NEW WORDS-ЖАҢА СӨЗДЕР Family-жанұя Surname-фамилия Son-ұл сын Large-үлкен

NEW WORDS-ЖАҢА СӨЗДЕР Family-жанұя Surname-фамилия Son-ұл сын Large-үлкен Parents-ата-ана Cousin-бөле Nephew-жиен Daughter-сқыздочь Biology-биология

My Family I am Alimov Azat. Azat is my name and Alimov is my surname. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is not large. I have got mother, father and grandmother. There are four of us in the family. First of all some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of biology. She works in a school. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is 44 but she looks much younger.

My father is programmer. He is forty-six. My father often sings and when we are at home and have some free time I play guitar and we sing together. We live friendly and understand each other. I like my family very much.

глагол to have got (иметь)

Глагол to have got имеет следующие формы: I have got You have got We have got They have got He has got She has got It has got

It has got a flower. I have got a flower. have got = have has got = has Внимание!

have got = have has got = has We have got flowers. They have got flowers. Внимание!

Yes, you have got a flower. I have got a flower. have got = have has got = has Внимание!

have got = have has got = has She has got a flower. Внимание! I have got a flower.

have got = have has got = has Внимание! He has got flowers. I have got flowers.

Отрицательная форма глагола to have got полная I have not got You have not got We have not got They have not got He has not got She has not got It has not got краткая I haven’t got You haven’t got We haven’t got They haven’t got He hasn’t got She hasn’t got It hasn’t got

I have not got flowers! It has not got flowers! have not got = haven’t got Внимание! has not got = hasn’t got

We have not got flowers! They have not got flowers! has not got = hasn’t got have not got = haven’t got Внимание!

Сделай предложения отрицательными 1. I have got a dog. 2. Jack has got a hamster. 3. The children have got new books. 4. We have got a big house. 5. They have got a nice garden. 6. Ann has got a little doll. 7. You have got a red pencil.

Построение вопросов с глаголом to have got Have you got a ball? Have they got a ball? Has she got a ball? Has he got a ball? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Yes, we have. No, we haven’t. Yes, they have. No, they haven’t. Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t. Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

Has she got a ball? No, she hasn’t.

Have you got a ball? No, I haven’t.

Have they got balls? Yes, they have.

Выбери has или have: Alice … got a black cat. Jim … got a blue ball. They … got white kittens. I … got a sister. We … got a nice house. Kate … got a red fox. … you got a pet? has has has have Have have have

- Количество слайдов: 19