Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 13
Now there are many problems associated with our influence on nature. In his presentation, I will present only two, but no less important than the others.
Environmental problem - a change of environment due to anthropogenic influences, leading to disruption of the structure and functioning of nature.
Our home - Earth as a living being, it also has its problems - problems of ecology. The increase in greenhouse gas emissions, uncontrolled extraction of natural resources, pollution of the oceans. The list is endless.
Today, environmental problems are not as acute. Thinking about the future of our planet had yesterday. Today we need only to act, and the most radical and sometimes unbelievable ways.
On how we behave now will determine the future of the Earth. Alternative energy sources, non-traditional, but it is a "dirty" way of life and the tightening of environmental legislation, environmental protection, so that can move in the future, environmental issues into the background.
Also included here is a part of the problem as the release of debris. There are currently no specific place allocated for dropping litter. All natural territory and even the reserves just stomped in the garbage.
Greenhouse effect - increasing the temperature of the lower atmosphere of the planet compared to the effective temperature, that is, the temperature of thermal radiation of the planet, observable from space.
The idea of the mechanism of the greenhouse effect was first described in 1827 by Joseph Fourier in his article "Note on the temperatures of the earth and other planets, " in which he examined the various mechanisms of formation of the Earth's climate, while he considered as factors affecting the overall heat balance of the Earth.
Fourier explain the temperature increase inside a "mini -greenhouse" in comparison with the outside temperature by two factors: blocking of convective heat transfer, and various glass opacity in the visible and infrared wavelengths.
The main greenhouse gases in order of their estimated impact on the Earth's heat balance, are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone.
Perhaps the situation will get better tomorrow, but we must act now.
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation.pptx