase Your Donations o Matching progamme: n When you purchase the five-bag Nu Skin® Increase Your Donations o Matching progamme: n When you purchase the five-bag Vita. Meal donation, Nu Skin Enterprises matches it with a sixth bag. n For every eight bags of Vita. Meal purchased anywhere in the world, Nu Skin Enterprises donates one extra bag to save another needy child.

Change Malawian Farmers’ Future o Contribution to Nu Skin Force For Good Foundation® Mtalimanja Change Malawian Farmers’ Future o Contribution to Nu Skin Force For Good Foundation® Mtalimanja Village n Donation of US$0. 25 per Vita. Meal bag n Agricultural training programme n Farms learn to be self-sufficient and independent

Nu Skin® Distributors Making a Difference in 2011 o In 2011, NTC contributors gave Nu Skin® Distributors Making a Difference in 2011 o In 2011, NTC contributors gave more than 35 million meals to undernourished children. o Thanks to the Nu Skin Enterprises company matching programme, NTC was able to distribute an extra 4 million meals. 2011 Vita. Meal bags donation rs O th e ia ne s d In do al an & ei Br un lia & N ew Ze ai la nd a Th an ad Si ng ap o re a si g al ay M Ko n a H on g Ko re So ut h an iw e Ta m m EA og ra C Au st ra M at ch in g Pr EM pa n Ja U S 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0

EMEA Making a Difference o Europe is focusing its efforts and resources on one EMEA Making a Difference o Europe is focusing its efforts and resources on one destination: Malawi, Africa o In 2011, EMEA contributors donated 4, 5 million warm meals to the children in need in Malawi, South Africa and Russia. o Norway donated the most, giving more than 793, 000 meals, just followed by Hungary and Romania. Breakdown per EMEA countries -2011 IL AT RU IS BE Others ES LU 1% 1% 1% CH 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% SK 2% ZA 3% CZ 3% 3% DK 5% HU 16% FR 5% *EMEA: Europe, Middle-East and Africa region. NO 18% SE 7% DE 6% UK 8% RO 13%

Countries Benefiting From Vita. Meal Since NTC launch, more than 200 million meals donated Countries Benefiting From Vita. Meal Since NTC launch, more than 200 million meals donated to those who need them most.

"NTC may be 5% of what we do, but it is 95% of who we are" -- Blake Roney Chairman, Nu Skin Enterp