- Количество слайдов: 15
Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences International Orientation profinter@nicholas. duke. edu
MEMs - Where are we from? Julia Joanna Robyn Cristina Juliana Martin Rodrigo Basma Jong. Shin Daylin Sona Roberto Chantalle Xiaojing Hua Wenjie Jingjing Saada Dominic Akiko Eiichi Shinsuke Malavika Sahil Peng-yu Gurpreet Annabelle Yu-chun Aishwarya Jiesheng Chen-Tien Priya Tai-Ying Teagan Introductions….
Ph. Ds - Where are we from? Daniela Noella Bethany Lesley German Shaleyla Sofia Valerie Taichi Jan Felix Rhema Alana Claudia Hadas Ibrahim Denis Jianwei Zheng Ling Sathya Krithi Soumya Dawoon Hyun Sook Bok Nam Yoon Kyung Sally Introductions….
Some Tips – Duke. . Academics: Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Keep in touch with your advisor E-mail professors for permission numbers of the courses Make good use of Blackboard Keep checking ACES Professors are very friendly and nice, visit them during office hours (Song Qian, Lisa Campbell, Gaby, Prasad. ) Be careful not to take too many classes in the first semester Auditing classes Ask second years for advice on classes Duke University honor code is very important!!! Take advantage of the classes offered at UNC and NC state, and other nearby colleges
Tips – Duke… English language: Ø Take advantage of the writing consultants offered by Duke’s Library Writing Studio Ø You can get academic credit for only one of the two English classes at Duke, and no credit if you only take one Ø English classes are helpful Ø Try conversing in English as much as possible
Tips- Duke and more… Places to eat: Ø Great Hall – Fresh food, affordable prices, great ambience Ø Blue express Ø Saladelia (By Bostock library): Great and cheap coffee Ø 9 th street (East campus. Take bus) Ø Chai’s, NOSH, Sushi Love (Erwin) Ø Alpine bagel/Chick-fil-a Ø Grace’s Café in Trent Hall (Central Campus) Places to do grocery shopping: Refer to the handout
Tips - Duke Activities: Ø Campout Ø GPSC Mailing list Ø Movies at theater (Screen Society) Ø Duke performances - $5 with student ID (Max 2 tix) Ø Cultural celebrations – Get to know a country at IHouse, Salsa club - Sabrosura, Awaaz (South Asian festival), Spring food festival (I-House) et al…… Ø Chinese/Indian/Singaporean/Taiwanese student associations etc. Ø Nic School’s FOREM Kegs
Tips – Outside the School Call Safe ride 5: 00 pm to 7: 00 am, 7 days of the wk 919 -684 -SAFE(7233) Ø What is a Social Security Number (SSN)? Ø International House will organize regular trips to Social Security Office Ø State ID Ø Driver’s License if you plan to drive. No foreign driver’s license. International House will also arrange regular trip to DMV Ø
Housing Tips & Safety Ø Duke Community Housing office website maintains records of apartment complexes and neighborhoods in Durham (http: //cho. duhs. duke. edu/survey_results. php). Keep the rental office’s phone number in your cell phone. Call them if there is anything wrong in your apartment. Ø Always lock your door, close your curtains when you have lights on at night Ø
International Student Group at the Nicholas School Representatives for 08 : Annabelle and Xiaojing Ø Elections in Fall 2008 for 2009 representatives Ø Representatives of the International Students in the Nicholas School Student Council (NSSC) Ø Students International Discussion Group (SIDG) Ø
Past Years Activities Ø “International Potluck” l l l Chat about school life, discuss international issues and share culture Celebrate monthly B-days Discuss problems and issues faced by international students which are then raised at the NSSC meetings “International and US Food Festival” – Fall Ø “Forum International Potluck” - Spring Ø Meetings with faculty to discuss international students’ needs Ø
Being an international at Nic School – Some glimpses!
Tips for daily life Practise using English Ø Don’t be afraid to ask questions Ø If you need help - ask. People are usually friendly and willing to help Ø Don’t feel like you need to go for everything Ø Feel free to use facilities in the lounge (Microwave, fridge, toaster etc. ) Ø It’s good to get away from the LSRC sometimes Ø It may not be easy at first, but it is a learning and growing process.
Welcome to the Nicholas School! Questions? Contact info: Xiaojing: 919 -943 -8885, xs 12@duke. edu Annabelle: 857 -272 -0210, amn 14@duke. edu