Скачать презентацию Next steps towards gridification grid application development Скачать презентацию Next steps towards gridification grid application development


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Next steps towards gridification & grid application development Miklos Kozlovszky m. kozlovszky@sztaki. hu MTA Next steps towards gridification & grid application development Miklos Kozlovszky m. kozlovszky@sztaki. hu MTA SZTAKI Hungarian Academy of Sciences www. portal. p-grade. hu www. cpc. wmin. ac. uk/gemlca 1

How to learn more? Visit www. portal. p-grade. hu – – – User and How to learn more? Visit www. portal. p-grade. hu – – – User and administrator manuals Training events with online slides and hands-on exercises Parameter study PPT tutorial Parameter study exercises GEMLCA exercises: http: //indico. cern. ch/conference. Display. py? conf. Id=13902 – Get an account on one of the production installations: • TR-GRID, SEE-GRID, Central European VO of EGEE, GILDA, several national grids (UK National Grid Service, Hun. Grid, Turkish Grid, etc. ), US Open Science Grid, Tera. Grid, … portal. p-grade. hu/index. php? m=5&s=0 “Learn once, use everywhere Develop once, execute anywhere” 2

SEE-GRID Portal www. portal. p-grade. hu/seegrid 2. 5 • • • Operated by MTA SEE-GRID Portal www. portal. p-grade. hu/seegrid 2. 5 • • • Operated by MTA SZTAKI Connected to SEE-GRID CA certificates required Based on P-GRADE Portal 2. 5 Parametric sweep supportalreq@lpds. sztaki. hu 3

NGS & GILDA Portal www. cpc. wmin. ac. uk/ngsportal 2. 5 • • • NGS & GILDA Portal www. cpc. wmin. ac. uk/ngsportal 2. 5 • • • Operated by the University of Westminster Connected to the UK NGS UK e- science certificate required Westminster Connected to EGEE GILDA Includes GEMLCA plug-in 4

TR-GRID Portal portal. grid. org. tr: 8080/gridsphere • Operated by ULAKBIM and METU • TR-GRID Portal portal. grid. org. tr: 8080/gridsphere • Operated by ULAKBIM and METU • Connected to the TR-GRID • TR-GRID certificate required 2. 5 Ankara portal@grid. org. tr 5

Getting support for gridification and grid application development • GASUC - Grid Application Support Getting support for gridification and grid application development • GASUC - Grid Application Support Center – Provides assistance to grid users and grid application developers to port legacy algorithms and applications to grid – Disseminates knowledge for all the worldwide used grid environments. – 8 steps user/developer support model – For non-commercial applications/pilot projects: free http: //www. lpds. sztaki. hu/gasuc/ • Application Support Group of SEE-GRID-2 leaded by Turkey – Grid experts from SEE region provide first line support to application developers. – Mailing lists, on-line documentations, regional/national helpdesks, code repository systems, grid application development portal environments, infrastructure monitoring and testing facilities are available, trainings. – For more info please contact: Onur Temizsoylu, Asli Zengin 6

Thank you www. portal. p-grade. hu pgportal@lpds. sztaki. hu 7 Thank you www. portal. p-grade. hu pgportal@lpds. sztaki. hu 7