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Northern California First Annual Evaluator Workshop February 2007 Co-Sponsored by CACCRAO & CCCCO
Philosophy for the Associate Degree n Title 5 – Section 55805 n “The awarding of the Associate Degree is intended to represent more than an accumulation of units. It is to symbolize a successful attempt on the part of the college to lead students through patterns of learning experiences designed to develop certain capabilities and insights. Among these are the ability to think and communicate clearly and effectively both orally and in writing; to use mathematics; to understand modes of inquiry of the major disciplines, to be aware of culture and times, to achieve insights gained through experience and understanding. In addition to these accomplishments, the student shall possess sufficient depth in some field of knowledge to contribute to lifelong interest. ”
Minimum Requirements for the Associate Degree n Title 5 – Section 55806 n Completed 60 semester units of “college” course work n 18 semester units in an approved major n 12 semester units in residence at the college granting the degree
General Education Requirements n 18 semester units in general education n n Natural Sciences ( 3 semester units) Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 semester units) Humanities (3 semester units) Language and Rationality (6 semester units) § English Composition (3 semester units) § Communication & Analytical Thinking (3 semester units) A course may satisfy more than one general education requirement, but may not be counted more than once.
Types of Course Appropriate for the Associate Degree n Title 5 – Section 55805. 5 n All lower division courses accepted toward the baccalaureate degree by the CSU and UC or designated to offered for transfer. n Courses that apply to the major in nonbaccalaureate occupational fields. n English course not more than one level below the first transfer level composition course n All math courses above and including elementary algebra.
Duty to Grant Diploma n Title 5 – Section 55809 n The governing board of a community college district shall award the appropriate diploma, degree or certificate: n whenever a student has completed all requirements for the degree…without regard to the length of time actually taken by the student to complete such requirements. n when the student satisfactorily completes the requirements in less than the prescribed time.
Catalog Rights n n California Community College Section of Title 5 is silent From California State University Section, Title 5, Section 40401 (paraphrased) n An undergraduate student remaining in attendance in regular sessions at any California State University campus, at any California community college, or any combination of California community colleges and campuses of The California State University may for purposes of meeting graduation requirements elect to meet the requirements in effect at the campus from which the student will graduate either: (1) at the time the student began such attendance or (2) at the time of entrance to the campus, or (3) at the time of graduation. For purposes of this section "attendance" means attendance in at least one semester or two quarters each calendar year. Absence due to an approved educational leave or for attendance at another accredited institution of higher learning shall not be considered an interruption in attendance, if the absence does not exceed two years.
General Education Certification n EO 595 delegates the authority to certify completion of lower division general education requirements and establishes said requirements (Title 5, Section 40405. 1). n EC 66720, 66721 & 66723 (AB 1725) directed the governing boards of the University of California, California State University and the California Community Colleges to develop and maintain a common lower division general education core curriculum for the purpose of facilitating transfer.
Certification CSU Breadth Certification IGETC Full Certification: Complete no fewer than 39 lower division semester/58 lower division quarter units distributed accordingly in Areas A through E Full Certification: Complete 37 – 39 units (11 -14 courses) in Areas 1 through 5 and Proficiency in a language other than English for UC transfers. Partial Certification: Also known as Area Certification, complete one or more Area. Partial Certification: Also known as IGETC Minus 2. Accepted only upon approved petition with demonstrated hardship.
Distinctions n CSU Certification n Area completion is unit based. n No minimum unit value for approved courses n No minimum grade – D- or higher n IGETC Certification n All courses must be 3 semester or 4 quarter units. n Area requirements are based on minimum number of courses. n Minimum grade of C
Limitations on Certification n Maximum number of units that can be certified is 39 lower division semester units or equivalent. n No more than 30 lower division semester or equivalent units may be certified in Areas B – D combined. n CSU campuses may restrict “double counting” between general education and major requirements with Chancellor’s Office approval.
Pass-Along – Courses from California Community Colleges n Course must appear on their approved Breadth or IGETC list and must be certified in the approved area. Equivalency to a course on your campus is not required. n The last community college attended is required to complete certification.
Pass-Along – Courses from CSU, UC, Privates or Out of State n Course must be equivalent to an approved course on your list. Ensure it is baccalaureate level n Certify only if minimum unit requirements has been met. n CSU – Does it satisfy general education requirements at the CSU from which it was completed? n n n If yes, probably ok to certify If no, caution is the required.
Tools of the Trade n Articulation versus Equivalency n U. S. Department of Education: Office of Postsecondary Education n www. ope. edu. gov/accreditation/search. asp n College Source n www. collegesource. org n ASSIST n www. assist. org n CAN n www. cansystem. org
Before beginning an evaluation. . . n Is the college/university accreditated? n What kinds of credit do they offer? n Quarter Units n Conversion to semester is quarter units x 1. 5 n Semester Units n Conversion to quarter units is semester units x. 67 n What is their grading system? n Un-weighted n What is the credit level? n Below associate degree n Associate degree n Baccalaureate n Lower division (Freshman/Junior) n Upper division (Sophmore/Senior) n Post Baccalaureate
Drawing inferences using CAN n Student completed ACC 207 at Cal Poly Pomona with a grade of B. No articulation agreement exists. What is the equivalency? Cal Poly Pomona ACC 207 No CAN # Articulated Mt. SAC No Articulation Barstow ACC 1 A CAN BUS 2 BUSA 7 CAN BUS 2
Equivalency/Associate Degree Credt n Gateway Community College, Phoenix, AZ Term Course Units Grade Fall ENG 061 Basic Writing 2002 Skills Spring ENG 071 Fund of Writing 2003 3. 0 C 3. 0 B Fall 2003 Spring 2004 3. 0 B 3. 0 C ENG 101 1 st Year Composition ENG 102 1 st Year Composition
Equivalency/Associate Degree Credit n Mc. Daniel College, Westminster, MD Term Course Unit Grad s e Fall ENGL 1002 College 2001 Composition 3. 0 B Fall ENGL 1101 Intro to College 2002 Writing: the Argument 3. 0 C
Equivalency/Associate Degree Credit n Florida Community College, Jacksonville, Florida Term Course Units Grade Fall 2001 Mat 002 Basic Math 4. 0 B Spring 2002 MAT 0024 Elem Alg 4. 0 D Fall 2002 MAT 1033 Interm Alg 4. 0 C
Questions? Presenter: Arleen Elseroad Director of Admissions & Records Santa Ana College