- Количество слайдов: 19
New York State Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School Program Joan Mc. Donald, Commissioner Carl Ford, P. E. , Regional Director NYSDOT Region 3
I. Welcome and Introductions Joe Flint, P. E. Regional Planning and Program Manager
SRTS Workshop Agenda I. Welcome and Introductions – Joe Flint II. Safe Routes to School Program Overview – Mary Harding III. IV. Summary of the First SRTS Round in Region 3 – Julie Bednar Question and Answer Session – Mary Harding and Julie Bednar Closing Remarks – Joe Flint
NYSDOT Region 3 v Includes Cayuga, Cortland, Onondaga, Oswego, Seneca, and Tompkins counties Oswego v Includes two Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) v 84, 902 students in grades K-8 (4. 8% of NY State student K-8 population) v. The funding available for this round of SRTS is approximately $1 million Onondaga Cayuga Seneca Tompkins Cortland
Workshop Goals v Inform you of the SRTS program and eligible project types v Inform you of the application process v Inform you of who you can contact with program questions v Inform you of project sponsor responsibilities
II. Safe Routes to School Program Overview Mary Harding Statewide Safe Routes to School Coordinator
III. Summary of the First SRTS Round in Region 3 Julie Bednar Regional Safe Routes to School Coordinator
Summary of Project Solicitation v v v First round was in 2008. We received 17 project applications; only 6 projects were funded. Regionally, $1. 37 million was available in the first round. Total funds requested via applications were $3. 7 million.
Summary of Funded Projects Four sidewalk construction projects v supplemental signage v crosswalks v one used pervious pavement where possible to improve drainage v in-school education and encouragement programs v one included a patrol bicycle and mobile radar unit for the police department
Summary of Funded Projects Crosswalk and ADA curb ramp project v signage v pedestrian countdown timers v school speed zone flashing sign v in-school education and encouragement programs
Summary of Funded Projects One non-infrastructure project v mobile school zone speed feedback trailer v speed monitoring recorders v informational pamphlets for outreach to drivers
Lessons Learned v v Some project applications contained largely ineligible project elements. Ø Become familiar with the guidebook to ensure your project fits the program. Ø Take advantage of the preliminary review. Make sure each copy of the application has all the maps and other attachments you cite in the text, and make sure copies are legible.
Lessons Learned v Construction cost estimates were generally lower than the actual low bid. v v Federal wage and materials requirements mean a project is built to higher standards, but often costs more than local forces jobs. Budget for a couple years of inflation. Use the new state engineering estimate tool available on our website. Get buy-in from your local DPW, especially if you expect them to oversee construction. They will be responsible for maintenance after construction. v Make sure right of way is available for the project. v Schedules were overly ambitious and did not account for the federal aid process requirements.
General Project Schedule: Infrastructure December 2012 Project funding awarded Spring 2013 State-local agreements executed Federal funding obtained Spring-Fall 2013 Preliminary design (review environmental, social, and economic implications, ROW clearance review and any survey work) Fall 2013 -Spring 2014 Draft plans and specifications are composed and reviewed, comments addressed, and final plans and specifications are completed Spring-Summer 2014 Advertise and award contract Summer 2014 -2015 Construction 2015 Project close-out
Points to Remember v SRTS is a competitive program – only the best projects will receive funding. v Plan well-rounded strategies to increase walking and bicycling (use the 5 E’s – Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Encouragement, Evaluation). v Get buy-in from partnering agencies - city, town, or village administration, municipal or county DPWs, and school districts.
IV. Question and Answer Session Mary Harding Statewide Safe Routes to School Coordinator Julie Bednar Regional Safe Routes to School Coordinator
V. Closing Remarks Joe Flint, P. E. Regional Planning and Program Manager
Contacts NYSDOT Region 3 Contact: Julie Bednar (315) 428 -4408 E-mail: jbednar@dot. state. ny. us Address: 333 E. Washington St. , Syracuse, NY 13202 Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) Contact: Victor Jorrin, (607) 274 -5570 E-mail: itctc@tompkins-co. org Address: 121 E. Court St. Ithaca, NY 14850 Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council (SMTC) Contact: Danielle Krol, (315) 422 -5716 E-mail: dkrol@smtcmpo. org Address: 100 Clinton Square, 126 N. Salina Street, Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13202
Dates to Remember v v v Final applications are due October 5, 2012! We offer a preliminary review of applications if they are received by August 31, 2012 Funds will be awarded in December