- Количество слайдов: 76
No Child Left Behind Teleconferences March 2008 1
Phone lines will be muted! • To avoid background noise and other distractions, the phone lines have been muted. • The phone lines will be periodically opened for questions. • For convenience, you may e-mail your questions to lorraine. cote@maine. gov. 2
NCLB Consolidated Application and Performance Report Update For district specific discussions, feel free to call the NCLB Clearinghouse at 624 -6705 to schedule a time for one-on-one or small group technical assistance. 3
NCLB Allocations • Title IA– increased approximately $9 million (variable hold harmless in effect) • Title IC—Remains the Same • Title IIA—Remains the Same • Title IID— 2% Cut • Title III—Remains the Same • Title IVA— 15% Cut • Title V—Zeroed Out • Title VI Rural— 2% Cut 4
Important Dates! The 2008 -2009 Application and 2007 -2008 Performance Report are due by August 1, 2008 or 30 days after the end of any summer programming. If you have a summer program and will not meet the August 1 date, you must send your date of submission by July 15 to the NCLB Clearinghouse by letter, fax, or e-mail. [See Commissioner’s draft letter in handouts. ] 5
Performance Report Please note: • 2008 -2009 Application can not be submitted until the 2007 -2008 Performance Report has been submitted and certified. • Outcomes from this performance report will be considered as we review your application. • Our goal is to have timely submission with projects based on data and input from all constituents. NCLB 6
Performance Reports and Applications will be read in the order they are received. Requests for additional information or clarification will be e-mailed to the NCLB Coordinator. 7
Timing and Quality Count!! • Submit Early • Make sure your submissions are complete and well written. • The NCLB Team will process submissions as quickly as possible—get in line early. • Check your e-mail and respond as soon as you can to our request for clarification/additional information. 8
Maine is 100% Electronic Don’t forget to: Check your site set-up—is everything correct? Are all public/non-public schools listed correctly? Inform the NCLB Clearinghouse of any school changes. Are the phone numbers, extensions, and e-mail addresses current? (MDOE uses this info for e-mail updates; we wouldn’t want to miss you. ) 9
Resources for Help Updating is in process!! • At the Application Website https: //www. 4 pcamaine. org/, before login, use the NCLB Directions link for assistance in navigating the electronic version of the No Child Left Behind Consolidated Application and Performance Report. 10
Resources for Help • After login on Data Entry Menu of the electronic system, use the Reference Library link on the dark blue Header Bar for Title specific information and samples. 12
Resources for Help • On Data Entry Menu, there is a HELP link available at the bottom of each page that provides additional information to assist with completing the page. • Title IVA SECTION HELP links are embedded for each section on each Title IVA page. 14
Contracts The NCLB Application will continue to have the same YES/NO process in the application verifying SAU compliance with all contracting requirements. 16
Procedures for Non-Public School Grant Participation 1. Same process as last year but remember to verify the current e-mail address of the non-public school lead administrator in Site Setup. 2. See HELP link on the Non-public Participation Form for more instructions. 3. An e-mail is generated by the system when you activate the “Send E-mail to Non-public Certifying Official” regarding participation and electronic signature. See sample e-mail at the link on the NCLB home page. 17
Approved Special Purpose Schools • LEAs place students at these schools and are still responsible for oversight of the students’ educational program. • The student count is included in the LEA count as entered in MEDMS. • The LEA is responsible for considering the needs of these students as they plan for the use of NCLB funds. • For Title IA, these students must be considered in eligibility and prioritization for services. • To document consideration for Title IA services, the students’ names and eligibility test scores should be included with other students. If not served, why not? 19
Flexibility • Transferability continues to be open to all districts including transfers to Title V • REAP-Flex possible for small (under 600 students) rural districts. • Contact Dennis Kunces if help needed 20
Phone lines will be unmuted • Questions/clarifications. • Phone lines will be MUTED again. 21
SCHOOLWIDE Project Sheet • Evaluation: How was the schoolwide plan evaluated? How will the schoolwide program be changed based on this review? • Goals: List the goals. These may stay the same as previously listed or change based on the evaluation. • Program Description: What will the program look like? • Outcomes: What goals do you expect to reach during the 2008 -2009 school year? • What funds will be used? This includes all NCLB funds. You will also show local/other federal funds to document that the SAU is providing sufficient funds to the schoolwide project to support the effort. 22
Title IA Needs Assessment & Planning Two items have been added to this page: • The LEA agrees to ensure that ALL students from ALL public schools will participate in the required Title I state assessments: MEA/MSHA, and when applicable, ACCESS® for ELLS. In the previous year, did the LEA and each school meet the 95% threshold for participation? ___Yes ___No If “No”, what steps will be taken to meet the participation requirement? 23
Title IA Needs Assessment & Planning • Describe the process for annually updating and disseminating the School and LEA Report Card. – Who is responsible for this task? – What is the estimated timeframe for updating and disseminating the Report Card? – How will you inform the public of its existence and provide a summary of what it means? – Where will copies of the document exist? – If applicable, what is the website URL? 24
Title IA Equitable Services The Title IA Private School Project Sheet will contain a new chart asking for the following information: • Private School Low-Income Children divided by Public School Low-Income Children at Title IA served schools • 14 / 500 = 2. 8% • 2. 8% times the project budget is the equitable setaside for the Private School 25
Title IA Equitable Services • On each Setaside Project Sheet (Staff Development, Summer School, Parent Involvement), there will be a project description and outcome box for the public school project and the amount budgeted. • There will be a separate project description and outcome box for the non-public school that will: – 1) detail the services that the public school has agreed to provide for the non-public; or – 2) specify that the non-public chooses not to participate. • In addition, there will be a private school(s) budget line for each private school’s equitable share. 27
Setaside Example • Staff Development district project for $10, 000 • $10, 000 * 2. 8% = $280 • This is the amount that must be made available to the Private School and be addressed on the Staff Development Project Sheet. 28
Homeless Liaison • Title IA funds may not be used to pay a portion of a person’s salary who serves solely as the homeless liaison with no responsibility for any part of Title IA. • A Title IA paid person may also serve as the Homeless Liaison. 29
Continuous Improvement Priority (CIP) District Setasides Title IA Setaside Project Sheets--There is no non-public equitable share required for the CIP Status projects. • CIP District (CIPD)— 10% of District Title IA allocation must be used for Professional Development. In addition transferability is limited to 30% for the purpose of improvement activities. • SES/Transportation for Choice—an amount equivalent to 20% of District Title IA allocation; may come from multiple sources. The project description should detail the 20% amount and the funding sources used. 30
Continuous Improvement Priority School Status Title IA Project Sheets-School Level Projects • CIP School (CIPS)— 10% of Title IA School allocation for Professional Development; must come from Title IA. • The details of this project must be provided after the School Improvement Plan has been developed with the CIP School Improvement Team. 31
CIPS Title IA Project Sheet for Schools • 2007 -2008 Monitor Schools: The CIPS 10% Project Sheet may be created with the project funds budgeted in the “Other-8000” category and updated after the required plan is completed in December 2008 or after notification of making AYP. • For schools in CIPS 1 and additional years of CIPS: The CIPS 10% Project Sheet(s) will appear and details of activities for these funds must be presented in a separate sheet for each school. 32
Title IA Ranking of Schools & Distribution of Funds • Ranking of Schools and Distribution of Funds is addressed in the Reference Library. • Grade Span technical steps are included in the NCLB Directions. • Ranking and Distribution will also be addressed as part of the Reorganization session at the Regional Workshops. 33
Seeing Red/Blue Upon Submission? • This means there are issues that need to be resolved. • Ensure that all items have been completed on a page. • Prompts may assist you in identifying the error or problem area. • Call us. 34
Phone lines will be unmuted • Questions/clarifications. • Phone lines will be MUTED again. 35
Applying for Title IC: Migrant Education Funds • Consult with Migrant Education Program (MEP) staff to verify student eligibility and initiate application process. • Initiate application process by requesting activation of access. • Access the electronic application on the NCLB website. 36
Migrant Education Program Contact Information Maine Department of Education Attn: Maine Migrant Education Program 23 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 -0023 Fax: 207 -624 -6706 Web: http: //www. maine. gov/education/nclb/tic/index. html Danna Lee, Director Elizabeth J. Harris, Education Specialist E-mail: Danna. lee@maine. gov Phone: 207 -624 -6723 E-mail: elizabeth. j. harris@maine. gov Phone: 207 -624 -6722 38
Title IIA • Needs Assessment and Planning Document changes: • As of June, 2006, NCLB law specifies that all teachers should be highly qualified. As of that date, the annual measurable objective (AMO) of a district has to be 100%. 39
Title IIA • Needs Assessment and Planning Document changes: • According to Section 2141, any district that has not met its AMO for two consecutive years will be required to develop an improvement plan to address issues that prevented it from meeting its AMO. 40
Title IIA • Needs Assessment and Planning Document changes : • Districts who have not had 100% HQT for two consecutive years will be required to fill out an HQT Action Plan. A template will be provided. This Action Plan will be due at the Title II DOE office by June 30, 2008. You will be notified if your district is required to take this action. 41
Title IIA • Needs Assessment and Planning Document changes: • Finally, since all districts must now have an AMO of 100% HQT, you will no longer be required to state an objective for HQT on the Needs Assessment and Planning Document. 42
Title III 43
Title III Applying for Funds • Title III, English Acquisition Program, has an electronic fund application on the NCLB online applications website. • Title III has a minimum award amount of $10, 000 (historically $100 per LEP student). 44
Title III Funds are to supplement services to LEP students Title III funds are to improve the existing instruction programs for English language learners by: • • Providing training to school personnel; Implementing family education programs; Providing tutorials; and Developing policies to ensure LEP students have access to all education programs. 45
Title III-ESL/Bilingual Programs Contact Information: Maine Department of Education Nancy Mullins Title III-ESL/Bilingual Programs Director SHS 23 Augusta, Maine 04333 (207) 624 -6788 nancy. mullins@maine. gov 46
Title IV-A Safe & Drug-Free Schools Program SAU’s should expect to see a 15% cut in their 2008 -09 allocations. There are no significant changes to the 2007 -08 Title IV-A Performance Report or 2008 -09 Title IV-A Application pages. 47
The following online resources are available to help you complete the Title IV-A Application and Performance Report Pages: 48
Resources located in the Title IV-A section of the NCLB Application Main Menu Page: • Guidance for Selecting a “Model” Prevention Program Strategy • Guidance for Selecting an “Other Allowable” Prevention Strategy • Maine’s Waiver Policy for Selection of “Other Allowable” Prevention Strategies • SDFSCA Principles of Effectiveness • Sample Title IV-A Application Pages • Sample Title IV-A Performance Report Pages • Title IV-A Application Power. Point Overview Presentation 49
Resources located on all Title IV-A Application and Performance Report Pages: Blue SECTION HELP links are available on each page. The links provide guidance and examples for completing each section. 50
Title IV-A Contact Information Linda Phillips, SDFS Program Coordinator Telephone: 287 -8904 Fax: 287 -8910 e-mail: linda. phillips@maine. gov Peter Brough, LEA Program Specialist Telephone: 287 -6475 Fax: 287 -8910 e-mail: peter. p. brough@maine. gov Carla Mc. Pherson, Secretary Telephone: 287 -2596 Fax: 287 -8910 e-mail: carla. mcpherson@maine. gov 51
Technology Plan Issues • Many Districts have plans due no later than July 1. • They need to be in well before the July 1 deadline, so they can be reviewed and approved. • Missing or unapproved Technology Plans will hold up your Title IID funds. • Submit plans to Sylvia Norton at the Maine State Library State House Station 64, Augusta, ME 04333. Phone # 1 -800 -3228899. 52
Title IID Problem Area To obtain a waiver to exempt the SAU from the 25% of the grant requirement needed for technology staff development, the request must: 1. 2. Be a Letter, fax or email separate from the project page. List the type of training offered and source of the funding that equates to at least 25% of the IID grant total. 53
Title V We are very sad to report that Title V is no longer funded. 54
Title VI Rural Low Income • Eligibility: Coded rural but not Rural Small School eligible & have 20% or more poverty. • No changes in the paperwork. • There are some new SAU potentially eligible. Dennis will call the NCLB Coordinator when determined in May. 55
Title VI Rural Small Schools • Funds are distributed to SAUs from the U. S. Education Department. • Uses E-grants System. • REAP-Flex capable –fewer than 600 students & rural (7 or 8 coding). • Uses similar to those of Title V. • No changes in the procedures. 56
Phone lines will be unmuted • Questions/clarifications. • Phone lines will be MUTED again. 57
No Child Left Behind Electronic Performance Reports 58
Purpose of the Report • Show effectiveness of your projects • Provide data to USDE on how many schools/students received services • Account for the funds • Plan for next year • Show need for the programs 59
Be sure to: • Report actual outcomes that align to the anticipated ones; • Determine if all outcomes were met; • Identify any program changes; • Report actual project costs. 60
Project Budget Issues • Project budgets should be monitored throughout the year in consultation with the business manager. • Actual project expenditure totals can be less than budgeted. • If the project budget is over expended by more than 10%, you must make an application amendment. 61
Carryover Continuance Projects • Not all projects have to be continued with carryover funds even if you will be doing them next year. • Any project you choose to carry over must allow you to use the funds within the allowable timeframe. • Carryover funds must be expended by December 31 for allowable projects under each title. • Title IA CIPS and Parent Involvement projects must be carried forward for their original purpose if not fully expended. 62
New Carryover Projects • If your carryover project was not part of your application last year, you will need to set up a new carryover project sheet. • This project sheet is completed in the same manner as in your application. • The new project is subject to approval. • Funds must be expended by December 31. 63
Title IA Supplemental Data School Information Section: • Removed Extended Learning Opportunities and Family Literacy Program counts Instructional Services Section: • Combined Reading/Language Arts • Eliminated Writing • Eliminated HOTS • Added Science 64
Highly Qualified Paraprofessionals • Targeted Assisted Schools (TAS) - Number of Ed Techs paid in whole or in part with Title IA funds • Schoolwide Programs (SWP) - Total number of Ed Techs in this school All Ed Techs paid by Title IA in a TAS and all Ed Techs in a SWP must meet the requirement. A box has been added to describe why any Ed Tech does not meet HQ requirements, such as language facilitator, personal care assistant, etc. 65
Continuous Improvement Priority School (CIPS) Data • The CIPS Data Sheet will be generated by the system if the district has a CIPS Project Sheet in the application. • For eligibility purposes: – The public school choice section is requesting a total school enrollment. – The SES section is asking for the Free & Reduced Lunch student count. 66
Five Levels of PD Assessment • • Participants’ Reactions Participants’ Learning Organizational Support and Change Participants’ Use of New Knowledge and Skills • Student Learning Outcomes » (Guskey, 1998) Handout in Packet 67
Professional Development Data 2005 -2006 • 84% report 76 -100% participation overall. • 66% report 76 -100% participation of targeted teachers. • Least common activities include action research, case studies and professional networking. • Most common activities include curriculum implementation, examining student work and workshops, institutes and courses. 69
Title IIA Data Summary • % of teachers participating in high quality professional development is increasing. • PD activities are becoming classroom–based and focusing on examining student work. • Increase in the number of hours in the average PD activity. • Increase in period of time over which activities take place. • Quality of professional development is improving. 70
Title IID Supplemental Page Changes 1. Has your SAU effectively and fully integrated technology into the curriculum in all schools to enhance teaching and learning? [ ] Yes [ ] No 71
Title IID Supplemental Page Changes 2. Approximately what date did your SAU comply with the requirement to permit 7 th and 8 th grade students to take home MLTI laptop computers home to support their learning? Date: _______ [ ] Have not complied with the requirement [ ] Not applicable, no 7 th or 8 th grade in our SAU. 72
Title IID Supplemental Page Changes 4. Fill in the number of fully working Internet accessible computers and the number of students for each school in the SAU. • School Name # Computers # Students • • <school names will be inserted> 73
Title IV-A Supplemental Reporting In order for a Maine SAU to receive 2008 -09 Title IV-A funds, all schools in the SAU must have entered 2007 -08 Incidence of Prohibited Behavior (IPB) Data into the MEDMS SDFS Module. (The IPB Reporting System managed by the Office of Substance Abuse, that schools have used for many years, has been phased out. ) 74
Phone lines will be unmuted • Questions/clarifications. 75
Phone Numbers • • Title IA #624 -6705 Title IC #624 -6723/624 -6722 Title IIA #624 -6830 Title IID/V/VI #624 -6815 Title III #624 -6788 Title IVA #287 -6475 Title X-Homeless #624 -6637 76