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Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Lobster Hui Ralph Townsend, Sam Pooley, and Raymond Clarke Workshop on Fisheries Co-ops and Beyond Anchorage, Alaska June 23 -24, 2003
NWHI Lobster Fishery • • Spiny and slipper lobsters Max. landings 2. 3 million pounds in 1985 16 vessels max. (in 1985) 1998 prices: $5. 55 for Spiny, $3. 94 for slipper • 4 -6 week trips • Mostly Alaskan crab, Hawaii longline boats
NWHI Lobster Management • Fishery began in 1976 • Western Pacific Council mgt. since 1983 • 1991 Amendment 7 – Quota, sum of spiny + slipper (resource decline in late 1980 s due to climatic change) – Limited entry to 15 vessels (12 owners). Probably 510 vessels optimal. – July 1 -December 31 season (or when quota exhausted
Administrative Issues • December 1992 “window” opening • “Use-it-or-lose-it” clause in Amend. 7 • 1994 in-season quota adjusted from 200, 000 to 20, 900 after 130, 000 caught
Stalled Management • By 1997, 21 -day derby fishery • MSFCMA ITQ moratorium (several wanted IQ/ITQ) • Ban on consolidation in Amend. 7 (active sales; indirect consolidation) • MSFCMA fee provisions blocked buy-out
The “Hui” • 1998, 14 of 15 boats entered agreement • 4 boats to fish, to target live for higher prices • 25% of quota to each vessel; 25% at Necker to each vessel • 20% to compensate other 10 vessels • 1 share for bare permit; 6 shares for permit with vessel and gear • $5000 payout to permit; $30, 000 to permit and vessel • Negotiated in “hours”
Agreement not renewed • 15 th permit transferred to new entrant • Low prices, in part due to Asian crisis • Loss of vessel and catch at Kure
After the Hui • 1999 derby with 6 vessels • 2000 closed due to quota-setting issues (industry concurred) • Clinton marine reserve declaration would have capped landings at 2000 level (!) • 2001 -present. Closed, officially due to uncertainty over quota. • Some talk of permit buy-out. • Native Hawaiian rights issue in background
Lessons • • • Low cost to negotiate and enforce Higher prices important Hold-out a problem Knew about Pacific whiting co-op Is even 12 (really 8 -10? ) too large to hold voluntary group together?