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Saratov in the life of Yuri Gagarin.pptx

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Nikiforov Oleg, Second-year student department of chemistry Nikiforov Oleg, Second-year student department of chemistry

 Yurii Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the country Klushino near Yurii Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the country Klushino near Smolensk. At 1951 when he finished Lyuberetsk school, he enter in technical school in Saratov. Yurii arrived in Saratov with his friends: Timofey Chugunov, Alexander Petushkov, and with their educator Vladumir Nikiforov.

Yurii Gagarin for 2 years was excellent pupil and was entered on the honor Yurii Gagarin for 2 years was excellent pupil and was entered on the honor roll. His favorite subject in college, as before in the school continued to be physics. Their physicist (Nikolai Moskvin) gave his lectures interesting, figuratively. “- The technician can not ignore physics. Earth rotates under the laws of physics. ”Moskvin organized physics club, whose members made presentations. Gagarin made a report on "K. Tsiolkovsky and his theory of rocket motors and interplanetary travel. "Yuri learned a lot, perseverance, and four years later, in 1955, graduated from college with honors, with a degree caster. On the facade of college is a memorial plaque: "The first astronaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, Yuri Gagarin studied at Industrial College in 1951 -1955. '

Jura studied very well, did not want to excellent marks, just wanted to know Jura studied very well, did not want to excellent marks, just wanted to know more. He liked to relax in free time in the "Lipki" on the embankment, often went to the opera and ballet, drama theater, Art Museum Radishchev. "In good Saratov Opera House. There I listened to "Mermaid" Dargomyzhsky, "Carmen" by Bizet, "The Queen of Spades" by Tchaikovsky. Impressed by Glinka "Ivan Susanin". Yuri played sports a lot, was in sports sections, was captain of the basketball team. He took part in public life - was a member of the Komsomol, the Board Secretary grassroots VDSO "Labor reserves", played in a brass band on the trumpet and sang in the male chorus, participated in the drama club. For a time he worked as a physical trainer in the summer camp.

Gagarin was enrolled in the department of Saratov Flying Club pilots in october 26, Gagarin was enrolled in the department of Saratov Flying Club pilots in october 26, 1954. All winter the students studied the design of the aircraft, listened to lectures on navigation. First coach Yuri Gagarin was a flying instructor pilot D. P. Martyanov And started interesting summer. Flights were almost every day. June morning in 1955 under the guidance of an experienced instructor pilot D. P. Martyanov airfield DOSAAF cadet Gagarin first flew on a plane “Yak-18” № 06. So he became a pilot. Plane “Yak-18” № 06 solemnly handed the eternal storage to the Oblast Museum of Local History. and commander HSU S. I. Safronov.

Since March 1960 is training a group of candidates for the astronauts already, and Since March 1960 is training a group of candidates for the astronauts already, and among those who have successfully overcome a variety of barriers, and was Yuri Gagarin. On april 13, 1960 Astronauts relocated from Moscow for Saratov (in Engels) , where they started to parachute training. Despite tough parachute training program, the future astronauts were and personal time, they used to the taste and desire. Jura visited the home of Victor Kalashnikov - a fellow flying club. During training sessions died father of Walya, wife of Yuri Gagarin, but she did not tell him about the accident, fearing to upset her husband during the serious and heavy jumps. May 20, 1960 the future cosmonauts came back to training center.

In that memorable morning the Soviet pilot Yuri Gagarin made the first human flight In that memorable morning the Soviet pilot Yuri Gagarin made the first human flight into space on the ship "Vostok". Ship-to-satellite, with Yuri Gagarin on board rose to a height 327 kilometers, orbited the Earth and landed safely in the vicinity of the village Smelovka, about 26 kilometers from the city of Engels, Saratov region. Once on solid ground, he saw a woman with a little girl standing next to the spotted calf and curiously watching for him. He was still in a bright orange suit, and his unusual appearance scare them a little. Nothing of the kind they have not seen. It was a forester's wife Anna Akimovna Takhtarova with his six year old granddaughter Rita. They were the first people he met on the Earth after the flight. Then mechanics, who worked nearby. a group of soldiers with an officer arrived shortly. They hugged me, shook hands. One of them called me a major. Here helicopter arrived to him with experts from the group meetings and the Stewards. He went to the command post of the group to report back to Moscow about everything.

January 5, 1965 Yuri Gagarin was the guest of industrial college, was present in January 5, 1965 Yuri Gagarin was the guest of industrial college, was present in theater of opera and ballet at the celebration. Congratulated the college on the significant date. The city in which his youth, the astronaut never forgotten. In January 1965 the Saratov Industrial Technical School celebrated its twentieth anniversary. College graduate Gagarin with his wife Valentina came to celebrate the occasion. For four days, they were welcome in our city. With great interest astronaut acquainted with the new seafront, Palace of Sports and swimming pool, visited the house-museum of Nikolai Chernyshevsky. Saratov City Executive Committee Yuri Gagarin awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the city of Saratov. " Visitors and residents, students and schoolchildren visit the National Museum of Yuri Gagarin, make field trips to Gagarin - the landing place of the first cosmonaut. The first pilot of the universe has not lived up to the present day, the greatness that he committed the deed will remain forever in the memory of people in their hearts.