Скачать презентацию NIGERIAN ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION Policy Regulatory Framework Скачать презентацию NIGERIAN ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION Policy Regulatory Framework


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NIGERIAN ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION Policy & Regulatory Framework for Energy Infrastructure Investment Energy Sector NIGERIAN ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION Policy & Regulatory Framework for Energy Infrastructure Investment Energy Sector Governance – Building Political Support for Energy Sector Initiatives and Regulatory Bodies BY Ransome E. Owan, Ph. D Chairman & CEO www. NERCNG. org @ Workshop on Commercial Framework for Energy Investment Abuja May 1, 2008

Nigeria’s Power Sector Generation, T&D Fully Unbundled = + 6 Unregulated Generation + IPPs Nigeria’s Power Sector Generation, T&D Fully Unbundled = + 6 Unregulated Generation + IPPs & JVs + • • • Transmission – One Regulated Power Super Highway 11 Local + Distribution Firms Generation 100% deregulated with Multiple Players Open Access to the Grid + Transparent Wheeling Prices One Transmission Company of Nigeria = TCN

NERC Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. NERC Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Reform Act 2005 & Start: November 1, 2005 7 Commissioners & 6 Divisions Tenured Presidential Appointments Senate Confirmation Regulatory Autonomy 2 -Term Limits & 2 yrs Cooling Period Ability to Sue and be Sued Bound by Law or Contract NERC Speaks via Binding Orders Matters of Law Reserved & Referred to Court

Who We Are: (NERC) - as Sector Regulator • MISSION: Ensure Adequate, Safe, Reliable Who We Are: (NERC) - as Sector Regulator • MISSION: Ensure Adequate, Safe, Reliable and Affordable Electricity to all Consumers • • • Promote Fair Competition & Honor Sanctity of Contracts Establish Predictable & Transparent Rules & Regulations Ensure Consumer and Public Interest Protection • • • License Needed for: * Generation Over 1 MW * Distribution Over 100 k. W • Ensure cost recovery and reasonable returns on investments • • Monitor Market Power: warn, suspend & revoke Licenses NERC = Unbiased Fact Finder & INDUSTRY REFEREE


Power Sector Infrastructure As an ASSET CLASS • Define Power Sector Infrastructure as an Power Sector Infrastructure As an ASSET CLASS • Define Power Sector Infrastructure as an Asset Class – Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Gas pipelines – Natural Gas Strategic Reserves (underground salt caverns) • Monetization, commoditization & Securtization of Assets – Create Ratable Govt-backed paper with long tenure – Provide financial leverage for added capitalization – Free up limited Govt-Money for other public goods • Capital Market, Asset Managers, Buy-Side Inst. Investors – Huge fixed income opportunity – Excellent Emerging Market Play – Huge Cross-Boarder Trade: West African Power Pool

Electricity & Infrastructure Needs • Huge Generation Needs – Nigeria & Sub-Region • Large Electricity & Infrastructure Needs • Huge Generation Needs – Nigeria & Sub-Region • Large Scale Integrated Transmission Networks (Nigeria & West African Power Pool) • Extensive Distribution Network Upgrades & New Ones • Natural Gas Commodity Supply for Nigeria and West Africa • Natural Gas Pipelines for Nigeria, Coal, Nukes, Hydro, Solar, Wind, Trash-to-Power, Geothermal/Hot Springs • Strategic Reserves for Natural Gas & Petroleum • Infrastructure Financing, Project Execution & Complex Contracts

ECOWAS Energy Policy • Defined in 1982 by ECOWAS Heads of States and Government ECOWAS Energy Policy • Defined in 1982 by ECOWAS Heads of States and Government to: – Ensure energy security for the region – Diversify primary energy sources – Promote access of the masses to energy • Implementation strategies: – – Execution of West African Gas Pipeline WAPP Project for Energy Access by rural and semi – urban populations Establishment of Regional Regulatory Body (ERERA) • Ecowas energy protocol – 2003 – – – Provision to guarantee free movement of energy products Define non discriminatory rules for exchange and dispute resolution Attract and protect private investment promote environmental protection and efficient energy development

Regional Regulatory Needs - ERERA • Regulate the cross – border exchanges and improve Regional Regulatory Needs - ERERA • Regulate the cross – border exchanges and improve those that exist • Contribute to creating enabling environment to attract investment in the sector • Participate in the preparation and the establishment of the market and assist ECOWAS in proposing directives on the matter • Supervise the market operation and settle disputes • Participate in providing advice on regional policy to the ECOWAS Commission • Ensure communication with the actors • Assist national regulators as well as any other actor of the regional market

Proposed Powers for ERERA 1. Technical Regulation of the regional transmission network monopoly 2. Proposed Powers for ERERA 1. Technical Regulation of the regional transmission network monopoly 2. Regulation of market operation 3. Required Mechanisms: – Enacting and interpretatiojn of rules – Authorization, approval, supervision of the various actors activities – Inquiry and injunction and sanction of violations – Dispute resolution

ERERA Regulatory Framework (1) – Source: ECOWAS Secretariat ERERA Regulatory Framework (1) – Source: ECOWAS Secretariat

ERERA Regulatory Framework (2) – Source: ECOWAS Secretariat ERERA Regulatory Framework (2) – Source: ECOWAS Secretariat

The Challenge of Creating A New Market • • • A Strong Legal & The Challenge of Creating A New Market • • • A Strong Legal & Regulatory Framework Govt. Gift of an Enabling Space Financial Framework & Capital Formation • • Commodity Pricing – Tariff & Payment Scheme Transaction & Settlement Framework Contracting, Off-Taker, Liability Issues Risk Sharing & Investor Appetite Management • Interpretation of Political Space - Poly. Economy • • • Capacity Building for All Closing Projects with High Hit Rates Power as a Tradable Commodity

WAPP Regional Integration of Electricity Markets (Source WAPP) MALI SENEGAL NIGER GAMBIA GUINEA BISSAU WAPP Regional Integration of Electricity Markets (Source WAPP) MALI SENEGAL NIGER GAMBIA GUINEA BISSAU 2011 GUINEA 2010 BURKINA FASO BENIN NIGERIA TOGO Tak 2007 a Lom Co é ton o Lag u os Tem ora di CÔTE SIERRA D’IVOIRE GHANA LEONE 2011+ LIBERIA West Africa Gas Pipeline (WAGP) Project

Coastal Trans Backbone Sub-program Inter-Zonal Trans Sub-program North-core Trans Sub-program OMVG/OMVS Development Sub-program LSG Coastal Trans Backbone Sub-program Inter-Zonal Trans Sub-program North-core Trans Sub-program OMVG/OMVS Development Sub-program LSG System Redevelopment Sub-program MALI NIGER SENEGAL GAMBIA GUINEA BISSAU BURKINA FASO NIGERIA GUINEA BENIN SIERRA LEONE CÔTE D’IVOIRE TOGO GHANA LIBERIA Implementation Road Map (Source – WAPP)

West Coast Transmission Backbone (Source WAPP) GHANA TOGO Momé Hagou Hague Kumasi Obuasi 2008 West Coast Transmission Backbone (Source WAPP) GHANA TOGO Momé Hagou Hague Kumasi Obuasi 2008 -9 CÔTE Prestea D’IVOIRE BENIN Obuasi Akosombo 2009 2008 Aboadze 2007 Cotonou Lomé Volta Accra 225 k. V Sakété NIGERIA Existing 161 k. V Committed 330 k. V line Existing 161 k. V Committed 161 k. V line 330 k. V line under construction Proposed 330 k. V operated at 161 k. V 330 k. V line under development

Africa The Electricity Infrastructure Picture: Investments, Contracts, Advisory, Arbitration, Litigation, Settlements, Profits!! Africa The Electricity Infrastructure Picture: Investments, Contracts, Advisory, Arbitration, Litigation, Settlements, Profits!!

THANK YOU Please visit us @ www. NERCNG. org Adamawa Plaza - Abuja THANK YOU Please visit us @ www. NERCNG. org Adamawa Plaza - Abuja