Скачать презентацию New Moston Primary School Welcome to New Moston Скачать презентацию New Moston Primary School Welcome to New Moston


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New Moston Primary School Welcome to New Moston Primary School Foundation Stage Unit FS New Moston Primary School Welcome to New Moston Primary School Foundation Stage Unit FS 2

FS 2 Staff Teachers o. Ms Rashid-FS Leader o. Mrs Jagger Teaching assistants • FS 2 Staff Teachers o. Ms Rashid-FS Leader o. Mrs Jagger Teaching assistants • Mrs Mc. Grath • Mrs Pickering • Ms Brown • Ms Hall

Starting school o The children will begin school either on the 3 rd, 4 Starting school o The children will begin school either on the 3 rd, 4 th or 5 th September o The children are starting in three groups because having reviewed the transition for last year we felt the children needed to be full time from the first day but in a slightly smaller group o Once they have started, they will be full time

Times The school day is as follows: o 9. 05 am – 11. 50 Times The school day is as follows: o 9. 05 am – 11. 50 o Lunch o 12. 50 pm - 3. 10 pm

New Moston Primary School o Bringing Children Parents/Carers are welcome to come into the New Moston Primary School o Bringing Children Parents/Carers are welcome to come into the unit in the morning o Make sure children are on time-doors open at 9. 05 am o Each morning the Unit staff are available to talk to, if you have a message or a problem Home time o Make sure your child is collected on time o Let the school know if someone different is collecting your child-a password will be needed

New Moston Primary School Absence o Please telephone school on the first morning that New Moston Primary School Absence o Please telephone school on the first morning that your child is ill. o If your child misses school regularly you may be visited by the EWO. o If you intend to take your child on an extended holiday during term time, you must see the Headteacher first.

Lunchtimes o Send the money in an envelope with the child’s name and class Lunchtimes o Send the money in an envelope with the child’s name and class on a Monday. o Free School Mealshand your form into the office. o Packed Lunches- your child’s Welcome Pack includes the schools Healthy Food and Packed Lunch policy

Good or bad? Good or bad?

Uniform Children wear the following: o A blue jumper or cardigan o Blue, black Uniform Children wear the following: o A blue jumper or cardigan o Blue, black or grey school trousers or skirt o Plain white or red shirt, blouse or polo shirt o Sensible black shoes Please ensure your child can fasten and unfasten the clothes they wear to school.

Outdoors • We allow our children continuous access to the outdoors, in all weather. Outdoors • We allow our children continuous access to the outdoors, in all weather. Therefore it is important that they have wellies and a waterproof coat in school everyday. We do have full wet suits for when it is particularly wet and we are splashing in puddles.

Please label all clothes with your child’s name otherwise they end up in the Please label all clothes with your child’s name otherwise they end up in the lost property box! Its not a very happy place.

Reporting Progress o Parents are welcome to talk to a member of staff about Reporting Progress o Parents are welcome to talk to a member of staff about any queries or concerns about their child’s progress on a daily basis o A parents’ evening in the Autumn term o Another parents’ evening later in the Spring term to discuss progress o An end of year summary report

Reading Prepare your child for reading: o Share books with your child. o Show Reading Prepare your child for reading: o Share books with your child. o Show your child how to turn the pages. o. Try to read to your child regularly to demonstrate reading skills. o Join the local Library and choose books together. Your child will be introduced to a wide range of reading books. When s/he is ready, s/he will bring home a reading book. Please help your child to talk about the story and read any words. We aim to change your child’s book at least once a week-if you can offer some time to support us with this please see Ms Rashid. You will need to buy your child a book bag from the school office.

Homework o Your child will be given key words to learn. They will be Homework o Your child will be given key words to learn. They will be in the back of the reading record. Please check these regularly. o Please help your child to read his/her reading book. Preferably each evening to encourage the development of reading skills. o She/he will receive homework in the form of worksheets or activities for Literacy and Numeracy. We try to link all homework to whatever the children are learning that week.

Aims of the Early Years Curriculum o To create a happy school environment. o Aims of the Early Years Curriculum o To create a happy school environment. o To help children learn to co-operate with each other and recognise that good manners are important. o To enable children to communicate with other people and develop a good command of English. o To encourage an enjoyment of reading. o To teach basic handwriting and other creative skills. o To develop a knowledge of number and basic skills such as reading, writing and ordering numbers. o To provide an enjoyment of P. E. , movement, drama and to teach basic games skills. o To challenge young minds by encouraging scientific curiosity and a desire to find out about the past and the environment in which they live.

The Early Years Foundation Stage There are seven areas of learning and development that The Early Years Foundation Stage There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape educational programmes in early years settings. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. These three areas, the prime areas, are: communication and language; • physical development; and • personal, social and emotional development • Providers must also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are: literacy; • mathematics; • understanding the world; and • expressive arts and design •

o • • • o Assessment Your child will be discreetly assessed through the o • • • o Assessment Your child will be discreetly assessed through the year These assessments include: observational assessments photographic assessments Group assessments Formal 1: 1 assessments Notes from the home school book Most assessments will be child led, as they are encouraged to be independent learners by exploring through play o All these assessments will be used to track children and identify gaps in their learning and development. This information will then be used to plan for effective provision to ensure progression for every child at a level suitable to their level

Key worker families The EYFS 2012 outlines that every child must have a named Key worker families The EYFS 2012 outlines that every child must have a named key worker who will make sure that they are happy and settled. They will have at least one session a week where they will spend time in their keyworker families sharing stories and news, playing games, dealing with emotional needs, talking about their families and cultures and likes and dislikes. • Although your child has a named keyworker, please be assured that every adult in the unit will also be caring for your child’s personal, learning and assessment needs. In addition to this you are more than welcome to speak to any member of staff at any time, you do not need to only speak to your named keyworker.

Parental Involvement o Parents are very welcome to contribute to their child’s development by Parental Involvement o Parents are very welcome to contribute to their child’s development by being involved in our ongoing assessments. o We welcome informal liaisons as well as interviews at Parents’ Evenings o Medium term planning will be sent home every term-if you feel that you or friends and family are able to offer school some time, experience or resources to support your child’s learning and development in a particular area or topic, then please see Ms Rashid to discuss possible arrangements

Planning is put up every week, please feel free to read it on a Planning is put up every week, please feel free to read it on a weekly basis to see what your child is learning

My News! We would like you to share all the special events and activities My News! We would like you to share all the special events and activities you do with your child at home, so please use the ‘My News’ sheets to share this with us. We love to read this news and children love to share it with the class mates!

Home School Book • Your child has a ‘Home. School’ book that we will Home School Book • Your child has a ‘Home. School’ book that we will use as a means of communication for sending and receiving messages especially for those parents who we will not see on a daily basis • You can also use it to tell us about what your child has been up to at home with the family and what they have been learning. This is because we believe that the home school partnership is vital in ensuring a child’s progress and will provide us with a clear picture of a child’s development. Photographs are welcome too! • To encourage you to be part of your child’s learning a homework task will be sent out every two weeks

Post its! Every child has a named folder, where their observations are kept before Post its! Every child has a named folder, where their observations are kept before being added to their learning journey. Please feel free to add to this folder using the available yellow post it notes. You can do this as many or as few times as you like. You could perhaps tell us about any trips you make as a family, how they help around the house or even if they helped to set the table correctly!

Supporting school o We are asking parents to contribute £ 3 per term or Supporting school o We are asking parents to contribute £ 3 per term or £ 9 for the year, which will go towards the cost of activities such as baking and crafts o Letters/ texts will be sent out to remind parents o There is also a ‘wish tree’ which has small brown envelopes on it. Each envelope contains a small request for resources such as oil for playdough or cornflour for messy play o We are grateful for your continuing support