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Nias Disaster Risk Reduction Learning Center Indonesia – New Zealand Celebrating 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations: Promoting Initiatives on Disaster Risk Management Conference and Workshop Jakarta, 5 - 6 August 2008
The Goal of Post-Disaster Nias Development : A Resilient Community to reduce the consequences of failure: building with the correct construction principles
The Goal of Post-Disaster Nias Development : A Resilient Community to reduce the probability of failure? : continuing the old construction practice
The Goal of Post-Disaster Nias Development : A Resilient Community environmental damage: consequence of reconstruction
The Goal of Post-Disaster Nias Development : A Resilient Community The overall goal of the Disaster Risk Reduction for Nias program is to promote sustainable development and resilient communities throughout the hazard prone Nias Islands by developing a strong institutional basis for hazard management at Provincial level, and a culture of safety at all levels of society in Nias.
The Goal of Post-Disaster Nias Development : A Resilient Community Outpus expected are: § Output 1: Capacity building of provincial and district government offices on disaster risk reduction (DRR) through partnerships with local institutions and organizations that support mainstreaming into local development. § Output 2: Raised public awareness to change community risk perceptions regarding hazards and disaster risk reduction, and make development/disaster linkages better understood. § Output 3: Developing a culture of safety through schools to enhance community and personal safety. § Output 4: Establish indigenous permanent community-led disaster risk reduction (CBDRR) processes, preparedness plans, and multi-hazard early warning systems.
Nias Islands: Natural Laboratory for Earthquake Study? The Indo-Australian Plate and Eurasian Plate are moving towards each other at the rate of 50 – 60 mm/year. Nias moves horizontally at the rate of 2 -3 cm/year and vertically at 8 -10 cm/year Geophisically, Nias is unstable and tend to be uplifted.
Nias Islands: Natural Laboratory for Earthquake Study? Damage caused by ground shaking Idanogawo River Bridge is tilting and shifted 1. 3 m from its original position to the east. The tilt was caused by the settlement of abutments due to the loose character of the soil. Muzoi River Bridge is tilting and broken because one its abutment was settled down (coordinate N 01022’ 10, 7” and 97019’ 12”).
Nias Islands: Natural Laboratory for Earthquake Study? Buildings on the riverside are collapsed because they were built on loose soil which doubled the effect of the waves impact. Damage caused by ground faulting Shifting of the bridge in Gunungsitoli (Nias) caused by the double impact of the wave on loose soil around the riverside.
Nias Islands: Natural Laboratory for Earthquake Study? Damage caused by ground faulting East coast of Nias, Baozihono Village (Idanogawo), the coast line was shifting away from the land as far as 20 m.
Nias Islands: Natural Laboratory for Earthquake Study? An aerial view of beach ridges uplifted by past great subduction zone earthquakes at Sirombu on the mid west coast of Nias. At least 6 beach ridges and possibly as many as 9 can be seen. The peninsula at the bottom of the photo is an atoll which has become joined to the main island of Nias, probably after the earthquake and uplift which occurred before the 1866 earthquake. Four of the ridges are arrowed.
Nias Islands: Natural Laboratory for Earthquake Study? West coast of Sirombu, after March 2008 earthquake the up lift reached 3 m and the coastline shifted toward the sea to up to 70 m.
DRR : Areas of Intervention Nias Disaster Risk Reduction Learning Center
Nias DRR LC : The Vision Much of the advancement that has occurred in realizing disaster reduction objectives must be credited to the abundance and widespread exchange among a growing number of users of data, public or private institutional information, and professional experience related to hazards, human vulnerability and the management of risks. No other operational function has been so consistently referred to as being essential for successful disaster reduction achievements as the availability and systematic dissemination of useful information. Therefore, the vision of a Nias DRR LC is to address the needs to have a media for Nias rehabilitation-reconstruction knowledge management, and the needs for integration of NGO and community resources, as well as providing current tectonic data and information of Nias. It also has the vision of decreasing the ignorance often associated with post recovery situation and maintains this drive within a centrally located learning center.
Nias DRR LC : The Objectives § To provide a comprehensive, ‘one-stop’ approach to addressing Disaster Risk Reduction aspects in Nias Islands. § To bring knowledge, resources and users together in one central location, thereby creating a supportive learning environment for everyone and enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction awareness within the community. § To document local knowledge systems on DRR and find ways to synergize them with the contemporary ones. § To be visible and constituted as a need within the community. § To provide a place where the government bodies, NGOs and community groups on Disaster Risk Management can share resources, experiences and training. § To provide a media where the community could be facilitated in their active participation on the disaster management within their community or village as regulated in the Law No. 24/2007 on Disaster Management. § To provide current –if not real time—data and information on the Nias tectonic aspects and activities.
Nias DRR LC : The Format Nias DRR LC should be a part of the Indonesian system on disaster preparedness that has been legally gained its momentum through the issuance of Law No. 24/2007 on Disaster Management and Presidential Decree No. 8/2008 on National Body on Disaster Management. Hence the center should be the educational and public awareness apparatus of the Provincial or Local Disaster Management Body. Nias DRR LC should also be part of the advancement of earthquake study in Indonesia, since it is located on Nias Islands which provide a tectonic-related natural laboratory. The center, therefore, for the merit of its ability in providing current data and information of the ground movement, should be part of the national and international earthquake research networks. Disaster Simulation, Community Organization of Lorong 8
Nias DRR LC : Features and Services A. Capacity Building Facilitation 1. Micro Planning for local village or neighborhood DRR –DRR LC to provide facilitator or training for the facilitator. 2. Community-generated hazard map –DRR LC to provide facilitator or training for the facilitator. 3. In conjunction to the two previous points, training on disaster preparedness –DRR LC to provide and facilitate training by NGO, Red Cross etc for the community, government officer, etc. The Red Cross movement has expressed strong commitment to stay up to 2012 particularly in building up a community based DRR throughout the Nias Islands, thus this center would effectively support such a crucial project in achieving a convincingly more resilient Nias. Micro Planning Process at Village Level
Nias DRR LC : Features and Services B. Resource Provision 1. Offline interactive tutorial on disaster, mitigation of disaster, etc –DRR LC to provide computer terminal dedicated for offline interactive tutorial. Simulation on disaster, tectonic related disaster and its impact, as well as preparation activities pre, during and after disaster would be part of the offline tutorial. 2. Tutorial on more earthquake resistant construction principles of both modern and traditional construction, and so forth. 3. Website to electronically stored and disseminate data and information on recoveryreconstruction of Nias Islands and tectonic aspects and activities –this will be developed along with points 3 and 4 below. 4. Geodetic ground movement measurement devices installed at various locations throughout Nias Islands to provide real time data on the earth movement –DRR LC to host the server to collect the data and upload it on the web. 5. Online DRR in Nias information and activities –DRR LC to host the server of the community internet proposes by Nias Livelihood and Economic Development Program (Nias LEDP) sponsored by MDF. 6. Library to house reports, working papers, books, etc in relation to post-disaster Nias rehab-recon as well as on DRR in general. Features on repackaging the data and information as well as analysis could be part of the library services.
Nias DRR LC : Features and Services C. Display 1. Regular and incidental display of disaster and rehab-recon pictorial documentation – DRR LC to provide display space. 2. Regular and incidental display of disaster and rehab-recon physical memorabilia or artifact –DRR LC to provide display space. 3. Regular and incidental display of DRR related object, for example model of anti seismic column iron frame, model of anti seismic construction joint, posters etc –DRR LC to provide display space. Cross Bracing on Traditional House: More Earthquake Resistant Construction
Nias DRR LC : Roles and Services Library and Data/Info Repackaging Self and Guided Tutorial Tectonic Information Center Display of Artifact and Model Internet Networking for DRR overall coordination and effective utilization of disaster risk reduction resources in Nias Disaster Risk Reduction Learning Center (Nias DRR LC) Province of Sumatera Utara District Nias and Nias Selatan International Community on DRR, National and International Earthquake Research Networks
Saohagolo / Thank You BRR Perwakilan Nias Jalan Pelud Binaka Km 6. 6 Desa Fodo Gunungsitoli