Ноц 14 Повторение. чтение буквосочет., время, распорядок..pptx
- Количество слайдов: 19
НОЦ 14 ГУБАХА ПОВТОРЕНИЕ Чтение буквосочетаний Как спросить и сказать время
ЧТЕНИЕ Ck- к Clock, stock, rock, click, stick, kick-boxing, stuck, stick, lip-stick, sticker, Bicker, Dick, deck, pack, snack, rack, Nick, nickname, duck,
SH- ЗВУК Ш Fish, dish, shop, short, rush, shelf, shut, shoot, shame, Shon, shot, shake, cash, brush, shampoo,
CH- ТЧ Chicken, rich, cheese, choose, China, cherry, catch, clutch, chamber, chance
TH- МЕЖЗУБНЫЙ, В РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ТАКОГО НЕТ. Three, thank you, thick, that, this, they, these, those, teeth, tooth, tenth, sixth, eleventh, twelfth, truth
CОЧЕТАНИЕ Might Light Right Fight Night Sight IGHT АЙТ
ПОСЛЕ W –A ЧИТАЕТСЯ КАК 0 Want Wall Wardrobe Wallet
OW – АУ В СЕРЕДИНЕ СЛОВА И Down Town frown, Window Sorrow Tomorrow Но now ОУ В КОНЦЕ Brown
WHAT TIME IS IT? It’s one o’clock. It’s three o’clock. It’s five o’clock. It’s six o’clock. It’s nine o’clock. It’s five past twelve. a. m. in the morning p. m. In the afternoon
WHAT TIME DO YOU USUALLY…. ? What time do you usually…. . get up? • • brush your teeth? go to school? have breakfast? do your homework? have dinner? watch TV? go to bed?
In the morning in the afternoon In the evening at night
MONTHS OF THE YEAR January February March April May June July August September November October December
WHAT TIME IS IT? It’s a quarter to seven. It’s ten to two
WHAT TIME IS IT? It’s five to twelve. It’s three to seven
WHAT TIME IS IT? It’s five to twelve
WHAT TIME IS IT? It’s five to three twenty-three past nine. .
WHAT TIME IS IT? It’s ten past ten It’s half past three
WHAT TIME IS IT? It’s half past ten
Ноц 14 Повторение. чтение буквосочет., время, распорядок..pptx