- Количество слайдов: 14
NSERC DC-8 Program Information for the NAMMA Mission Integration National Suborbital Education and Research Center (NSERC) Northern Great Plains Center for People and the Environment University of North Dakota Grand Forks, North Dakota
Grand Forks Information § Grand Forks is a city of 50, 000 -60, 000 § The University of North Dakota’s main campus is located there § Direct airline service to Grand Forks International via Minneapolis is provided by Northwest Airlines § Fargo is ~ 60 minutes south of Grand Forks and is serviced by both Northwest and United § Rental cars from major companies are available at GFK and FAR § There are many hotels in Grand Forks see http: //www. visitgrandforks. com/main/lodging/? post_back=1 § There are many restaurants with a variety of different types foods available in Grand Forks § There is a possibility of using Grand Forks Air Force Base housing for US citizens on a “as available” basis § GFAFB has fast food and other restaurants on base
Location of GFAFB relative to Grand Forks GFAFB GFK Main Gate x x South Gate Rt 2 12 miles West on Rt 2
Grand Forks Air Force Base Facilities Gate Hangar 601 Active Flight Line Area Investigator Parking
Security and Badging § A request for completion of security forms was sent to all instrument teams in early May § The security checks will be performed by the NDCBI and Air Force § Upon arrival, badges can be obtained at the South Gate during normal business hours (not on weekends) § A vehicle pass will also be issued with proof of ownership and insurance or rental car contract § Foreign Nationals will need to be escorted to and from the hangar in an NSERC vehicle from the South Gate § A shuttle van will run from the parking area to the hangar during normal business hours § GFAFB is an active military base Restrictions include: – No direct access to hangar due to it’s flight line location – No wandering out of the hangar at any time – No picture taking anywhere except inside the hangar
Hangar 601 at GFAFB § § § ~50, 000 square foot hangar built in 1959 Entire DC-8 aircraft fits inside the hangar Active foam fire suppression system 3 large access doors for receiving shipments Office area for NAMMA investigators Lab tables and chairs on hangar floor Limited number of phones for investigators Wireless networks for Internet access Copying and printing available in NSERC offices FAX machine available in investigator office area Hazardous material and compressed gas storage
NAMMA Shipping Information § § Notification of all commercial truck shipments needs to be sent in advance to: Steve Davis (s. davis@nserc. und. edu) and Rick Shetter (r. shetter@nserc. und. edu ) Included in the notification: 1. Carrier 2. Approximate arrival date 3. Size and weight of shipping containers 4. Quantities and MSDS forms for all hazardous materials 5. Tracking number. The drivers of all trucks coming to GFAFB need the following information: 1. Call the numbers below (in the order listed until you talk with someone)1 day in advance to notify NSERC you will be arriving. 2. When the Driver is ~ 20 minutes from GFAFB call the numbers below again to announce arrival. 3. Proceed to the south gate of GFAFB ~ 13 miles from Grand Forks on Highway 2. 4. NSERC personnel will meet the truck at the gate, vouch the driver on to the base, escort the truck to the flightline and on to the hangar for unloading. A forklift capable of unloading larger boxes is available in the hangar. Hours 8; 00 AM-4: 00 PM Contact numbers: Steve Riddle 701 -594 -9155 701 -330 -5753 cell Steve Davis 701 -594 -3355 701 -330 -2127 cell Don Bailes 701 -594 -3355 701 -330 -5305 cell All Fed. Ex shipments should be sent to the following address: UND NSERC Program Hangar 601 Grand Forks Air Force Base, ND 58205 Attn: Steve Davis 701 -594 -3355 701 -330 -2127 YOUR NAME, YOUR INSTRUMENT
Tentative NAMMA Mission Schedule § § § § § 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/16 7/17 -7/19 7/20 -7/22 -8/5 8/1 8/4 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/12 -14 8/15 8/16 -9/14 9/15 Investigator instrument shipments begin arriving Begin upload with probes, windows, exhaust and electrical li Begin instrument rack upload Electrical power check DC-8 moves to ramp GFAFB air show (limited DC-8 access) Lidar ground calibrations Final Installation Inspection Review Safety of Flight Release Operations Readiness Review Experimenter DC-8 systems safety brief Engineering check flight First Experimenter Check Flight Mission Readiness Review Second Experimenter Check Flight Pack aircraft Transit to Cape Verde Science flights from Cape Verde Transit to GFAFB for de-integration
§ Contact Information Rick Shetter Director National Suborbital Education and Research Center University of North Dakota Box 9011 Grand Forks, ND 58202 -9011 701 -777 -6040 (NSERC office) 701 -330 -2126 (NSERC mobile) r. shetter@nserc. und. edu Steve Davis Aircraft Manager National Suborbital Education and Research Center University of North Dakota Box 9011 Grand Forks, ND 58202 -9011 701 -594 -3355 (NSERC office) 701 -330 -2127 (NSERC mobile) s. davis@nserc. und. edu Adam Webster Integration Engineer National Suborbital Education and Research Center University of North Dakota Box 9011 Grand Forks, ND 58202 -9011 701 -594 -3969 (NSERC office) 701 -330 -7090 (NSERC mobile) a. webster@nserc. und. edu