Скачать презентацию NGN Home Digital Home and Human Factor Workshop Sophia Скачать презентацию NGN Home Digital Home and Human Factor Workshop Sophia


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NGN@Home Digital Home and Human Factor Workshop Sophia Antipolis October 22, 2004 Milan Erbes NGN@Home Digital Home and Human Factor Workshop Sophia Antipolis October 22, 2004 Milan Erbes ETSI AT-N WG Chairman 1

What is a Next Generation Network? NGN means different to different parts of the What is a Next Generation Network? NGN means different to different parts of the Industry… So which definition is correct? “A public packet based communication network integrating voice, data and enhanced multimedia services with the following characteristics: w Layered instead of monolithic architecture w Open standard interfaces between the layers and all other networks w Seamless control of multiple transport technologies w Use of standards based components ” NGN motivating point: It enables New Services and therefore New Revenues. . . 2

ETSI -The NGN goals The Next Generation Network will eventually provide: Ø A multi-service ETSI -The NGN goals The Next Generation Network will eventually provide: Ø A multi-service multi-protocol, multi-access, IP based network that is secure, reliable and trusted • Multi-services: delivered by a common Qo. S enabled core network • Multi-access: diverse access networks; fixed and mobile terminals • Not one network, but different networks that seamlessly interoperate Ø An enabler for Service Providers to offer • real-time and non real-time, communication services • between peers, or in a client-server configuration Ø Mobility / Nomadicity • for both users and devices • intra and inter-Network Domains, between Fixed and Mobile networks Ø Interactive “My communications services” • anywhere, any terminal, anytime 3

NGN@Home Terms of Reference q Co-operate with all parties, both internal and external to NGN@Home Terms of Reference q Co-operate with all parties, both internal and external to ETSI, in order to meet the objectives of NGN@Home q Act as the focal point for matters related to Home Networking within TC AT and as a Project with TC TISPAN q Study the interworking and compatibility between all Home Network components, in-home features and services for NGN q Define the components and functions of the Home Residential Gateway (Addressing, Management, Protocols, Connectivity, Qo. S…) for the support of various in house applications for the reliable delivery of services to the end devices within the HAN 4

NGN@Home Standardizations Involvement AT AT-A AT-I AT-D HF TISPAN 3 GPP Cenelec AT-N AT-F NGN@Home Standardizations Involvement AT AT-A AT-I AT-D HF TISPAN 3 GPP Cenelec AT-N AT-F Home Network Related Collaboration NGN@Home is supporting the European Commission in its goals for a universal access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by producing the necessary standards to accommodate the needs for all including the disabled and the growing number of older users

Home Networking The objective of the project is to define and demonstrate an open Home Networking The objective of the project is to define and demonstrate an open network architecture enabling the provision of services to the users in its home, and in nomadic situation. 1. Build a multi-services home network based on a Residential Gateway (RG) that acts as a service platform for the end user. The RG embeds the Home Agent (HA) that allows remote management of the home network by the home network service operator. 2. Build a powerful and networked management tool. This tool is a software platform located for example in an ISP or ASP premises. This platform inter-works with the HAN. 3. Offer Remote Access (for mobility and also a visiting connection) in a secure way to the home resources via mobile phones, PDAs, laptops or workstations. 7

Home Residential Gateway Architecture RG Coordinates shared access to the Internet for all it’s Home Residential Gateway Architecture RG Coordinates shared access to the Internet for all it’s End Devices Connection Module Content Providers Access Provider A . . . Access Provider Z x. DSL, Cable, BWA, ETTH, FTTH… Policy Coordination Module Coordinates changes amongst the other modules, makes appropriate adjustments to other Modules as needed. It handles: • IP Routing • NAT • Digital Rights • Qo. S • Multicast optimization • Security Connection Module Gateway Policy Coordination Module HAN Module 1. Might be separate hardware (GW, Hub, Bridge, Switch, Access Point) 2. Ties the various home networking media together (Ethernet, IEEE 1394, 802. 11, HPNA, PLC, Bluetooth, USB, Cable…) 3. Notifies the Policy Coordination Module of pertinent changes. Connection Module Agent End Device. . . End Device

The NGN@Home viewpoint Business Value Chain Broadcaster Content Provider Access / Delivery Network(s) Service The NGN@Home viewpoint Business Value Chain Broadcaster Content Provider Access / Delivery Network(s) Service Provider Compatibility of Analogue/ISDN TE TR 102 160 -2 (-1 & -2) SRDs Home GW Wireless LAN Residential Wired Gateway Spec. / PLC HAN PAN DTS/AT-04000 x TS 102 330 Content T r a n s l a t I o n e n g i n e Applications & Services TR 102 160 -4 Common Authoring of Content Access Network Technologies TR 102 160 -5 Home Networking Technologies TR 102 160 -3 API API Delivery via Operator End-End Qo. S TR 102 160 -7 Residential Gateway 9

In-Home Solution Home Related Services: Home Appliance Control & Automation (Energy Savings, Lighting, Shutters, In-Home Solution Home Related Services: Home Appliance Control & Automation (Energy Savings, Lighting, Shutters, Pool control), Remote Management, Entertainment, Healthcare, Ecommerce, Security Communications, Internet, Customised solutions Connected office: VPN, Video Conferencing, Vo. IP Remote Control: Remote Managing of Home appliances, Connecting to the home network Content: Music, Video Games, Banking, Billing, Info-channel, TV, Chatting, Video telephony, Video Conferencing, Information Storage, Internet Radio, Messaging…. Mobility: Full collection of music and videos in car, Sync over WLAN, 3 G or while parked in your garage. Emergency: Emergency calls from within house/home or even a car, rerouted through Home RG to appropriate call center. 10

Human Factors Activities supported by NGN@Home Standardisation: q Secure networks q Digital Rights Management Human Factors Activities supported by NGN@Home Standardisation: q Secure networks q Digital Rights Management q End User Aspects: Ø Design and Accessibility (children, elderly, disabled) Ø Enabling Users for Mobile Services Ø Person-to-Person Video-telephony Ø Telecare Solution Ø User profiles - increasingly important for customisation of terminals and services to provide efficient communications and the universal acceptance and success of new and advanced communication services. 11

Conclusions Standardisation activities for management in Next Generation Home Networking: q Ensure a global Conclusions Standardisation activities for management in Next Generation Home Networking: q Ensure a global user approach, independent of a specific access technology q Define a reference architecture and network functions required to support home and/or nomadic users q Define required interfaces for these functions in the control layer for the terminals and the applications 12

Contact Details: Milan ERBES E-mail: Milan. Erbes@ets-tele. com ETSI NGN@Home Chairman Tel: +33. (0)6. Contact Details: Milan ERBES E-mail: Milan. Erbes@ets-tele. com ETSI NGN@Home Chairman Tel: +33. (0)6. 26. 54. 17. 63 NGN@Home ETSI WEB site: http: //portal. etsi. org/at/ATNGNSummary. asp 13