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Nielsen Homescan® Data and Retail Insights American Egg Board 52 Weeks Ending December 26, 2009
Nielsen Homescan® Panel • • • 125, 000 U. S. households Demographically balanced Statistically reliable Households scan all retail purchases Uploaded to Nielsen weekly
Channel * Facts • How do consumers shop and buy the EGG category in a particular retailer? • Examines opportunities and potential sales increase within a retail channel
Shopper Penetration • % of households that purchased the category at least once and that shopped the retail channel
Channel Facts: Shopper Penetration 52 weeks ending 12. 29. 2007 12. 27. 2008 12. 26. 2009 Total Outlets 92. 6 92. 4 92. 8 Grocery 91. 4 91. 0 91. 3 Drug 75. 7 75. 2 74. 4 Warehouse Clubs 47. 9 46. 9 47. 6 Convenience / Gas 37. 9 37. 3 35. 4 Dollar Stores 59. 8 59. 5 60. 2 Trader Joes 7. 3 7. 9 7. 8 Mass Merchandise w/Supers 88. 8 88. 3 88. 5 Mass Merchandise w/o Supers 76. 6 73. 8 72. 1 Supercenters 61. 1 63. 2 65. 2
Item Penetration Channel Importance • What % of the business moves through the various channels? • Which store do most buyers go to?
Channel Facts: Item Penetration 52 weeks ending 12. 29. 2007 12. 27. 2008 12. 26. 2009 Total Outlets 92. 6 92. 4 92. 8 Grocery 82. 7 Drug 4. 7 5. 0 4. 7 Warehouse Clubs 12. 7 12. 9 13. 3 Convenience / Gas 2. 0 1. 8 Dollar Stores 3. 0 2. 2 3. 2 Trader Joes 0. 7 1. 1 1. 0 Mass Merchandise w/Supers 38. 1 38. 5 40. 1 Mass Merchandise w/o Supers 7. 2 7. 0 7. 7 Supercenters 33. 1 33. 6 34. 5
Item Penetration: 1999 - 2009 94. 7 94. 3 94. 0 94. 5 94. 1 93. 3 93. 0 92. 6 92. 4 92. 8 “Percent of U. S. Households that purchased fresh eggs at least once during the year”
Retailer Shoppers • Projected number of shoppers for that item in the retailer (the potential)
Channel Facts: Retailer Shoppers (000) 52 weeks ending 12. 29. 2007 12. 27. 2008 12. 26. 2009 Total Outlets 107, 485. 7 108, 762. 2 109, 904. 2 Grocery 106, 078. 1 107, 148. 1 108, 223. 9 Drug 87, 920. 3 88, 458. 1 88, 128. 6 Warehouse Clubs 55, 574. 9 55, 206. 3 56, 400. 8 Convenience / Gas 43, 987. 1 43, 857. 9 41, 995. 7 Dollar Stores 69, 448. 1 70, 086. 8 71, 325. 2 Trader Joes 8, 465. 6 9, 255. 4 9, 198. 6 Mass Merchandise w/Supers 103, 084. 7 103, 906. 7 104, 834. 0 Mass Merchandise w/o Supers 88, 948. 9 86, 828. 0 85, 442. 8 Supercenters 70, 937. 9 74, 412. 4 77, 290. 6
Item Buyers • Projected number of buyers for that item in the retailer (the converted)
Channel Facts: Item Buyers (000) 52 weeks ending 12. 29. 2007 12. 27. 2008 12. 26. 2009 Total Outlets 107, 485. 7 108, 762. 2 109, 904. 2 Grocery 96, 045. 9 97, 350. 9 98, 040. 5 Drug 5, 492. 7 5, 838. 2 5, 572. 0 Warehouse Clubs 14, 747. 9 15, 214. 5 15, 730. 8 Convenience / Gas 2, 280. 3 2, 112. 8 2, 099. 5 Dollar Stores 3, 487. 2 2, 633. 3 3, 849. 9 Trader Joes 801. 1 1, 338. 3 1, 158. 5 Mass Merchandise w/Supers 44, 215. 0 45, 310. 9 47, 517. 4 Mass Merchandise w/o Supers 8, 304. 0 8, 218. 8 9, 138. 7 Supercenters 38, 445. 1 39, 550. 2 40, 930. 9
Buyer Conversion • The % of shoppers buying eggs by channel • Answers the question: "how many shoppers do I convert to buy EGGS in my store? ” • Opportunity: convert shoppers into buyers
Channel Facts: Buyer Conversion 52 weeks ending 12. 29. 2007 12. 27. 2008 12. 26. 2009 Total Outlets 100. 0 Grocery 90. 5 90. 9 90. 6 Drug 6. 3 6. 6 6. 3 Warehouse Clubs 26. 5 27. 6 27. 9 Convenience / Gas 5. 2 4. 8 5. 0 Dollar Stores 5. 0 3. 8 5. 4 Trader Joes 9. 5 14. 5 12. 6 Mass Merchandise w/Supers 42. 9 43. 6 45. 3 Mass Merchandise w/o Supers 9. 3 9. 5 10. 7 Supercenters 54. 2 53. 1 53. 0
Buyer Conversion: Grocery Channel 92. 4% 91. 5% 90. 9% 90. 8% “How many shoppers are converted to buy eggs in a particular channel”
Buyer Conversion: Trader Joe’s 14. 5% 12. 6% 9. 5%
Retailer Trips • Projected number of trips that EGG buyers made into the retailer in total
Channel Facts: Retailer Trips (000) 52 weeks ending 12. 29. 2007 12. 27. 2008 12. 26. 2009 Total Outlets 17, 810, 486. 7 17, 580, 085. 9 17, 352, 624. 0 Grocery 6, 213, 879. 9 6, 240, 516. 1 6, 299, 733. 1 Drug 1, 257, 821. 7 1, 277, 715. 1 1, 224, 533. 3 Warehouse Clubs 611, 533. 0 616, 606. 8 643, 289. 4 Convenience / Gas 623, 678. 3 582, 358. 2 545, 751. 0 Dollar Stores 859, 952. 7 888. 233. 5 909, 854. 5 Trader Joes 64, 910. 0 69, 483. 5 71, 375. 1 Mass Merchandise w/Supers 3, 280, 352. 3 3, 232, 617. 1 3, 227, 989. 3 Mass Merchandise w/o Supers 1, 368, 359. 7 1, 261, 998. 5 1, 183, 387. 2 Supercenters 1, 911, 992. 7 1, 970, 618. 7 2, 044, 602. 1
Item Trips • Projected number of trips that EGG buyers made into the retailer for EGGS
Channel Facts: Item Trips (000) 52 weeks ending 12. 29. 2007 12. 27. 2008 12. 26. 2009 Total Outlets 1, 183, 852. 5 1, 196, 342. 9 1, 232, 349. 7 Grocery 810, 695. 4 822, 722. 6 848, 664. 1 Drug 14, 115. 8 14, 597. 3 11, 364. 2 Warehouse Clubs 58, 811. 6 58, 332. 2 62, 466. 3 Convenience / Gas 5, 122. 3 4, 820. 7 5, 077. 0 Dollar Stores 8, 868. 3 5, 024. 0 9, 994. 1 Trader Joes 2, 550. 4 4, 429. 9 3, 602. 3 Mass Merchandise w/Supers 232, 794. 3 235, 044. 0 238, 441. 0 Mass Merchandise w/o Supers 19, 964. 9 20, 442. 2 22, 668. 6 Supercenters 212, 829. 4 214, 601. 8 215, 772. 4
Trip Conversion • Percent of total retailer trips made by the EGG buyer that included EGGS
Channel Facts: Trip Conversion 52 weeks ending 12. 29. 2007 12. 27. 2008 12. 26. 2009 Total Outlets 6. 7 6. 8 7. 1 Grocery 13. 1 13. 2 13. 5 Drug 1. 1 0. 9 Warehouse Clubs 9. 6 9. 5 9. 7 Convenience / Gas 0. 8 0. 9 Dollar Stores 1. 0 0. 6 1. 1 Trader Joes 3. 9 6. 4 5. 0 Mass Merchandise w/Supers 7. 1 7. 3 7. 4 Mass Merchandise w/o Supers 1. 5 1. 6 1. 9 Supercenters 11. 1 10. 9 10. 6
Item $ per Item Buyer • How much the item buying household spends on EGGS in the retailer throughout the year
Channel Facts: Item $ per Item Buyer 52 weeks ending 12. 29. 2007 12. 27. 2008 12. 26. 2009 Total Outlets $ 24. 30 $ 28. 10 $ 23. 80 Grocery $ 18. 50 $ 21. 20 $ 17. 90 Drug $ 4. 90 $ 6. 20 $ 3. 90 Warehouse Clubs $ 13. 90 $ 15. 30 $ 14. 20 Convenience / Gas $ 4. 50 $ 5. 60 $ 5. 30 Dollar Stores $ 4. 20 $ 3. 80 $ 4. 40 Trader Joes $ 5. 60 $ 7. 70 $ 6. 20 Mass Merchandise w/Supers $ 10. 60 $ 12. 30 $ 9. 80 Mass Merchandise w/o Supers $ 4. 80 $ 5. 80 $ 4. 80 Supercenters $ 11. 20 $ 12. 90 $ 10. 30
Total Retailer $ on Item Trip: • The "in-basket market basket" value measure • The $ per trip spent by item buying households in that retailer among all trips that included EGGS
Channel Facts: Total Retailer $ per Item Trip 52 weeks ending 12. 29. 2007 12. 27. 2008 12. 26. 2009 Total Outlets $ 77. 80 $ 81. 00 $ 80. 40 Grocery $ 70. 30 $ 72. 90 $ 72. 30 Drug $ 26. 30 $ 26. 90 $ 26. 90 Warehouse Clubs $ 130. 70 $ 132. 90 $ 137. 20 Convenience / Gas $ 23. 40 $ 27. 00 $ 25. 90 Dollar Stores $ 24. 90 $ 36. 90 $ 32. 50 Trader Joes $ 36. 90 $ 43. 70 $ 47. 50 Mass Merchandise w/Supers $ 97. 20 $ 102. 90 $ 100. 50 Mass Merchandise w/o Supers $ 75. 70 $ 73. 80 $ 73. 70 Supercenters $ 99. 30 $ 105. 60 $ 103. 30
Total Retailer $ When Item N-I-B • The "out of-basket market basket" value measure • The $ per trip spent by EGG buying households in that retailer among trips when EGGS were not in the basket
Channel Facts: Total Retailer $ When Item N-I-B 52 weeks ending 12. 29. 2007 12. 27. 2008 12. 26. 2009 Total Outlets $ 41. 90 $ 42. 80 $ 42. 80 Grocery $ 35. 90 $ 37. 10 $ 27. 80 Drug $ 23. 70 $ 23. 90 $ 24. 00 Warehouse Clubs $ 94. 30 $ 97. 00 $ 94. 50 Convenience / Gas $ 17. 80 $ 19. 30 $ 19. 80 Dollar Stores $ 13. 40 $ 13. 70 $ 14. 00 Trader Joes $ 32. 60 $ 33. 70 $ 33. 70 Mass Merchandise w/Supers $ 54. 00 $ 55. 90 $ 54. 90 Mass Merchandise w/o Supers $ 48. 20 $ 48. 90 $ 47. 80 Supercenters $ 58. 60 $ 60. 80 $ 59. 40
Channel*Facts In-Basket vs N-I-B Value • Dollars spent per Household per trip when eggs were in the basket vs dollars spent when eggs were not in the shopping cart
Channel*Facts: Eggs in Basket vs Eggs N-I-B $103. 30 $80. 40 $72. 30 $59. 40 $42. 80 $32. 50 $27. 80 $14. 00
% of Egg Volume Sold on Deal • The percent of item volume sold in conjunction with any consumerperceived deal.
Channel Facts: % item $ on Deal 52 weeks ending 12. 27. 2008 12. 26. 2009 Total Outlets 18. 0 % 18. 5 % Grocery 19. 6 % 24. 1 % Drug 48. 3 % 45. 5 % Warehouse Clubs 1. 7 % 2. 4 % Convenience / Gas 7. 8 % 13. 0 % Dollar Stores 5. 5 % 6. 8 % Trader Joes 1. 7 % 1. 6 % Mass Merchandise w/Supers 4. 2 % 6. 0 % Mass Merchandise w/o Supers 7. 7 % 9. 5 % Supercenters 5. 3 % 5. 6 %
% Egg Volume Sold on Deal in Grocery Channel 26. 9% 24. 1% 21. 9% 20. 0% 19. 6%