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NH RESPONDS: Rt. I in Behavior (PBIS) Strand A: Readiness February 6, 2009 Presented by: Eric Mann, LICSW emann@seresc. net (603) 206 -6820
Professional Development for Excellence in Education Presentation to School Faculty
Support for NH RESPONDS is provided by the NH Bureau of Special Education, NH Department of Education under a grant from the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services
NH RESPONDS Lead Partners n NH Department of Education- Bureau of Special Education n NH Center for Effective Behavioral Interventions and Supports at SERESC (NH CEBIS) n Expertise in Positive Behavior Supports n Expertise in integration of mental health and school supports n Institute on Disability at University of NH n Expertise in Literacy within an Rt. I model n Expertise in PBIS and Intensive Interventions (RENEW) for Secondary Transition and Dropout Prevention
Rt. I in Behavior – Strand A n Strand A is for schools considering using PBIS as a multi-tiered Rt. I system for behavior support. n Presumes participants need basic info about PBIS & the features it addresses in order to decide whether to pursue implementation n Topics covered in the 2 -day workshop: n PBIS as a multi-tiered Rt. I continuum of behavior support n n System, data & practices features of Tier 1 (primary) supports, Tier 2 (secondary) supports, & Tier 3 (tertiary) supports. How PBIS promotes positive school climate & academic and behavioral outcomes Assessing school readiness; our experiences in gaining commitments for implementing PBIS Building a credible, representative Universal (primary systems) Leadership Team
Broad Outcome n After the 2 -day session, participants will have information necessary to determine whether PBIS as an Rt. I framework is a good match for their school and whether to work on an action plan to: 1. Build a universal leadership team 2. Address school readiness and commitments for implementation, and 3. Access training and support
Two-Day Agenda n Introductions n Why Systems Change? n Rt. I and PBIS n PBIS Primary Rt. I Systems Universal Team Development n Prevention and Response Features Data-based Decision Making Primary Systems Check Systematic Screening PBIS Secondary Rt. I Systems Features PBIS Tertiary Rt. I Systems Features n n n
Discussions Protocol n Every so often there will be a ‘Discussion’ slide n Discussion Process: 1. Take 5 minutes to discuss with your school colleagues 1. 2. 3. 4. Please invite folks who are here without a ‘teammate’ and nearby into your discussion Jot key notes/ideas/questions/concerns that emerge from your discussion 5 minute group share (share as you are comfortable) Jot action items on your planning sheet if these arise from the discussion
We Know that Schools are Faced with Increasing Challenges 1. The Challenge of Educating an Increasingly 2. 3. 4. 5. Diverse Student Population The Challenge of Providing a Safe, Orderly, & Positive School Climate Conducive to Learning The Challenge of Improving Academic Achievement The Challenge of Producing Students Capable of Competing within a Global Economy The Challenge of Accomplishing These Outcomes with Diminishing Resources
Guiding Principle: Social Behavior and Achievement are Linked To improve the academic success of our children, we must also improve their social success. Academic and social failures are reciprocally and inextricably related. As a result, systems to support behavior and literacy should be integrated
How Full is Your Plate? Schools and educators are bombarded with changing mandates, competing initiatives and often a train and hope approach to professional development that is not aligned to a few core priorities and outcomes
How Full is Your Plate? We believe programs need to be philosophically aligned and thoughtful in determining a small number of priorities and using a train and sustain approach aligning professional development activities to those few core priorities and outcomes
Rt. I Implementation Starts From Where You Are Rt. I is a process, not a set curriculum It’s a roadmap with a set of guiding principles Effective Rt. I systems require buyin and commitment from staff, administration and district leadership
Will Rt. I Match Your Student Outcomes? n Improving Literacy and Social Competence n Improving Reading Proficiency on Statewide n n n Assessments Decreasing Problem Behavior, Office Discipline Referrals, Suspensions and Expulsions Reducing Drop Out Rates Increasing Graduation Rates Reducing the Gap between Students with Disabilities and Peers Improving Post-Secondary Outcomes
Will Rt. I Match Your Teacher Needs? n Creates systems of behavior and literacy n n support for teachers Promotes streamlined processes – working smarter not harder Requires efficient access to data for decisionmaking Aligns professional development to teacher needs, student needs and district needs Promotes improvements in consistency of practices
Responsiveness to Intervention (Rt. I) n A systematic framework for improving social, emotional, behavioral & academic outcomes for children in K-12 schools & ECE Programs. n A broad set of evidence-based systemic & individualized strategies to effectively prevent & respond to academic and behavioral problems. n A strategic approach in which collaborative teams use effective group processes & data-based decisionmaking to achieve desired outcomes.
Responsiveness to Intervention? National Center on Response to Intervention www. rti 4 success. org p n Response to intervention: n Integrates assessment & intervention within a multilevel prevention system to maximize student achievement & reduce behavior problems. n Schools using Rt. I: n Identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes n Monitor student progress n Provide evidence-based interventions n Adjust the intensity and nature of those interventions depending on a student’s responsiveness
Responsiveness to Intervention Rt. I is based on a continuum of support and requires critical factors and components to be in place at the § Primary/ Universal (Tier 1), § Secondary/ Targeted (Tier 2), and § Tertiary/ Individual (Tier 3) levels.
Responsiveness to Intervention The ultimate goal of an Rt. I model is a comprehensive and integrated approach to a continuum of academic and behavior support for students.
Tier Scope Focus Features Tools Data Literacy Standards Word ID Language Comprehension Print Processing Explicit instruction/modeling Systematic instruction/skillbuilding Ample practice opportunities Immediate corrective feedback Differentiated instruction Continuous assessment Research-based literacy curriculum Classroom-wide and small group Benchmark assessment Data-driven instruction DIBELS NWEA AIMSweb Other Behavior Expectations Promotion of positive behavior (define, teach, recognize) Response to problem behavior (define behaviors and response processes) Matrix of expected behaviors Teaching plan and practice Recognition plan Problem behavior definitions Response process Reporting/Data collection Weekly data reports of problem behavior; Attendance, Periodic selfassessments Whole School, All students, Tier 1 Screening and Early Identificatio n
Big Outcomes for the 3 Tiers Primary System Outcomes: 1) Classroom teacher & school-wide system supports as many students as possible using effective general structures, & best instructional & behavior management practices 2) As few students as possible require higher level supports
Tier Scope Focus Literacy Small Groups and Individual Supports Tier 2 Based on Similarities of Needs and Data Features Tools Data Diagnostic assessment Additional group Small groups based on DIBELS instruction time to specific skill needs AIMSweb address specific skill (e. g. , comprehension, Other needs sight word recognition, vocabulary) Targeted group interventions Behavior based on function of behavior Teacher Check, Connect and Expect Check-In, Check-Out PASS (Preparing and Supporting Self. Managers) Social Skills Groups Interest/Strength based Groups Other group interventions Functional Behavioral Assessment and Support Weekly data reports of problem behavior or prosocial behavior Progress monitoring of group interventions Periodic selfassessments
Big Outcomes for the 3 Tiers Secondary System Outcomes: 1) Increased opportunities for struggling students to succeed by 2) 3) 4) 5) providing additional time, strategies, approaches and tools Strategic small group interventions support as many at-risk students as possible • Social, emotional or academic skill-building groups • Function-based support groups (designed to match student function of behavior) • Organized strength/interest based activities Increased monitoring of targeted skills to measure intervention progress Level of support is commensurate w/ level of need As few students as possible require tertiary system supports
A 3 -Tier Approach Level 3 n Targets the 1 -5% who are not responding to Tier I and Tier II efforts. n Intensive strategies or programs delivered in small group or 1: 1 in addition to core instruction n Increased monitoring of targeted skills to measure intervention progress n Student-centered and adapted to meet individual needs.
Tier Scope Focus Features Additional individual instruction time Literacy to address specific skill needs Tier 3 Individual Assistance Focused on Needs and Data Tools One-on-one instruction Explicit instruction/modeling Systematic instruction/skill -building Ample practice opportunities Immediate corrective feedback Alternative Education Planning (HS) Functional behavioral Assessment Behavior Support Plan Person-Centered Planning Life Space Crisis Individualized Behavior plan for behavior Intervention (LSCI) Wraparound supports RENEW School-to Career Planning (HS) Alternative Education Plans (HS) Data DIBELS AIMSweb Diagnostic Assessment Weekly data reports of problem behavior Progress monitoring of student Periodic selfassessments Student Progress
Big Outcomes for the 3 Tiers Tertiary System Outcomes: Individualized interventions support students w/ chronic or intensive needs & their families 1. Positive & productive communications amongst systems 2. Big needs identified & addressed strategically & respectfully (home, school & community needs) 3. Long-term, on-going adaptable supports addressed to sustain progress 2. A ‘fix’ or a ‘cure’ for the student is not the expectation; providers accept the complexity and challenges of meeting intensive needs 1. Progress is measured over time; frequent monitoring of target skills 2. Assess symptom reduction or symptom management 3. Assess reduction in frequency or intensity of concerning behaviors 3. 4) Safety needs are met 1. De-escalation strategies used 2. Crisis intervention readily accessible; insight-enhancing strategies used 1.
Basic Rt. I Philosophy When students demonstrate ‘nonresponse’ to interventions (strategies, supports, instruction, etc…), it is the intervention that must be changed in order to increase the likelihood of achievement
Big Idea: PBIS = Rt. I
PBIS is Response to Intervention (Rt. I): ■ PBIS is the ‘Behavior Side’ of Rt. I ■ We know that social behavior, emotional development & academic achievement are integrally linked ■ It follows that effective Rt. I systems must address social, emotional AND academic development
PBIS: It’s not just about behavior! STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Good Teaching Behavior Management Increasing District & State Competency and Capacity Investing in Outcomes, Data, Practices, and Systems
PBIS is Response to Intervention (Rt. I): ■ Rt. I & PBIS philosophy provide the lens through which we: ■ Implement ‘prevention’ strategies ■ Screen for risk factors (risk for school failure or social/ academic disengagement) ■ Implement early ‘interventions’ to address needs ■ Gauge student ‘response’ to interventions ■ Provide changes to interventions to increase likelihood of success
Rt. I Logic Teach with Best Curriculum and Instruction Screen Universally and Frequently Intervene Early at All Levels Modify and Specialize for Non-responders Use Student Behavior as Progress Indicator
Implementing Rt. I Means: 1. Knowing HOW to assess progress (methods must be efficient/effective ; use data-based decision making) 2. Knowing WHEN to assess progress (address frequency; early) 3. Determining criteria /benchmarks for response (it’s working) and non-response (it’s not working) 4. Applying efficient & effective supports along a continuum so that students receive support commensurate w/ their needs (effective/ efficient/ early practices)
Rt. I as applied to Reading Instruction 1. 2. 3. 4. Primary Reading Supports are in place. Classroom Teachers provide: n Prevention supports thru consistent quality teaching practices; implement evidence-based reading curriculum w/ fidelity n Early Primary interventions/ strategies for students who demonstrate need for a little extra support in the classroom Benchmarks/ Criteria are in place to determine students who are not responding to primary supports Efficient access to effective secondary supports are in place (sm group supports to address areas targeted for improvement) n Progress monitoring occurs Benchmarks/ Criteria are in place to determine students who are not responding to secondary supports Efficient access to tertiary level individualized supports are in place
Systemic Process of Rt. I Primary Interventions • All students • Core curriculum • Preventive, proactive Secondary (Targeted Group ) Interventions • Some students (at risk indicators) • Additional instruction • Progress monitoring Tertiary (Intensive, Individualized) Interventions • Individual students • Specifically tailored instruction • Progress monitoring Literacy Behavior 80%-90% 5%-10% 1%-5% Primary Interventions • All students • Core Curriculum • Preventive, proactive Secondary (Targeted Group) Interventions • Some students (at risk indicators) • Additional instruction • Progress monitoring Tertiary (Intensive, Individualized) Interventions • Individual students • Specifically tailored instruction • Progress monitoring
PBIS Principle: Apply the Rt. I Model to Behavioral Support
Effective SW & Classroom Management Systems & Practices (Prevention & Response) Ample Opportunities for Student Mastery & Use of Strengths High Rate Positive Teacher-Student Contacts (All Teachers-All Students) Positive School-Parent Contacts ry a rim n. P e rev P n: tio 0% ~8 Frequent Check for Non-Responders to Primary Systems Address Academic, Social, Emotional, Physical Risk Factors Implement Teacher Primary-Plus Interventions Implement an Efficient Early Systematic Secondary Intervention ( e. g. Teacher Check, Connect and Expect) ry da n co Se n- e rev P : ion t % 15 ~ PBIS Continuum of Supports: A System of Care and Education Array of ‘Function-Based’, Skill-Based, & Interest/Strengths-Based Group Interventions for Non-Responders to Primary Systems and Efficient Early Interventions Individualized Function-Based Support Plans for School-Wide & Group School-based Non-Responders Intensive Supports Coordinator Te a rti ry en v re : P n tio % <5 School-based Intensive Supports Mann & Muscott (2007) Intensive Support Plans & Crisis Intervention Links to Wraparound Facilitation & Person-Centered Planning Links to Community Collaboratives Links to MH and other Community-Based Supports
PBIS-NH Supports OUTCOMES Supporting Adults/ Staff Systems Data Practices Supporting Students and Families Supporting Decision Making
SYSTEMS 2. Communication 1. Universal Team with Staff and Processes Families 8. Systematic Screening 7. Responding to Problem Behavior DATA Primary Prevention: 3. School-wide Universal Expectations for All Locations Approaches 9. Data-Based Decision Making 6. Recognize Students for Exhibiting Expected Behaviors 4. Classroom Management 5. Teach Expectations in Locations PRACTICES Muscott & Mann (2006)
Steps for Implementing Universal Systems of PBIS Create a representative, credible and influential universal leadership team which meets regularly and uses effective team processes.
Composition of the Universal School Leadership Team by Role n Administrators n Curriculum/Assessment Director n General Education Classroom Teacher n Special Education Teacher n Behavior Specialist/Guidance/Psychologist n Reading/Literacy Specialist and/or Title I Coordinator n Family Member n Paraeducator
Universal Leadership Team Membership n Person w/ school-wide decision-making influence n Person (people) w/ classroom experience & expertise n Person (people) w/ expertise in specially designed instruction n Person with behavioral expertise n Person with curricular expertise (literacy; numeracy) n Person (people) w/ skill & experience in data-based decision making n Person (people) w/ expertise in family perspective n Person (people) w/ expertise in student perspective n Consider developing diverse student leadership
Effective Teams Have a Defined Mission Team members know the mission, support the mission, and can easily articulate the mission to others
Effective Teams Agree to Ground Rules Effective PBIS-NH Teams Identify Ground Rules, Agree to Them, and Stick to Them! Ground Rules are Reviewed Regularly But are Respected Until a Decision is Made to Change
Effective Teams are outcome and action driven n Use action planning n Promote accountability
NH CEBIS MEETING MINUTES Purpose/Type of Meeting: Date: Attendees: Issue Decision Made/Action Task Person Responsible To Be Done by Date Additional Comments
Action Planning Steps 1) Identify Issue (Team Meeting Process – Where / Time to meet) 2) Identify TASK(s) to Complete (Find distraction-free location / poll Team members for best time) 3) Identify Person / People Responsible for Completing the Task (John H) 4) Identify When the Task is to be Completed (2/2/05 – one week prior to next planned Team meeting)
Collaborative Team Process Checklist Mann and Muscott, 2004 n Tool to assess team functioning (14 items) n Assess status (In place, Partial, Not in Place) n Identify Priority (High, Medium, Low) n Develop action plan based on priorities n Should be completed 2 xs a year (Fall, Spring) n Team functioning is priority #1!
Discussion n. How would you determine who would be on the Universal (Primary Systems) Leadership Team at your school? n. How would you address family and student voice on this team?
Building the Positive Prevention Features of PBIS 1. Identify desired outcomes and critical questions to address based on a review of existing (or additional) sources of data using data-based decision making processes.
Data-Based Decision-Making Process Mann & Muscott (2006) Adapted from Horner (2003) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Begin w/ Broad Outcomes and Key Questions n Broad terms: What do we want to achieve? (e. g. ‘Want Safe Classrooms’) Identify scope of Problem (scope & context) using Data n (e. g. assess current safety of classrooms - who, what, when, where? ) Translate Broad Outcomes into Specific Objectives w/ Criteria for Success n With precision, what we want to achieve by when (e. g. ‘ 98% of students daily demonstrate ‘safe hands and feet’ by 11/1’) Identify Action Plan to get to the outcomes n Who does what by when? (Strategic Plan) Monitor and Evaluate progress – n Use post-data to assess your progress (Did it work? ) (Adapted for Webinar, 9/16/2008)
Broad Goals of PBIS n Regain instructional time lost to behavioral interferences n Maximize academic engagement time and academic achievement for all students n Increase prosocial behavior n Enhance school climate for students and adults n Increase the willingness and ability of teachers to work with students with more complex behavior needs Adapted from Sugai and Horner, 2000
Amherst Street Elementary School Nashua, NH (350) Cohort 4 Year 1 2006 -07 Referrals: 152
Discussion n. What challenges do you experience in terms of school climate and discipline? n. What outcomes related to climate, discipline or school culture would you want to achieve?
Building the Positive Prevention Features of PBIS 2. Establish a clear set of (3 -5) positively stated program or schoolwide behavioral expectations based on needs and culture. 3. Clearly define expected behaviors in the different settings by location (e. g. , classroom, bus, bathroom, hallway, playground) or routine (e. g. , arrival, lunch, circle time).
Antrim Elementary School Eagle Soars
BERLIN HIGH SCHOOL CONDUCT ACTION GUIDE Be Responsible Have Respect Strive for Success In the CLASSROOM • Come prepared. • Be on-time—both feet must be through the classroom door by the time the bell stops ringing. • Pick up after yourself. • Respond to reasonable requests. • Complete your ‘own’ assignments and tasks as required. • Be silent during announcements. • Dress appropriately (see Dress Code). • Allow others’ expressions and ideas. • Use appropriate language and voice. • Honor others’ property. • Engage in learning. • Maintain a positive outlook towards school. • Model positive behavior and acknowledge it in others. In the HALLWAY • Walk to the right. • Use time for intended purpose only. • Keep the hall and floors clean. • Honor others’ personal space. • Apologize if you bump into someone. • Use appropriate language and voice. • Display affection appropriately. • Model positive behavior and acknowledge it in others. • Help others in need. In the CAFETERIA • Be on-time. • Practice polite table manners. • Leave the floor and table clean for the next group using the facility. • Consume only your own food and drink. • Wait your turn in line. • Keep your hands, feet and food to yourself. • Use “please” and “thank you”. • Use appropriate language and voice. • Eat lunch with someone who is eating alone. • Model positive behavior and acknowledge it in others. • Compliment the kitchen staff. In ASSEMBLIES/ EVENTS • Participate appropriately. • Come and go in an orderly fashion. • Pick up after yourself. • Sit with your class during school assemblies. • Help create an environment where everyone can enjoy the activity. • Treat visitors kindly. • Use appropriate language and voice. • Encourage others to enjoy the presentation or event. • Model positive behavior and acknowledge it in others. revised: 9/27/07
Amherst Street Elementary School Be a Safe, Respectful, Responsible You Playground Expectations Playgroun d Follow Use adult your playground directions Pledge equipment Be a good Return properly sport everything Report unsafe Use kind you behavior words borrowed Stay in the Play fair Walk playground quietly into area the building
Hallway Expectations: Thorntons Ferry Elementary School
Discussion n. What are 3 -5 core values or behavioral expectations that would you identify for your school? n. Are these expectations easily translated into specific, observable behaviors that demonstrate them?
Building the Positive Prevention Features of PBIS Systematically teach the expected behaviors within locations using effective instructional practices 5. Develop a strategy to acknowledge students for exhibiting desired behaviors to be used systematically when (a) targeting specific behaviors for improvement and/or (b) improving school climate 4.
Dublin Consolidated ES Teaching the ABC Expectations
Recognizing Expected Behavior and Providing Positive Adult-Student Contacts n When using praise, provide acknowledgement as quickly after the expected behavior as possible n Provide specific, verbal acknowledgement using words from the behavioral matrix n Target high rates of positive attention on problem routines n Provide a 4: 1 ratio of positive contacts to corrective contacts n Provide acknowledgement to or positive contact with as many students as possible
Discussion n What issues arise when thinking about how staff and administrators will respond to the idea of: 1. 2. Increasing positive contacts with students Using a system for positive recognition following teaching of behaviors targeted for improvement
Building the Response to Problem Behaviors Features of PBIS 1. Definitions of Problem Behaviors a. Majors (office-managed) vs. Minors (staff managed) 2. Office Discipline Referral Form or Form for Recording Problem Behaviors 3. Process for Responding to Problem Behaviors 4. Continuum of Consequences and Supports (Reteaching, Punishments) addressing Problem Behaviors 5. Determine a Data Management System (SWIS)
Example: ‘Minor Language’ vs. ‘Major Language’ n Inappropriate language – Inappropriate verbal comments that are not directed toward an individual or group. n Abusive language – Inappropriate verbal messages that include swearing, name calling and profanity overtly directed toward someone.
Discussion n. How would you approach gaining consensus from staff on problem behavior definitions? n. What challenges may arise?
Data-Based Decision-Making Process Mann & Muscott (2006) Adapted from Horner (2003) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Begin w/ Broad Outcomes and Key Questions n Broad terms: What do we want to achieve? (e. g. ‘Want Safe Classrooms’) Identify scope of Problem (scope & context) using Data n (e. g. assess current safety of classrooms - who, what, when, where? ) Translate Broad Outcomes into Specific Objectives w/ Criteria for Success n With precision, what we want to achieve by when (e. g. ‘ 98% of students daily demonstrate ‘safe hands and feet’ by 11/1’) Identify Action Plan to get to the outcomes n Who does what by when? (Strategic Plan) Monitor and Evaluate progress – n Use post-data to assess your progress (Did it work? ) (Adapted for Webinar, 9/16/2008)
Gathering Discipline Data n. Office Referral Data n. Gather the information needed to make good decisions n. Evidence your progress n. How will you know discipline system is working? n. When will you check?
Components of a PBIS Office Referral Form • • • Date Time of the Incident Location of the Incident Teacher’s Name/Name of Referring Staff Student’s Name Problem Behavior Possible Motivation for the Behavior Others Involved Administrative Decision Other Comments (Optional)
Sample – Data Collection Form Student Name: __________Grade: ___ Date: _______ Time: ________ Teacher: _________________ Referring Staff: _____________ Others involved: __ None Behavior _ Abusive language __Peers __ Staff Behavior Location: __ Classroom __Hallway __ Library __ Bathroom __Field Trip __Bus __ Other __Other Motivation __ Obtain peer attention __ Defiance/Disrespect __ Obtain adult attention __ Disruption __ Obtain items/activities __Fighting/Physical aggression __ Avoid peers __Harassment/Teasing __ Avoid adult __Lying/Cheating __ Avoid task/activity __Property Damage __ Don’t know __ Skip class/Truancy __ Other q Major q Minor __ Unknown Consequence __ Time in office __ Redirection __ Ignore/ None __ Loss of privileges __ Conference with student __ Detention __ Parent Contact __ In-School Suspension __ Individualized Instruction __ Out of School Suspension __ Expulsion
Amherst Street Elementary School Nashua, NH (350) Cohort 4 Year 1 2006 -07 Referrals: 152
Amherst Street Elementary School Nashua, NH (350) Cohort 4 Year 1 2006 -07 Referrals: 152
Amherst Street Elementary School Nashua, NH (350) Cohort 4 Year 1 2006 -07 Referrals: 152
Amherst Street Elementary School Nashua, NH (350) Cohort 4 Year 1 2006 -07 Referrals: 152
Primary System Check q A representative Universal Team that includes administrator Functions effectively and efficiently q Team’s mission/ purpose is understood by team & staff q Team regularly reviews school-wide data & uses data to guide decisionmaking (data are shared with staff regularly) q Primary ‘Prevention’ features are in place: q Classroom teachers implement classroom behavior management & instructional strategies at high level w/ school-wide consistency q Behavioral Expectations established & taught (visible throughout school) q A Behavioral Matrix that displays specific expected behaviors in various school locations or routines is documented & visible q Specific behaviors, driven by data, are periodically targeted for improvement & systematically taught with full staff participation q A system to recognize positive behavior is in place & used following teaching of specific behavior targeted for improvement q Recognition system is implemented w/ full staff participation q Positive school climate is encouraged & includes emphasis on high rates of positive contacts fm adults to students q
Primary System Check q A strategy for proactive positive parent contact is implemented q Primary ‘Response’ features are in place: q q q Accurate data gathered and summarized for efficient decision making An office referral form is in place that efficiently provides key information regarding discipline system violations Problem behaviors are defined in Major (office-handled) & Minor (staff-handled) versions & is practiced accurately by staff Procedures for responding to problem behavior for Majors & Minors are established & implemented with accuracy Criteria for identifying students who are not responding to general primary supports (i. e. , ‘early non-responders’) as evidenced by at-risk indicators is established & known by staff Efficient access to an early secondary tier support with on-going progress monitoring is available for ‘early non-responders’
Assure Universal Supports Occur Prior to Focus on Secondary Supports Mann (2008) Primary Support Features: A Continuum of Responses to Student Problem Behavior (sample): • High rate Adult-Student positive contacts • Consistent language: Behavioral Expectations and Behavioral Matrix • Consistent process for teaching behavioral expectations & response to problem behavior • Systematic targeting & teaching behaviors in need of improvement (based on data) • Systematic recognition of specific expected behaviors that are targeted for improvement • Effective classroom management practices • Effective instructional practices • Common definitions of desired behaviors • Proactive & positive parent contact • Common definitions of problem behaviors • Continuum of responses to problem behavior • Acknowledge the positive behavior of a student who is exhibiting the behavior you want to see • State the positive expectation (behavior) to class • Physical proximity to student (stand closer) • Humor or tangential comment or point of interest to distract • Positive attention to student for prior performance • Non-verbal cue • Direct verbal reminder of the expectation • Re-teach positive behavior • Discreet 1: 1 conference with student • Administrative conference with student • Phone converse w/ parent (promote partnership) • Conference with parent (promote partnership) • Detention and/or Suspension • Referral to Guidance • Early ‘non-responder’ referral to secondary system
Discussion n What Primary Systems features are in need of improvement at your school?
Targeted (Secondary System) Readiness 1. Identification of at-risk indicators (i. e. concerns that are predictive of risk future social, emotional, behavioral, academic problems) 2. For at-risk indicators, identify primary interventions/supports that should exist in response to at-risk indicators 3. Document the criteria/benchmarks for when a student demonstrates non-response to primary system interventions/supports (i. e. higher level supports are needed)
At-Risk Categories What common categories of concern indicate risk for future chronic problem behavior, academic/ social disengagement, or school failure? n Major office disciplinary referrals? n Attendance/ Late to school? n Frequent nurse visits? n Homework not completed? n Other academic indicators (literacy, numeracy development)? n Behavioral concerns not addressed through discipline system (e. g. social withdrawal, internalizing) ? n Other?
What is Screening? Salvia & Ysseldyke (1988) n Screening is an initial stage of assessment in which those who may evidence a particular problem, disorder, disability or disease are sorted out from among the general population. n Individuals who perform below standard thresholds on screening measures are considered “at-risk. ”
Types of Screening Already used in Many School n Readiness n Academic n Vision n Hearing n Dental n Scoliosis n ____? n Why Not Behavior?
Why Screen for Behavior? Kauffman (2001) n To find youngsters whose problems are not immediately obvious and identify early problems with a high degree of accuracy. n Early identification leads to early intervention n Early intervention is effective, efficient and humane
ODRs Are Not Sufficient as a Screening Tool Cheney, et al. n Office discipline referrals typically involve acting out, noncompliance, and disruption, which are known as externalizing types of behaviors n Thus, students with less disruptive, more internalizing behavior problems such as extreme shyness, withdrawal, and depression, who are equally in need of supports and intervention, are often not identified
A Systematic Screening Process for Behavior Disorders n A multi-gated screening process to identify students at-risk for developing ongoing behavior concerns that includes teacher judgments and uses national norms to assess the level of risk n At each stage, level of risk is determined n Those with elevated risk who may require additional assessment or services continue to the next stage n Those who don’t have an elevated risk “exit” the system.
Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders n The SSBD is a multiple gate screening process that identifies elementary aged students (grades 1 -6) at-risk for emotional and behavioral disorders. n The SSBD involves three gates, or stages, to identify students at-risk for developing ongoing behavior concerns.
Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders n The areas of concern are externalizing and internalizing behavior problems n Externalizing and internalizing account for nearly all of the behavior problems that underlay child adjustment problems in school and for which students are commonly referred to school psychological services
SSBD and the Beacons Project Cheney, et al n Results suggest that students who receive early support and intervention have: n fewer referrals to multidisciplinary teams for special education eligibility n shown improvements in their social and academic functioning based on reviews of both report cards and state achievement test scores n improved their on-task behavior n reduced the level of disruptive behaviors to a level comparable to their typically developing peers.
Multiple Gate Screening n Stage 1: teacher nomination and rank ordering of students along two dimensions of behavior disorders – internalizing & externalizing. n Stage 2: teachers complete the BASC-2 Behavioral Emotional Screening System for each of the nominated students. n Students whose elevated scores exceed the established cut off are candidates for Stage 3. n Stage 3: the student is referred to the appropriate school-based team to determine additional diagnostic assessments and appropriate interventions
SSBD Stage One Nominating Externalizing Students n Externalizing refers to all behavior problems that are directly outwardly, by the student, toward the external social environment. n Externalizing behavior problems usually involve behavioral excesses (i. e. , too much behavior) and are considered inappropriate by teachers and other school personnel.
n n n Stage One Nominating Externalizing Students Displaying aggression n Arguing towards objects or n Having tantrums persons n Being hyperactive Forcing the submission of others n Disturbing Others Defying the teacher n Stealing Being out of seat n Not following Not complying with teacher or schoolteacher instructions or imposed rules directives
Stage One Nominating Internalizing Students n. Internalizing refers to all behavior problems that are directly inwardly (i. e. , away from the external social environment) and that represent problems with self. Internalizing behavior problems are often selfimposed and frequently involve behavioral deficits and patterns of social avoidance.
Stage One Nominating Internalizing Students n Having low or restricted activity levels n Not talking with other children n Being shy n Timid and/or unassertive n Avoiding or withdrawing from social situations n Preferring to play or spend time alone n Acting in a fearful manner n Not participating in games or activities n Being unresponsive to social initiations by others and n Not standing up for one’s self.
Implementation Procedures Stage One: General Procedures n Screenings are recommended twice a year in October and February n Group administration at a faculty meeting or training is efficient – allow 90 minutes for Stage One and Two n Classroom teachers complete Stage One on all students in their class they have known for at least one month n A class list is needed
Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders Hill Walker Herb Severson Oregon Research Institute
BASC-2 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System Randy Kamphaus & Cecil Reynolds Pearson Publishers
Stage Two: Administration of BASC-2 Behavioral Emotional Screening n Administer the BASC-2 BESS Teacher Form Level Child/Adolescent (K-12) n 27 Questions – 5 -10 minutes n Each item rated Never, Sometimes, Often and Almost Always n Never means that you have not observed it n Rater must be familiar with student – daily contact for a month or more n Mark every item with best estimate
Stage Three: Referral to Appropriate School-Based Team n Students who are deemed at elevated risk or extremely elevated risk should be referred to the appropriate school-based team
Antrim Elementary School (K-4 th Grade) n Enrollment 133 students in 9 classrooms n 98% Caucasian; 1% Hispanic; 1% African American n 15% Free and reduced lunch n NECAP Reading 84% (3 rd); 81% (4 th); 71% (5 th)
Antrim Elementary School Screening Example n 9 classrooms screened n 1 st grade through 4 th grade teachers used SSBD gate 1 and identified 3 internalizers and 3 externalizers (Gate 1) n Six students from the 7 classrooms were assessed using the BESS n Kindergarten teacher screened all students using BESS in am and pm sections n 23 of 130 students or 18% scored elevated or extremely elevated
Antrim Elementary School Process n Team met with every teacher of the 22 students for 15 - 20 minutes to discuss results and other data including quick FBA (1 moved) n Attendance, tardies, nurse office visits, NWEA academic scores, office discipline referrals and teacher judgments about academic performance n All families contacted and decision made to offer group intervention support for all 22 students n 21 of 22 families agree to accept supports
Antrim Elementary School “This was the best public relations activity I’ve ever done. I told the families we were offering their child support before there were problems at school, before they got frustrated and before they would lose ground academically and socially. The families were grateful. ” James Elder, Assistant Principal
Antrim Elementary School Seven Group Interventions n Teacher Check, Connect and Expect n Check In and Check Out n Buddy Group: 1: 1 with Younger Child n Changing Families Groups (2) n Anxiety, stress, Coping Skills Group n Social Skills Using Direct Instruction Group n Self-Esteem Group
Targeted (Secondary) System of Support n. Efficient access to supports for ‘atrisk’ population n At-risk for social, emotional, academic failure and/or disengagement
SYSTEMS 1. Targeted Team and Processes 8. Behavior Support Planning 7. Functional Assessment 2. Data-Based Decision Making Secondary Prevention Targeted Approaches 3. Communication with Staff and Families A Function-Based Perspective 4. Early Identification Muscott & Mann (2007) and Referral Processes DATA 6. Targeted Group Interventions PRACTICES 5. Scheduled Feedback
Targeted (Secondary System) Readiness 1. Determine how secondary system is activated and what happens with activation of secondary system (for example): a. Information form & data go to a ‘Quick Integrated Screen Team’ to: a. Assign to an early systematic intervention (e. g. Teacher Check, Connect and Expect (TCCE) b. Assign to Function-based or Skills-based or Strength/Interest-based Targeted Group Intervention c. Request Functional Assessment or intensive planning b. Monitor Progress Systematically
At-Risk Categories What common categories of concern indicate risk for future chronic problem behavior, academic/ social disengagement, or school failure? n Major office disciplinary referrals? n Attendance/ Late to school? n Frequent nurse visits? n Homework not completed? n Other academic indicators (literacy, numeracy development)? n Behavioral concerns not addressed through discipline system (e. g. social withdrawal, internalizing) ? n Other?
Possible Behavior Categories to Address for Non-Response Criteria (Benchmarks) Mann & Muscott (2008) Possible Category Consider Non-Response Criteria ODR #, Time Frame, Teacher/ Admin response continuum, parent partnership 3 Majors/ repeated minors - no improvement after steps on response continuum (includes parent connection) Nurse Visits #, Time Frame, Reason, Nurse response process 4 visits to nurses office in 1 st month w/ soft signs of illness, followed nurse primary response procedures Attendance or Tardies #, Time Frame, Admin Response Process 4 absences in 1 st month of school; 8 overall; SW response process in place Homework Completion #, Time Frame, Teacher Response Process, TGI Not complete 2/6 assignments; 2 per wk; teacher or team response process; refer to HW club Hygiene #, time frame, intensity, response and support process, TGI Continued occurrence following parent contact, teacher conference, nurse consult & referral to guidance Address frequency and intensity criteria, referral social skill club Other Behavioral Concerns: Behavior(s), teacher Continued occurrence following parent response, school system contact, observation & refer to guidance response (guidance, family Address frequency & intensity criteria worker), parent partnership Disruption Disrespect/ Non-comply Language Includes retreat/ withdrawal/ internalizing (Teacher initiated or addressed through Systematic Behavior Screening)
Discussion: What are your school’s at-risk categories? n. What categories of concern do you believe have a relationship to risk of future chronic academic, social, or behavioral failure or disengagement
Of the young children who show early signs of concerning behavior, it has been estimated that fewer than 10% receive services for these difficulties. Kazdin & Kendall, 1998 Center for Evidence Based Practice: Young Children with Challenging Behavior www. challengingbehavior. org
Primary to Secondary Supports: Staff Needs q Staff implement primary systems and practices with fidelity q Staff know ‘at-risk’ concerns that trigger secondary level supports q Staff know what steps to take (‘primary supports’) prior to referral to q q secondary support system Staff know how to initiate referral process to secondary system & what to expect when a student is referred Staff know what “function of behavior” means q Staff think about how to influence predictors before a referral is made (part of primary response process) Staff are trained in conflict cycle and implement de-escalation techniques with fidelity (initial response to conflict; crisis prevention techniques) Staff are trained in effective parent contact practices/ school addresses proactive positive contact strategies
Function of Behavior: What is gained or avoided as a result of the behavior (i. e. what reinforces the behavior, making it likely the behavior will repeat given similar context)
Function: ‘To Get or Avoid’, that is the question “ To Get” “To Avoid” (gain access (escape to) from) Attention Activity/ Task Tangible Sensory
Functional Assessment Looks at Repeated Patterns of Behavior Functional assessment answers the question: Why would the child continue to engage in problem behavior, rather than simply why did (s)he exhibit the behavior?
Functional Assessment Sugai, 1998 Functional Assessment identifies the reliable predictors of behavior resulting in a hypotheses of the ‘function’ of behavior
Testable Hypothesis: Simple Behavior Pathway Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Problem Behavior Maintaining Consequence Function? (What is the child getting or avoiding as a result of the behavior)
Testable Hypothesis: Simple Behavior Pathway Setting Events Weak Calculation Skills History of feeling embarrassed when in front of class Triggering Antecedents Teacher random call up to complete board problems Problem Behavior Escalating disruption: throws object, calls out, swears Maintaining Consequence Sent out of class to Hallway or Office Function: (What is the child getting or avoiding as a result of the behavior)?
Teacher Check, Connect and Expect (TCCE) An Early Systematic Intervention for Primary Non-Responders
‘Teacher Check, Connect and Expect Process’ Student is Nominated for Teacher Check, Connect and Expect Meets a criterion for non-response to primary systems of support Mann & Muscott (2007) Quick Screen is performed by Integrated Screen-Team (academic & behavioral sub-set of Targeted Team) Parental Permission/ Coach Assigned Review Meeting Date Set Teacher(s) ‘Coached’ in Greeting, Feedback & Review TCCE Implemented TCCE Card with Behavioral Expectations Provided in AM Classroom Teacher(s) provide feedback at set intervals throughout day One Minute Review at end of day with ‘Last’ Teacher or Lead Teacher TCCE Card to Coach Adapted from Crone, Horner & Hawken (2004) TCCE Coach Summarizes Data Keeps Targeted Team informed TCCE Coach meets after 20 School Days with Student, Teacher, Parent to Review Progress Revise Program Consider Different Support Exit Program
Targeted Group Interventions and Functions of Behavior n Access Adult Attention/Support. Examples: Check-In/ Check-Out n Adult Mentoring Programs n Access Peer Attention/Support. Examples: n Social Skills Instruction n Peer Mentoring n Self-monitoring system with Peer Share Component n Academic Skills Support (function: academic task escape) n Organization/ Homework planning support n Homework Completion Club n Tutoring n Strength/ Interest Based Activities. Examples: n Basketball Club n Mural Makers n
Antrim Elementary School 07 -08 A Piloting of Practices Year n Enrollment is approximately 150 n The Triangle for 07 -08 85% Green; 13% Yellow; 2% Red n Teacher Check, Connect, Expect n Targeted Groups n Math Club; Walking, Running Club, Mural Makers Club n Mural Makers – Six students n 9/1 – 2/28 22 ODRS or 3. 7 month n 3/1 – 5/21 1 ODR of. 3 month n
PBIS NH Big Idea Data-based Decision-Making Where do we want to be? How will we know we’ve gotten there? When will we check?
SYSTEMS Intensive Supports Coordinator Emergency Planning Team De-escalation Team Date-Based Decision Making Staff Trained in Intensive Supports & MH Issues Tertiary Systems Features School-Based Referral Processes Community. Based Referral Processes Home-School-Mental Health Communication Processes
PRACTICES Person-Centered Planning; Wraparound Community Resource Mapping Facilitated Referrals to Community Supports Mental Health Primer Tertiary Practice Features Systematic Screening Intensive FBA & BSP Conflict Cycle/ Escalation Cycle/ Life Space Crisis Intervention Build Relationships with Families & Students Emergency Response Plans
Next Steps: What You Can Do if Interested in Pursuing Training and Support
Discussion n. What information do you need to move from interest to readiness? n. What other action steps would you need to move forward?