Fbook Messes w Head PP_POST.pptx
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Behind every successful student, there is a deactivated Facebook account.
Facebook is like a fridge.
Even when u know there's nothing new going on, u still go on & check it every 10 minutes.
I wonder what Facebook employees do to waste their time at work?
A client calls to hotline of internet service provider:
I have a problem, internet stopped working two days ago, neither I nor anyone else can access it now. .
I see, do you know what's the operating system on your PC?
Of course I do - it's Facebook. . .
Many people create posts and profiles of themselves that are much more optimistic and upbeat than reality. They portray themselves as happier, thinner, more popular and more accomplished than they actually are.
Many people create posts and profiles of themselves that are much more optimistic and upbeat than reality. They portray themselves as happier, thinner, more popular and more accomplished than they actually are. reality реальность upbeat жизнерадостный portray отображать (создавать образ)
One study suggests that the more time young women spend on Facebook, the more likely they are to develop eating disorders, because Facebook is so appearance-oriented.
One study suggests that the more time young women spend on Facebook, the more likely they are to develop eating disorders, because Facebook is so appearance-oriented. suggest высказывать мнение disorders нарушение appearance внешность
The way you communicate with a friend on Facebook may affect the closeness of your relationship to that friend. If you only broadcast status updates, then your friend may feel like he or she is just one of the crowd held at arm’s length.
The way you communicate with a friend on Facebook may affect the closeness of your relationship to that friend. If you only broadcast status updates, then your friend may feel like he or she is just one of the crowd held at arm’s length. crowd толпа broadcast радиовещательный closeness сближенность
Many charities believe that connecting with donors online leads to more dedicated support. But researchers found that people who publicly supported a charity online were actually less likely to pull out their wallets and donate later.
Many charities believe that connecting with donors online leads to more dedicated support. But researchers found that people who publicly supported a charity online were actually less likely to pull out their wallets and donate later. charities благотворительные учреждения dedicated посвященный pull out вытащить
When compared to teens who aren’t on social media, the teens who use social sites are 5 times more likely to smoke and 3 times more likely to drink. It’s merely the exposure to pictures of friends smoking or drinking that influences teens’ behavior.
When compared to teens who aren’t on social media, the teens who use social sites are 5 times more likely to smoke and 3 times more likely to drink. It’s merely the exposure to pictures of friends smoking or drinking that influences teens’ behavior. compared to по сравнению с merely просто exposure выставление
• Facebook has become a way people define their sense of social belonging. Those receiving no feedback on their posts feel excluded, invisible and less worthy than individuals who are engaged with other users.
Facebook has become a way people define their sense of social belonging. Those receiving no feedback on their posts feel excluded, invisible and less worthy than individuals who are engaged with other users. invisible невидимый belonging принадлежность excluded забракованный
People’s reactions to being unfriended rang from surprise and anxiety to amusement and sadness. One 13 year old boy says that it makes him sad to be unfriended because Facebook is a part of his identity.
People’s reactions to being unfriended rang from surprise and anxiety to amusement and sadness. One 13 year old boy says that it makes him sad to be unfriended because Facebook is a part of his identity. sadness грусть, тоска amusement развлечение anxiety тревога
Sometimes a friend might post information about you that you don’t want everyone to know. Or maybe someone posts a picture of you that they think is amusing, but you find to be embarrassing.
Sometimes a friend might post information about you that you don’t want everyone to know. Or maybe someone posts a picture of you that they think is amusing, but you find to be embarrassing. post размещать статью (сообщение) amusing развлекать embarrassing неловко
Users react more positively for days to positive emotion updates from friends. On the flip side, users who had fewer emotional posts in their news feeds withdrew emotionally for a few days. The emotions communicated on social media can become contagious and influence other people’s moods.
Users react more positively for days to positive emotion updates from friends. On the flip side, users who had fewer emotional posts in their news feeds withdrew emotionally for a few days. The emotions communicated on social media can become contagious and influence other people’s moods. contagious заразный withdrew уходить (в себя) flip side обратная сторона
While it may be comforting to have digital reminders of your deceased loved ones, there can also be negative consequences. If someone’s online remains are searchable, can videos and status updates be reinterpreted after death in a way that can haunt the living?
While it may be comforting to have digital reminders of your deceased loved ones, there can also be negative consequences. If someone’s online remains are searchable, can videos and status updates be reinterpreted after death in a way that can haunt the living? digital цифровой (электронный) comforting утешительный deceased умерший
ASAP as soon as possible
BRB be right back
BTW by the way
FYI for your information
IDK I don’t know
ROFL rolling on the floor laughing
TMI too much information
TTYL talk to ya later
W/ with
W/O without
W/O without
“used” + infinitive verb – QUESTION FORM Did you use to walk to work? -Yes, I used to walk to work. OR -No, I didn’t use to walk to work.
Did he use to smoke? -Yes, he used to smoke. OR -No, he didn’t use to smoke.
**We often ask these in the negative form when we are more sure that the answer is “yes”: Didn’t you use to walk to work? Yes, I did. Didn’t he use to smoke? Yes, he did.
You can also add a question word before this phrase: Where did they use to go on vacation? -They used to go to the beach, but they don’t anymore.
How did you use to get to work? -I used to take the bus, but now I ride my bike.
What did she use to do for a living? -She used to work in a restaurant, but now she is a teacher.
Who did he use to date? -He used to date my roommate, but they broke up.
I did all the groundwork on this project but he only gave me a. . . . acknowledgement in his report. itemised uncanny damaging crowning grudging
I did all the groundwork on this project but he only gave me a. . . . acknowledgement in his report. itemised uncanny damaging crowning grudging
I don't know him very well. He's just a. . . . acquaintance. casual uncanny damaging crowning grudging
I don't know him very well. He's just a. . . . acquaintance. casual uncanny damaging crowning grudging
We're fighting for the. . . . abolition of the death penalty. average outright decisive frenetic chronic
We're fighting for the. . . . abolition of the death penalty. average outright decisive frenetic chronic
I'm afraid he was involved in a. . . . accident. ready dreadful widespread pronounced wholehearted
I'm afraid he was involved in a. . . . accident. ready dreadful widespread pronounced wholehearted
He invited me around to see his. . . . acquisition, a new BMW. casual latest damaging crowning grudging
He invited me around to see his. . . . acquisition, a new BMW. casual latest damaging crowning grudging
Pearl of Wisdom
There are people who will love you. There are people who will hate you. And both of those things don’t have a thing to do with you.
Fbook Messes w Head PP_POST.pptx