Bet Ya Didnt Know Bout Love _POST.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 86
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Driving through Southern California, I stopped at a roadside stand that sold fruit, vegetables and crafts.
As I went to pay, I noticed the young woman behind the counter was painting a sign. “Why the new sign? ” I asked.
I asked. “My boyfriend didn’t approve of the old one, ” she said. When I glanced at what hung above the counter, I understood.
It declared: “Local Honey Dates Nuts”
So uh… Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day?
February 14 th
I gave blood today.
I know it's not the best gift to give my wife for Valentine's Day.
But it came from the heart.
Monogamous Relationships Exist Throughout The Animal Kingdom. Humans aren’t the only ones to be faithful. Wolves, swans, gibbons, black vultures, albatrosses and even termites are just a few of those animals that find a mate for a lifetime.
Monogamous Relationships Exist Throughout The Animal Kingdom. Humans aren’t the only ones to be faithful. Wolves, swans, gibbons, black vultures, albatrosses and even termites are just a few of those animals that find a mate for a lifetime. mate спутник throughout по всюду, во всем lifetime целая жизнь
If you want to make a good impression on someone, some say you’ve only got about 4 minutes to do it. It is believed that it has far more to do with your body language, tone and speed of your voice rather than exactly what you say.
If you want to make a good impression on someone, some say you’ve only got about 4 minutes to do it. It is believed that it has far more to do with your body language, tone and speed of your voice rather than exactly what you say. exactly точно, как раз far more намного больше impression впечатление
Some extraordinary research has found that couples who are in love and bond in a romantic relationship synchronize their heart rates after gazing into each others’ eyes for three minutes.
Some extraordinary research has found that couples who are in love and bond in a romantic relationship synchronize their heart rates after gazing into each others’ eyes for three minutes. heart rates частота биения сердца gazing пристально смотреть bond in подписываться на
Falling in love is much like taking a dose of cocaine, as both experiences affect the brain similarly and trigger a similar sensation of euphoria. Research has found that falling in love produces several euphoria-inducing chemicals.
Falling in love is much like taking a dose of cocaine, as both experiences affect the brain similarly and trigger a similar sensation of euphoria. Research has found that falling in love produces several euphoria-inducing chemicals. similarly похоже falling in love влюбляться trigger вызывать
Oxytocin is produced during an embrace or cuddle. Research has found that a dose of oxytocin decreases headaches significantly, and for some it even makes the pain go away completely after 4 hours.
Oxytocin is produced during an embrace or cuddle. Research has found that a dose of oxytocin decreases headaches significantly, and for some it even makes the pain go away completely after 4 hours. headaches головная боль embrace объятия decreases уменьшает
Research indicates that there is a significant pattern in how people choose whom to establish romantic relationships with. Supposedly, people are more attracted to people who share the same level of attractiveness.
Research indicates that there is a significant pattern in how people choose whom to establish romantic relationships with. Supposedly, people are more attracted to people who share the same level of attractiveness. pattern пример supposedly предположительно attractiveness привлекательность
Heartbreak Is Not Just A Metaphor. Deep emotional distress triggers the brain to distribute certain chemicals that significantly weaken one’s heart, leading to strong chest pains and shortness of breath.
Heartbreak Is Not Just A Metaphor. Deep emotional distress triggers the brain to distribute certain chemicals that significantly weaken one’s heart, leading to strong chest pains and shortness of breath. deep глубоко heartbreak разбитое сердце distress горе, расстройство
Couples at the very beginning of a romantic relationship will be very different a year later. It is estimated that romantic love, which is linked with euphoria, dependence, sweaty palms, butterflies and alike, only lasts about a year.
Couples at the very beginning of a romantic relationship will be very different a year later. It is estimated that romantic love, which is linked with euphoria, dependence, sweaty palms, butterflies and alike, only lasts about a year. alike (им) подобные dependence зависимость lasts продолжается
Research shows that long-term couples with deep, strong connections can successfully soothe each other in stressful situations or when one of them experiences pain simply by holding hands.
Research shows that long-term couples with deep, strong connections can successfully soothe each other in stressful situations or when one of them experiences pain simply by holding hands. stressful стрессовый long-term долгосрочный soothe утешать
Looking into each others’ eyes can make us fall for each other, even if we don’t know jack about each other. When someone is gazing at you, the person’s body produces a chemical called phenylethylamine, which is associated with the fight-or-flight response.
Looking into each others’ eyes can make us fall for each other, even if we don’t know jack about each other. When someone is gazing at you, the person’s body produces a chemical called phenylethylamine, which is associated with the fight-or-flight response ответ produces производит associated связан
sweet spot
sweet spot золотая середина
sweet talk
sweet talk лесть, комлементы
sweet thing
sweet thing моя любовь
sweet tooth
sweet tooth сладкоежка
sweet nothings
sweet nothings сладкие слова (любовные уверения)
short and sweet
short and sweet по существу
hit on
hit on подкатывать
hook up
hook up начать отношения
make out
make out целоваться… (всякие нежности)
(to get) used to (something) (to be) used to (something) If you are used to something, it has become normal to you. If you get used to something or you are getting used to something, it was strange, but now it’s not so strange.
For example: I found Ukrainian food very strange at first, but I am used to it now.
After 6 months of living in New York, he finally got used to the subway system.
I am getting used to driving on the right side of the road. .
Both ‘be used to’ and ‘get used to’ are followed by a noun or the -ing form of a verb (called a gerund).
I can’t get used to getting up so early. I’m tired all the time.
He is not used to the weather here yet. He always feels too cold.
‘Be/get used to’ can be used with past, present and future tenses.
You might find it strange at first but you will get used to it soon.
He wasn’t used to the heat, so he had to sit down and rest.
Choose the correct sentence (a or b): a. We aren´t used to listening to that kind of music. b. We aren't used to listen to that kind of music.
Choose the correct sentence (a or b): a. She will soon get used to work here. b. She will soon get used to working here.
Choose the correct sentence (a or b): a. We never got used to getting up so early. a. b. We never got used to get up so early.
Notice the difference between the two meanings: 1. We are used to getting up early. 2. We used to get up early.
1. We couldn´t sleep very well in Japan because we aren´t used to sleeping on the floor. 2. We used to sleep on the floor in Japan.
1. We used to travel a lot before having children. 2. We are used to traveling a lot with our children.
Pearl of Wisdom
Vulnerability is the essence of romance. It's the art of being uncalculated, the willingness to look foolish, the courage to say, 'This is me, and I'm interested in you enough to show you my flaws with the hope that you may embrace me for all that I am but, more important, all that I am not. ' Ashton Kutcher
Experts on romance say for a happy marriage there has to be more than a passionate love. For a lasting union, they insist, there must be a genuine liking for each other. Which, in my book, is a good definition for friendship. Marilyn Monroe
I think that romance sort of coincides with effort, so you can fall flat on your face, but as long as you're making a great effort, I think it comes off as romantic. So it can be something as simple as, like, if you're someone who doesn't cook, you can make a meal. Ashton Kutcher
I am a sucker for romance and I love girls and that is a terrible combination, because romance has the ability to overwhelm your perspective. Joshua Harris