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NGO for Change Specific JDs Guide NGO for Change Specific JDs Guide

Technological JDs • Social Media Management and Website development 1. Create and develop a Technological JDs • Social Media Management and Website development 1. Create and develop a site for the NGO in order to promote the organization and its actions to the general public. 2. Create and manage a social media webpage for the NGO(Facebook page) That means social media campaigns, posters creation, photos upload etc. 3. Promotion of all events and action of the NGO in the social media 4. Gather material from daily activities of the NGO and promote it on the website 5. Training and empowering the personel of the NGO that is responsible for the social media in order to keep maintaining them for a long term period 6. Create a manual with specific guidelines on how to manage the web site and give it to the responsible for the website along with trainings that will find place during the internship.

Technological JDs • Event promotion and showcasing: 1. Create posters and material for event Technological JDs • Event promotion and showcasing: 1. Create posters and material for event promotional campaign that will be printed or will be shown in the NGOs website or in the Social Media. 2. Gather material and information about the event and create newsletter will be sent to the once who receive the newsletter and will be published also to the social Media. 3. Create event page on Facebook and make constant updates regarding information about the event. 4. Showcasing of preparation of event (bakstage) by posting photos or other material through the social Media. 5. Take pictures during the event and of the event that will be published together with the events outputs after the event. Create Video with specific questions to the participants. (e. g Why have you come to the event? ) 6. Physical promotion of the event in the city center together with the NGO staff. 7. Take part in the preparation of the event with the NGO staff.

Needed skills and background • Background: Web Development and Management Public Relations Skills: CMS: Needed skills and background • Background: Web Development and Management Public Relations Skills: CMS: Wordpress , Joomla Graphic and Design: Photoshop Programming skills: HTML, PHP, Javascript Professional skills: Training/Facilitating skills

Operational JDs • Networking and knowledge building: 1. The intern will have as main Operational JDs • Networking and knowledge building: 1. The intern will have as main purpose to expand the NGOs network abroad and communicate with other NGOs around the world in order to take GCPs and to see if these can be implemented in the NGO. 2. Get to know with the structure and the everyday procedures of the NGO. Research for similar NGOs abroad and find those who are pioneers in the same field. 3. Contact with those NGOs through mail and arrange Skype meetings in order to know what they do additionally, except of the actions the NGO already does. 4. Progress Report on the research for networking and the results of networking efforts. Development an international action plan for covering NGOs needs and future plans 5. Final report including findings and results from the contacted research and proposals for continuation of the efforts in the future. 6. Research for international forums or conferences that find place and have to do with the field of the NGO and see how the NGO can participate and how the cost can be covered.

Needed skills and background • Background: Introduction to Management/Business Administration International Management (AIESECer preffered) Needed skills and background • Background: Introduction to Management/Business Administration International Management (AIESECer preffered) Skills: Operating systems: Windows operating system Professional skills: Project Management

Operational JDs • Fundraising model 1. SWOT Analysis : Fundraising on national and international Operational JDs • Fundraising model 1. SWOT Analysis : Fundraising on national and international level to support NGO's activities. 2. Development of work plan for identifying possible funding sources for NGO at national and international level 3. Research for identifying possible funding sources for NGO at National international level 4. Development of proposals and preparation of at least three applications addressing possible financial supporters of CALLISTO at international level 5. Progress Report on the research for funding opportunities and the results of fundraising efforts. Development of an international fundraising action plan to cover Callisto's needs. 6. Final report including findings and results from the contacted research and proposals for continuation of the efforts in the future.

Needed skills and background • Background: Financial Planning and Budgeting Introduction to Communications Market Needed skills and background • Background: Financial Planning and Budgeting Introduction to Communications Market Research and Evaluation Skills: Operating systems: Windows operating system Professional skills: Marketing/Selling skills

Operational JDs • Volunteer Recruitment and capitalization for events. 1. Define NGOs needs for Operational JDs • Volunteer Recruitment and capitalization for events. 1. Define NGOs needs for every event in terms of HR. 2. Creation of Volunteers profile (background , skills etc) and value of participation of every volunteer. 3. Define Promotional Channels for recruitment ( Physical, Virtual) 4. Establish partnership with potential Volunteers pool (Universities, Private colleges, Youth NGOs) 5. Create online volunteer application and promote through various channels. 6. Evaluate applications and make allocation for the needed positions. 7. Create agenda and sessions for the preparation meeting of the volunteers

Needed skills and background • Background: Introductory HR Management Recruitment and Allocation Personal Evaluation Needed skills and background • Background: Introductory HR Management Recruitment and Allocation Personal Evaluation Skills: Operating systems: Windows operating system Professional skills: Training/Facilitating skills

Managerial JDs • Raise awareness: 1. Market research in the city, in order to Managerial JDs • Raise awareness: 1. Market research in the city, in order to determine the best way of promotion of the NGO. 2. Developing a long-term plan with marketing events and media events. 3. Create a strategy to promote NGOs to approach stakeholders (volunteers, participants, etc. ) 4. Promote the NGO and its activities in all channels (Facebook, websites, etc. ). 5. Support and other daily activities and events, which are made in order to make the organization more known in the community.

Needed skills and background • Background: Introductory Management/ Business Administration Introduction to Marketing Skills: Needed skills and background • Background: Introductory Management/ Business Administration Introduction to Marketing Skills: Operating systems: Windows operating system Professional skills: Marketing skills