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NEXPRe. S EVN-NREN Meeting 2 Richard Hughes-Jones DANTE Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe NEXPRe. S EVN-NREN Meeting 2, Oslo, 17 Sep 2012 connect • communicate • collaborate
Welcome to the EVN-NREN Meeting Aims of this meeting include: Exchange of development and requirement Roadmaps Discussion of the current development and operation of Bo. D services Identification of the lessons learned from the NEXPRe. S Tests & Demos Discussion of the NEXPRe. S connectivity and network requirements Identification of common work areas for the future connect • communicate • collaborate
Agenda bashing Start time min Subject Speaker 14: 00 5 14: 05: 00 Welcome & Introduction Richard Hughes-Jones 14: 05: 00 20 14: 25: 00 GEANT 100 G rollout Richard Hughes-Jones 14: 25: 00 20 14: 45: 00 NREN Aggregated update TBC (RHJ) 14: 45: 00 20 15: 00 NORDUnet & Bo. D TBC 15: 00 20 15: 25: 00 Update on Bo. D at SURFnet Gerben van Malenstein 15: 25: 00 20 15: 45: 00 News from Australia Guido Aben 15: 45: 00 20 16: 05: 00 NSI v 2 Guy Roberts 16: 05: 00 20 16: 25: 00 break 16: 25: 00 20 16: 45: 00 Summary of Bo. D work done from Jodrell Jimmy Cullen 16: 45: 00 20 17: 05: 00 Paul Boven 17: 05: 00 20 17: 25: 00 Summary of WP 6 Discussion of lessons learned from the NEXPRe. S Tests & Demos 17: 25: 00 20 17: 45: 00 SKA - an update for two sites Roshene Mc. Cool 17: 45: 00 20 18: 05: 00 Identify common work areas for future all connect • communicate • collaborate
EVN-NREN Mailing list Ralph Spencer (Ralph. Spencer@manchester. ac. uk) Jimmy Cullen (jcullen@jb. man. ac. uk) 'Neal Jackson' njj@jb. man. ac. uk Paul Burgess (paul. burgess@manchester. ac. uk) 'Francisco Colomer' f. colomer@oan. es 'Mark Kettenis' kettenis@jive. nl 'Huib Jan van Langevelde' langevelde@jive. nl 'T. Charles Yun' tcyun@jive. nl Arpad Szomoru szomoru@jive. nl Paul Boven (boven@jive. nl) 'Guido Aben' Guido. Aben@aarnet. edu. au 'Ari P Mujunen' amujunen@cc. hut. fi 'John Conway' john. conway@chalmers. se 'Simon Casey' simon. casey@chalmers. se lars@nordu. net 'David Salmon (David. Salmon@ja. net)‘ Esther Robles esther. robles@rediris. es 'Joao Nuno Ferreira' ferreira@fccn. pt Richard. Hughes-Jones@dante. net Marco Marletta
WP 2 EVN-NREN DELIVERABLE 2. 04 connect • communicate • collaborate
D 2. 04 Presentation on regions of increasing interest to Radio Astronomy and Networking Provides an update on the network connectivity for: Radio Telescopes in existing and new world regions. Networking infrastructure of potential interest to Radio Astronomy Information is provided for the following regions: GÉANT: Pan European and a summary of connectivity to world regions Links between Europe and the US – ACE & GÉANT Africa The Pan-Asia Region – the TEIN Network Australia & New Zealand Latin America Russia The presentation will be updated as new data becomes available. connect • communicate • collaborate Slide: 6 NEXPRe. S P 2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012
D 2. 04 Presentation on regions of increasing interest to Radio Astronomy and Networking connect • communicate • collaborate
GÉANT PROCUREMENT AND 100 GIGABIT ROLLOUT connect • communicate • collaborate
The GÉANT Procurement Started at the beginning of 2010 with an RFI exercise (6 months) Formal Competitive Dialogue procurement process at the end of 2010 in 3 lots Technology agnostic approach to transmission Did not specify DCM-based or DCM-free, ROADM specifics, etc BUT service & operational feature prescriptions e. g “optimisation” for delivery of 100 G; – in final ITT, suppliers mandated to include flexible, zero-touch provisioning of 10 G “lambdas” (even if solution not supporting native 10 G lambdas) – effectively meant include OTN switching “Classical MPLS” approach to switching (lot 2) was mandated Alternatives (MPLS-TP, PBB-TE) not sufficiently convincing during dialogue Lot 3 dropped Converged/integrated (“POTS”) solutions did not appear sufficiently convincing during dialogue In addition we are re-procuring the dark fibres. connect • communicate • collaborate
We selected… (for transmission) DTN-X solution from Infinera Why? Photonic integration Large pools of “virtualised” BW Ease of use Excellent service wrap connect • communicate • collaborate
100 G Transmitters (Complex but very clever! ) Mach-Zehnder modulator 100 G DC-PM-QPSK 38 GHz 12. 5 Gbps inputs Carrier 1 X Carrier 1 Carrier 2 Y X Y p/2 Laser PBC Rot p/2 Carrier 2 Laser PBC Rot p/2 A “dual carrier” 100 G TX implementation 50 GHz connect • communicate • collaborate 11
100 G Receivers (they are even more complex!) 90 -deg Hybrid A/D PBS Rx ASIC Input signal: PM-QPSK (Carrier 1) TIA A/D LO Laser 90 -deg Hybrid DSP PD TIA 90 -deg Hybrid A/D PBS Rx ASIC Input signal: PM-QPSK (Carrier 2) LO Laser 90 -deg Hybrid A/D DSP PD A “dual carrier” 100 G RX implementation connect • communicate • collaborate
100 G transceivers Photonic Integration is key in a Terabit network Optical Functions Integrated >600 Fiber Connections Eliminated ~250 connect • communicate • collaborate
We selected… (for switching) MX series of IP/MPLS switch/routers from Juniper Why? Can provide wide array of switched services (based on Eo. MPLS) Includes MP 2 MP as well as P 2 P Optimised for Ethernet Supports 100 GE 120 Gbps/slot (new SCBs) Also jolly good at routing… …and ready for “virtualisation” 14 connect • communicate • collaborate
Day-1 connectivity used by MXs and extant routers (high level view) Actually Infinera gives 500 Gbit IE UK PL DK RU BE NL DE CZ SK LU CH FR AT HU Fink PT IT ES SI HR KEY 100 G lambda Nx 10 GE lambda (detail TBD) Nx 10 G leased lambdas GR connect • communicate • collaborate
Planned new GÉANT architecture (principles) Principles are: Adopt 100 G trunks to accommodate GÉANT IP load (partly) and GÉANT Plus load from day-1 (in W and E rings) Where a POP has a router and MCC today then simply replace MCC with an MX 960 Where a POP has an MCC and no router then replace with two smaller MXs (480 s) Sub-10 G GÉANT Plus instances implemented as VLLs on new Lot 2 platform (hence no STM-Ns) Existing 10 G GÉANT Lambdas will be migrated to Infinera platform (this will support the STM-64 s) Encourage new 10 GE GÉANT “Lambdas” (now really higher capacity GEANT Plus instances) to be carried over new Lot 2 platform 16 connect • communicate • collaborate
Inside the GÉANT Po. P The Hybrid GÉANT+ services Lambdas To NREN B To NREN A GÉANT+ Primary IP IP Backup Peering IP Router Switch IP GÉANT+ Backup IP Peering for NREN A Switch Lambdas Primary IP Peering IP Router Dark fibre/amplifier chain GÉANT POP A GÉANT POP B connect • communicate • collaborate
Inside the GÉANT New Po. P To NREN A GÉANT+ * Bo. D * To NREN B GÉANT+ * IP Backup GÉANT Lambdas Primary IP Peering IP Router Bo. D GÉANT Lambdas Backup IP Peering for NREN A IP Router Switch GÉANT POP A * Includes 10 G and greater Dark fibre/amplifier chain Optical Switch GÉANT POP B connect • communicate • collaborate
Converged lot 2 and IP architecture at “day-2” (current vision) By this stage DF lines expected to be carrying multiple 40/100 G lambdas so GÉANT IP backups (or dual-homed IP primaries) can be transported directly to other POPs avoiding the single Lot 2 switch POP A POP B POP C IP primary DF line Lot 2++ switch 100 GE DF line 100 GE GÉANT Lambda >10 Gbps Lot 2++ switch 100 GE GÉANT IP Plus IP peer backup 100 GE Lot 2++ switch GÉANT Lambda >10 Gbps But need to think a bit more about how to get from “day-1” to this “day-2” safely 19 connect • communicate • collaborate
Roadmap Services made available during 2012 connect • communicate • collaborate 20
Rollout Status Bo. D over GÉANT for NEXPRe. S GÉANT+ MX 960 installed in most Po. Ps Customer access moved from MCCs to MXs MX tromboned back to MCC Trunks ready to move from MCC to MX Converged IP and GÉANT+ Dynamic Core (Bo. D) Coding for Auto. BAHN underway Link transitions as above Timescale New Year 2013 connect • communicate • collaborate
New GÉANT DF footprint New GÉANT day-1 Dark Fibre footprint 22 connect • communicate • collaborate
ANY QUESTIONS ? connect • communicate • collaborate
Dinner Susanne sent four suggestions: 1) D/S Louise – (at Aker Brygge, which is the place to go) 10 min walk from here 2) Lorry - That is a rather special place not very far from here - they serve good food and beer 3) There is an Asian one called Dinner which is supposed to be good 4) Tapas connect • communicate • collaborate