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NEXUS in WPs 2016 -2017 (next calls on Environment, Food and Energy) Dr. Nicola NEXUS in WPs 2016 -2017 (next calls on Environment, Food and Energy) Dr. Nicola Tucci, EFB ltd Tunis 13 October 2015 Nicola Tucci 1 H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

2 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION 2 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Europa 2020 Innovation Union Horizon 2020 Strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Europa 2020 Innovation Union Horizon 2020 Strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Flagship initiative on reseach and innovation Common strategic framework on research and innovation (2014 - 2020) 3 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Horizon 2020 Detailed Structure 4 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 Horizon 2020 Detailed Structure 4 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy 5 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

WP structure Structured in 5 calls Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resourceefficient value WP structure Structured in 5 calls Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resourceefficient value chains Blue Growth - Demonstrating an ocean of opportunities Rural Renaissance - Fostering innovation and business opportunities Bio-based innovation for sustainable goods and services - Supporting the development of a European Bioeconomy Other actions 6 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Call - Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resource-efficient value chains Research and innovation Call - Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resource-efficient value chains Research and innovation are vital to understanding, minimising and coping with risks to food security and to creating new production, processing and consumption models. The focus area ‘sustainable food security’ will put greater emphasis on the resilience of primary production, coping with resource depletion and climate change, and research and innovation along the food value chain than the previous work programme (2014– 2015). 7 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Call - Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resource-efficient value chains From a demand-side Call - Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resource-efficient value chains From a demand-side perspective, it will also highlight sustainable and healthy consumption and lifestyles. This focus area has been aligned with the Commission’s strategic guidelines and with the need to provide evidencebased support for relevant EU policies such as plant health or food safety. The vast majority of research in Europe is funded at national level. It is therefore important that support for transnational coordination on national and regional research programmes continues to consolidate the European Research Area, and streamlines the required research activities. 8 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Call - Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resource-efficient value chains The Framework Partnership Call - Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resource-efficient value chains The Framework Partnership Agreement for implementing ERA-NET Cofund projects is designed to strengthen and simplify cooperation between the European Commission and the Member States and to support more strategic collaboration between research programme managers. This focus area has four sub-areas: More resilient and resource efficient value chains Environment-smart and climate-smart primary production A competitive food industry Healthy and safe foods and diets for all 9 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Call - Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resource-efficient value chains Two areas focusing Call - Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resource-efficient value chains Two areas focusing on international cooperation: Support to the implementation of the EU-Africa Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture Implementation of the EU-China Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Flagship initiative and EU-South East Asian cooperation around aquaculture. 10 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Call - Blue Growth Demonstrating an ocean of opportunities Targeted innovation in our seas Call - Blue Growth Demonstrating an ocean of opportunities Targeted innovation in our seas and oceans and an optimal use of the wide variety of research infrastructures available can play a key role in tackling global challenges such as the scarcity and vulnerability of strategic resources (e. g. for food, energy, transport, etc. ), while providing valuable ecosystem services factoring in climate change. 11 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Call - Blue Growth Demonstrating an ocean of opportunities This has the potential to Call - Blue Growth Demonstrating an ocean of opportunities This has the potential to provide more jobs, growth, renewable energy sources and climate-smart solutions. However, a risky environment, insufficient knowledge, data access, and uncertain financial and legal frameworks are critical barriers to overcome. EU intervention is therefore needed to bridge these gaps and create the conditions for mobilising investment in testing and demonstration projects for new technologies, bringing them ‘from lab to market' and avoiding the costly duplication of work. 12 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Call - Blue Growth Demonstrating an ocean of opportunities This Focus Area is based Call - Blue Growth Demonstrating an ocean of opportunities This Focus Area is based on four interlinked pillars, all of which include the mainstreaming of skills and competence development: 1) 2) 3) 4) Boosting innovation for emerging Blue Growth activities Linking healthy oceans and seas with healthy people The Arctic dimension Valorising the Mediterranean Sea Basin 13 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Call - Rural Renaissance - Fostering innovation and business opportunities Rural areas are Europe's Call - Rural Renaissance - Fostering innovation and business opportunities Rural areas are Europe's primary source of food and reservoir of natural resources. They play a major role in managing and ensuring sustainable use of these resources and the delivery of food, public goods and ecosystem services providing long-term benefits society as a whole. At the same time they are affected by a range of demographic, economic and societal developments such as urbanisation, depopulation, business relocation and population ageing. 14 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Call - Rural Renaissance - Fostering innovation and business opportunities The call will support Call - Rural Renaissance - Fostering innovation and business opportunities The call will support a 'rural renaissance' by raising the natural, social, cultural and economic potential of rural areas and fostering policy coherence. It will aim to boost economic development, environmental services and entrepreneurial innovation, in particular in SMEs, in rural and coastal areas. This will be achieved by building on diversification and modernisation strategies and capitalising on local assets, including human, natural and cultural capital. The call is structured around three main areas: 1. new approaches towards policies and governance 2. new value chains and business models 3. innovation and skills development Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION 15

Call - Bio-based innovation for sustainable goods and services - Supporting the development of Call - Bio-based innovation for sustainable goods and services - Supporting the development of a European Bioeconomy This call will embrace two main aspects of the bio-based innovation. Firstly, it will encompass the production, mobilisation and use of biomass including new business and service models, to sustainably secure raw material supply for a wide range of industrial products taking into account potential trade-offs of competing land-uses. Secondly, it will consider stakeholders engagement and demand-side measures supporting market development of biobased products. Within this focus area, two sub-areas have been identified: Securing sustainable biomass supply for bio-based goods and services Building the "bio-based markets of the future"- mobilising stakeholders engagement IMPORTANT: SME INSTRUMENT and FAST TRACK 16 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Other Actions Horizon Prize on Food Security Specific Grant Agreements (SGAs) for ERA-NET Cofund Other Actions Horizon Prize on Food Security Specific Grant Agreements (SGAs) for ERA-NET Cofund actions supporting Joint Actions towards Public-Public Partnerships in the Bioeconomy Knowledge Centre Support to Research and Innovation Policy in the area of bio-based products and services Linking bioeconomy research activities with regional and macroregional policies Final evaluation of the Joint Baltic Sea research and development programme Independent reviewers on the interim evaluation of H 2020 Bioeconomy Stakeholders’ Conference Review of the Bioeconomy strategy External expertise 17 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION


WP structure Structured in 3 calls Energy Efficiency Call 2016 -2017 COMPETITIVE LOW-CARBON ENERGY WP structure Structured in 3 calls Energy Efficiency Call 2016 -2017 COMPETITIVE LOW-CARBON ENERGY Other Actions 19 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Call - Energy Efficiency Call 2016 -2017 Building on the priorities of the consultation Call - Energy Efficiency Call 2016 -2017 Building on the priorities of the consultation under the SET-Plan's "Towards an Integrated Roadmap", the Energy Efficiency area of this Work Programme has been designed for 2016/2017 with a stronger focus on consumer-related issues under the sub-area 'Engaging consumers towards energy efficiency'. In addition, a strong consumer-oriented approach characterizes many of the topics in the sub‐ areas of 'Heating and cooling', 'Buildings', 'Industry, products and services', and 'Innovative financing for energy efficiency'. 20 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Call - Energy Efficiency Call 2016 -2017 five sub-areas 1. Heating and cooling 2. Call - Energy Efficiency Call 2016 -2017 five sub-areas 1. Heating and cooling 2. Engaging consumers towards sustainable energy 3. Buildings 4. Industry, services and products 5. Innovative financing for energy efficiency investments 21 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Call - COMPETITIVE LOWCARBON ENERGY The center of gravity of Calls 2016 and 2017 Call - COMPETITIVE LOWCARBON ENERGY The center of gravity of Calls 2016 and 2017 remains the electricity system but with a number of openings for transnational collaboration and connections between energy networks. While call 2016 puts emphasis on the electricity distribution system, the call in 2017 is opened for demonstration projects in the field of transmission. 22 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Call - COMPETITIVE LOWCARBON ENERGY Call 2017 also includes links between distribution and transmission Call - COMPETITIVE LOWCARBON ENERGY Call 2017 also includes links between distribution and transmission networks and links between the electricity network and other energy networks. IMPORTANT: SME INSTRUMENT & FAST TRACK 23 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Other Actions 64 different topics from “Horizon prize for CO 2 reuse” to “Support Other Actions 64 different topics from “Horizon prize for CO 2 reuse” to “Support to the initiative on sustainable energy in the defence and security sector” or “Support services for exploitation of research results” 24 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION


WP structure Structured in 2 calls Greening the Economy (10 sub-areas) Other Actions 26 WP structure Structured in 2 calls Greening the Economy (10 sub-areas) Other Actions 26 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Call – Greening the Economy (10 sub-areas) Climate services Towards a low-carbon Europe Nature-based Call – Greening the Economy (10 sub-areas) Climate services Towards a low-carbon Europe Nature-based solutions for territorial resilience Water Raw materials Earth Observation Cultural heritage for sustainable growth Support to policy and preparing for innovation procurement Fast Track to Innovation Pilot SME Instrument 27 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Other Actions (7 topics) GEO subscription IPCC secretariat Support actions for raw materials policy Other Actions (7 topics) GEO subscription IPCC secretariat Support actions for raw materials policy (JRC) Support actions for raw materials policy (public procurement) External expertise Experts for the preparation of four inducement prizes Specific Grant Agreements (SGAs) for ERA-NET Cofund actions supporting Joint Actions towards sustainable green economy in Europe and beyond 28 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Circular Economy Deadline Call Type of action 08 Mar 2016 (First stage) 06 Sep Circular Economy Deadline Call Type of action 08 Mar 2016 (First stage) 06 Sep 2016 (Second stage) CIRC-1 -2016: Systemic, eco-innovative approaches for circular economy: large-scale demonstration IA 08 Mar 2016 (First stage) 06 Sep 2016 (Second stage) CIRC-2 -2016: Water in the context of the circular economy, Demonstrating the potential of efficient nutrient recovery from water IA 08/03/2016 CIRC-3 -2016: Smart Specialisation for systemic eco- CSA innovation/circular economy 08/03/2016 CIRC-4 -2016: New models and economic incentives for circular economy business RIA 08/03/2016 CIRC-05 -2016: Unlocking the potential of urban organic waste RIA 29 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Water - calls Deadline Call Type of action N/A SC 5 -11 -2016: Supporting Water - calls Deadline Call Type of action N/A SC 5 -11 -2016: Supporting international cooperation CSA activities on water N/A SC 5 -12 -2016: Food systems and water resources for the development of inclusive, sustainable and healthy Euro-Mediterranean societies CSA 30 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Nature-based solutions – calls Sustainable cities Deadline Call Type of action 05/04/2016, 14 Feb Nature-based solutions – calls Sustainable cities Deadline Call Type of action 05/04/2016, 14 Feb 2017 (SCC-1 -2016/2017: Smart Cities and Communities lighthouse projects) IA 08 Mar 2016 (First stage) 06 Sep 2016 (Second stage)/07 Mar 2017 (First stage) 05 Sep 2017 (Second stage) SCC-02 -2016 Demonstrating innovative nature -based solutions in cities: Demonstrating innovative nature-based solutions for climate and water resilience in cities IA 08/03/2016 SCC-03 -2016: New governance, business, financing models and economic impact assessment tools for sustainable cities with nature-based solutions (urban re-naturing) RIA 08/03/2016 SCC-04 -2016: Sustainable urbanisation ERA-NET Cofund 31 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Nature-based solutions – calls Territorial resilience Deadline Call Type of action N/A SC 5 Nature-based solutions – calls Territorial resilience Deadline Call Type of action N/A SC 5 -09 -2016: Operationalising insurance value of ecosystems IA N/A SC 5 -10 -2016: Multi-stakeholder dialogue platform to promote innovation with nature to address societal challenges N/A 32 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Cultural heritage for sustainable growth - calls Deadline Call Type of action N/A SC Cultural heritage for sustainable growth - calls Deadline Call Type of action N/A SC 5 -23 -2016/2017: Cultural heritage as a driver for sustainable growt; a) Heritage-led urban regeneration N/A 33 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Climate services - calls Deadline Call Type of action N/A SC 5 -1 -2016: Climate services - calls Deadline Call Type of action N/A SC 5 -1 -2016: Exploiting the added value of climate services: a) Demonstration of climate services RIA/IA N/A SC 5 -3 -2016: Climate services market research, a) Defining the European and international climate service market characteristics and foresight into market growth b) Climate services market barriers and enabling conditions RIA 34 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Towards a low-carbon Europe - calls Deadline Call Type of action N/A SC 5 Towards a low-carbon Europe - calls Deadline Call Type of action N/A SC 5 -6 -2016: Pathways towards the decarbonisation and resilience of the European economy in the timeframe 2030 -2050 and beyond, a) Managing technology transition b) Assessment of the global mitigation efforts in the perspective of the long-term climate goal RIA 35 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

The Arctic Dimension - calls Deadline Call Type of action N/A BG-9 -2016: Unified The Arctic Dimension - calls Deadline Call Type of action N/A BG-9 -2016: Unified integrated Arctic Observing System N/A BG-10 -2016: Impact of Arctic changes on the weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere N/A SC 5 -5 -2016: A 1. 5 million year look into the past for N/A improving climate predictions 36 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

Earth observation - calls Deadline Call Type of action N/A BG-12 -2016 (SC 2): Earth observation - calls Deadline Call Type of action N/A BG-12 -2016 (SC 2): Towards an integrated Mediterranean Sea Observing System N/A SC 5 -20 -2016: European data hub of the GEOSS information system N/A 37 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION

THANK YOU FOR THE ATTENTION ! Nicola Tucci, EFB Nicola. tucci@mail 2 web. com THANK YOU FOR THE ATTENTION ! Nicola Tucci, EFB Nicola. tucci@mail 2 web. com 13 th of October 2015 – H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION 38 Nicola Tucci H 2020 NEW CALL WP 2016 -2017 PRESENTATION