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North Carolina Board of Podiatry Examiners 2012 New Licensee Orientation MAINTAINING YOUR LICENSE June 23, 2012 NCBPE 2012 New Licensee Orientation
The Basics – NC LAW NC Podiatry Practice Act North Carolina Administrative Code (Administrative Rules for Podiatry) NC Hospital Statute (H&P, privileges) NC Pharmacy Act (controlled substances) NC Professional Corporations Act (incorporation & registration) NC Ethics and Lobbying Acts (covered persons—Board members) NC Medical and Allied Professions Act (PAs, NPs, CRNs, Nurses, etc. ) NCBPE 2012 New Licensee Orientation
The Basics – Other State Laws Increasing state surveillance and regulation: ◦ Homeland Security; ◦ Dept. of Health and Human Services (child support issues); ◦ State Budget Office; ◦ Auditor’s Office; ◦ Dept of Commerce quarterly reports; ◦ Annual reports to four offices; ◦ Governor’s Office; ◦ Secretary of State: ◦ Joint Legislative Oversight; ◦ Rules Review Commission NCBPE 2012 New Licensee Orientation
The Basics – Individual Licensing New Licensees ◦ Frame-able Certificate ◦ License card ◦ $100 pro-rated fee Renewals ◦ June 30 deadline, $200 ◦ CME – 25 credit hours per year, max. 5 hrs outside CPME July 1 -June 30 ◦ Disclaimer NCBPE 2012 New Licensee Orientation
The Basics – Professional Corporations New Corporate registration – PC/PA or PLLC – new incorporation fee is $50. Annual renewal due Dec. 31 is $25. Late fee of $10 after January 31. List is sent to Secretary of State’s office. NCBPE 2012 New Licensee Orientation
The Basics - Discipline NCGS 90 -202. 8. Revocation of certificate; grounds for; suspension of certificate Grievance Committee ◦ Investigation at Committee level ◦ Committee hearing – opportunity to be heard No probable cause – kept on file Public/Private Letter of concern ◦ Full Board hearing Consent Order Revocation, Suspension, Fines NCBPE 2012 New Licensee Orientation
The Basics – Discipline cont’d Staying out of trouble Board Position Statements ◦ ◦ ◦ Potential Ethical Issues Podiatrist-Patient Relations Medical Records Termination of/Re-entrance to Practice Prescriptions & Controlled Substances Supervision of Medical Office & Health Care Employees ◦ Office Procedures NCBPE 2012 New Licensee Orientation
The Basics – Discipline: National Databanks NPDB/HIPDB Increased reporting requirements for disciplined podiatrists. http: //www. npdb-hipdb. hrsa. gov/ NCBPE 2012 New Licensee Orientation
The Basics – Specialty Credentialing Send the Board an application with TWO (2) copies of logs highlighted ◦ http: //www. ncbpe. org/credentiallingapp. pdf Amputation Ankle Surgery Clubfoot NCBPE 2012 New Licensee Orientation
The Basics – Board’s Website www. ncbpe. org DPM locator directory various forms and information: ◦ add you on July 2 ◦ Access to NC statute and admin rules ◦ Position Statements ◦ Generic forms—license renewal, practice incorporation and renewal, specialty credentialing ◦ CME policy ◦ Various links ◦ NEW July 2: individual log-in, credit card acceptance, update profile, etc. NCBPE 2012 New Licensee Orientation
The Basics - NCBPE North Carolina Board of Podiatry Examiners 1500 Sunday Drive, Suite 102 Raleigh, NC 27607 -5151 Phone: 919 -861 -5583 Fax: 919 -787 -4916 Email: info@ncbpe. org Web site: www. ncbpe. org Staff: Penney De Pas, MA, CAE, Exec. Secretary Tracy Steadman, Exam & Verifications David Field, Exec. Secretary Emeritus NCBPE 2012 New Licensee Orientation