* …. not abdominals
The press in the United States evolved through a long history of freedom and openness, and it operated at the beginning of the twenty-first century within one of the richest and most powerful societies in the world.
The U. S. public is one of the most literate in the world, with a literacy rate reaching 97 percent. The United States consumes massive amounts of media in all forms—newspapers and magazines, radio and television, and film documentaries.
The general trend of the United States press over most of the twentieth century was toward consolidation, chain or corporate ownership, and newspaper monopolies in most towns and cities.
*Morning, *Evening, *Sunday editions
*While the afternoon or evening paper can at best summarize the events of the morning, a morning newspaper can summarize all the events of the previous day, barring sporting events or city council meetings that continue far into the night.
The Sunday paper traditionally contains expanded sections on science, health, books, performing arts, visual arts, TV listings, business, opinion, as well as the events of the whole week.
In 2008, the United States had 1, 422 daily newspapers and 6, 253 weeklies.
have the largest circulation among the daily newspapers.
*The main FUNCTION of press in America is to give objective information. *The materials should be given in full volume and newspapers should give floor to all possible facts and opinions. * There is also no secret information for the press.
*“National Geographic”, * “Reader’s Digest”, *“Cosmopolitan”, * “Time”, *“Vogue” …and many others
PUBLISHING BOOKS in America is rather a prosperous business. America is on the 9 th place in the world by the books, published and read.
Public libraries always organize book sales. Most newspapers and magazines publish chapters from the books of young authors.
* Read papers and be smart