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NGN interoperability 20 th CJK UNIOT-WG 2010. 11. 24 -26 TTC Hideo HIMENO (h-himeno@bc. jp. nec. com) Kaoru KENYOSHI (k-kenyoshi@cb. jp. nec. com)
Summary SG 11 promotes to develop new handbook and draft Recommendations for NGN interoperability for NGN services. SG 16 are developing the series of the draft Recommendations for IPTV conformance testing. The ITU-T IPTV interop events were held in Geneva (July 2010) and Singapore (September 2010). Developing countries request ITU-T to provide global standard to improve NGN interoperability. The interoperability would progress by improving the quality of the recommendations in ITU-T as the guidance to the developing countries. The IOT events give the feedback and contribute to improve the accuracy of the recommendations. 2
Highlight of Current Activities Nature of document - - The draft guideline document “Handbook of testing” is developed on Q 6/SG 11. This draft will be consented at Jan. 2011. Due to the Q 6/11 and WG 4/11 joint meeting held at last NGNGSI meeting(Sep. 2010), it decided that the draft recommendation “Q. NGN interoperability” should be integrated with Handbook of testing. On next SG 11 meeting(Jan. 2011), Q 6 member will discuss that Handbook vs Q. NGN interoperability. Service signaling protocol specification - It was regarded that IMS NGN service signaling service specification don’t exist on last meeting. It was decided that these specifications will be developed in Q 2, Q 3/11. 3
Handbook of Testing The Handbook goal is the assistance to Administrations and operator companies for the interoperability problems decision during NGN technical means and services implementation. The interoperability considering as a Global metric, including technical means interoperability, services interoperability, Quality of Services (Qo. S) classes and parameters interoperability. The NGN is the heterogeneous network and Global interoperability is the main problem in the NGN implementation process. The Handbook could be used vendors too. The ITU-T was developed the new testing methodology for supporting Global Interoperability at Study Period 2004 -2008 – the model network (Recommendation Q. 3900, September 2006). This methodology is supported by Recommendation Set Q. 3901, Q. 3903, Q. 3904, Q. 3906. 1 under ITU-T activities and the International Telecommunication Testing Center project under ITU-D activities now. 4
Handbook vs Q. NGN Interoperability Item Reference Handbook X. 290 series Q. 3900 series NGN IOP Framework X. 290 series Q. 3401、Q. 3402(Protocol set 1) Scope Function, Load and stress, Service(Vo. IP, IPTV, Video Phone) Conformance, interconnecting, Qo. S, Security, Transport Service, End to End, Qo. S, mobility Target Logical function block on the inside Product connected at UNI, SNI network on external network Interface Methodology FEs I/F Service testing is Not described External I/F:UNI, NNI, ANI, SNI Internal I/F:FEs I/F, Mx, Rx, Nx, Ex TTCN-3 Refer to Q. 3900 series Not TTCN-3 Refer to X. 290 methodology 5
Adjustment for Handbook of testing Testing procedures The testing process shall incorporate two main levels responsible for NGN Technical means (TM) testing (NAGN TM local testing, EUT-Equipment Under Test) and testing of comprehensive NGN solutions and the telecommunication services implemented with the aid of them (Network Under Test – NUT). The testing process structure is shown in Figure 5. 1 in accordance with Recommendation Q. 3900. Level 1 NGN TM local testing Level 2 NUT testing 1. 1 Functional testing 2. 1 Functional testing 1. 2 Load&Stress testing 2. 2 Interconnect testing 1. 3 Conformance testing 2. 3 Service testing 2. 4 End-to-End testing 2. 5 Qo. S testing Q. NGN Interoperability maybe be belonged to “Service testing” and /or End-to-End testing. 2. 6 Mobility & Roaming testing Fig. 5. 1 Testing process architecture. 6
A note in the meeting report of WP 4/11 During the meeting it was discussed that ITU-T SG 11 has specified the protocol specifications between the NGN components (UNI and NNI Profiles), but not the service specifications with the exception of RACS (User Network Interface - UNI). The networks and user profiles, define protocol specifications, some headers and refer to IETF protocols. Headers and protocols without service requirements can not be tested. Therefore, no interoperability tests can be provided at this moment. One possibility would be to adapt the existing IMS NGN service specifications including the existing test specification to ITU-T NGN. Other working parties are invited to provide inputs for service aspects of interoperability testing. SG 11 should study the requirements and protocol specifications for each service in order to develop the service test specifications. 7 7
Status of Service Protocol Specification on SG 11 Service protocol specifications should be developed to promote the NGN IOP testing specifications. SG 11 had been developing service protocol specifications before. (Sep. 2009 Q 2 Meeting Report) Because Q. CDIV, Q. CONF, Q. ECT, Q. hold, and Q. OIP/OIR did not received any contribution before this meeting, the meeting agreed that these work items are canceled. Rec. of Supplementary services (Q. 3600 -Q. 3649 : Service and session control protocols – supplementary services) Q. 3610: Signalling requirements and protocol profiles for customized ring-back tone service (CRBT) Q. 3611: Signalling requirements and protocol profiles for NGN customized ringing tone service (CRT) Q Suppl. 60: Service flows for customized multimedia ringback tone (CRBT) and customized multimedia ringing tone (CRT) services 8
Missing IMS NGN service specifications in ITU-T Development of IOP testing specification needs signaling protocol spec External Interface Internal Interface UNI Vo. IP Basic call PSTN/ISDN simulation services defined in ITU-T Rec. Q. 2211 OIP/OIR TIP/TIR MCID, ACR CDIV, HOLD CB, CCBS CW, MWI CONF, AOC ECT, RC UPT CRBT/CRT IPTV Broadcast services (Linear TV) on-demand service (Vo. D) advertising services NNI ANI SNI Q. 3402 Q. 3401 N/A N/A N/A Mx Rx Nx Ex … N/A H. 701 H. 721 H. 740 H. 750 H. 761 H. 762 H. 770 Video Phone 9
Status of ITU-T, TISPAN, 3 GPP IMS services signaling protocol spec Targeting services to start developing from next ITU-T SG 11 meeting ITU-T TISPAN 3 GPP OIP Originating identification presentation - TS 183 007 TS 24. 607 OIR Originating identification restriction - TS 183 007 TS 24. 607 TIP Terminating identification presentation - TS 183 008 TS 24. 608 TIR Terminating identification restriction - TS 183 008 TS 24. 608 MCID Malicious communication identification - TS 183 016 TS 24. 616 ACR Anonymous communication rejection - TS 183 011 TS 24. 611 CDIV Communication diversion - TS 183 004 TS 24. 604 HOLD Communication hold - TS 183 010 TS 24. 610 Communication barring - TS 183 011 TS 24. 611 Completion of communication to busy subscriber - TS 183. 042 TS 24. 642 CW Communication waiting - TS 183 015 TS 24. 615 MWI Message waiting indication - TS 183 006 TS 24. 606 Conference - TS 183 005 TS 24. 605 AOC Advice of charge - TS 183 047 TS 24. 647 ECT Explicit communication transfer - TS 183 029 TS 24. 629 RC Reverse charging - - - UPT Universal personal telecommunication - - - Customized ring-back tone Q. 3610 - - Customized ringing tone Q. 3611 - - CB CCBS CONF CRBT CRT 10
Discussion on how to develop IMS NGN Service Protocol Specifications Option 1 : Referring TISPAN or 3 GPP specification - Development of one service protocol set, pointing to and modifying to TISPAN or 3 GPP specifications. Option 2 : Based on TISPAN or 3 GPP specification - Development of each service protocol specification, referring to and modifying TISPAN or 3 GPP specifications. Option 3 : Original service specification - Try to develop new original service supplement service protocol specifications. (ex. CCSA / TTC spec to ITU-T) 11
Challenge Protocol specifications are not developed in SG 11 therefore no interoperability tests can be provided for PSTN/ISDN simulation services. Accelerate the on going study for Vo. IP conformance testing and initiate the new work item for Vo. IP interoperability testing. Harmonization and/or integration of separate discussions in Q. 5/SG 13 and Q. 8, 9, 10/SG 11 relating to physical architecture for NGN interoperability. Let's discuss and develop the video phone and FMC interoperability testing specification as the future step. 12