Nowadays our country chooses the way of further development again. Plenty of unsolved problems make us doubting in advisability and correctness of the current policy, n
which is based on the extensive line of development. Welfare of the Russian society and even the sovereignty of our country is inseparably connected with extractive and remaking industries.
But quantity doesn’t always mean quality. n And the wish of up-to-the-minute profit ends badly as well.
Alternative way of social development our party offers n is based on the experience of eastern and western highly-developed countries. Firstly it suggests the structural reorganization of the economic sphere.
Social oriented market system must replace uncontrolled or so called «wild» one. The function of the state is in covering the risks and minimizing of the negative manifestations of the market system for citizens feel themselves socially protected.
At the same time we shouldn’t admit the restoring of the soviet economic model with the total control over business activity. We need the happy medium.
All land resources must be taken away of sale. Any nation associates itself with the territory. Our party demands for this territory would be united, not private, but public. n
We can’t welcome foreigners n just because they pay more.
All strategic enterprises in the country must belong to the state. All natural resources should be declared public. Sale of oil and natural gas should provide a benefit for citizens. n
Extractive industry shouldn’t be the main income item in the Russian budget. Environment suffers seriously from the barbarous activities of extractive enterprises. People’s desire for receiving for “easy money” leads to regress in ecological morals in the modern society.
The state should finance scientific researches in the country, to enhance the prestige of science and education. n Such the policy will make it possible to develop high-technology industries in the future.
Last scientific designings should be actively using in economic sphere. Installation of the ecologically friendly equipment on the factories, spreading of non-waste technologies, testing and adoption of new types of fuel is unprofitable now. Not every businessman is ready to take care of the nature and introduce innovations. n So the state must act as guarantor of these changes. n
If we haven’t some changes right now, we would fail in closing the gap between our country and industrialized ones. In this case our future is just staying in the background. We should determine better destiny for us and our children at least. It’s the question of self-respect. It depends on you. n