Скачать презентацию New Mechanism of Generation of Large-Scale Magnetic Field Скачать презентацию New Mechanism of Generation of Large-Scale Magnetic Field


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New Mechanism of Generation of Large-Scale Magnetic Field in Turbulence with Large-Scale Velocity Shear New Mechanism of Generation of Large-Scale Magnetic Field in Turbulence with Large-Scale Velocity Shear I. ROGACHEVSKII, N. KLEEORIN, E. LIVERTS Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, ISRAEL

Outline Ø Introduction Ø Physics of new “shear-current” effect and comparison with alpha effect Outline Ø Introduction Ø Physics of new “shear-current” effect and comparison with alpha effect (hydrodynamic helicity) Ø Generation of large-scale magnetic field due to the “shear-current” effect (kinematic and nonlinear dynamos) Ø Application to Astrophysics: magnetic fields in merging protostellar clouds, protogalactic clouds, etc. Ø Conclusions and future studies

Mean-Field Dynamo Is it possible to generate a large-scale magnetic field in a non-helical Mean-Field Dynamo Is it possible to generate a large-scale magnetic field in a non-helical and nonrotating homogeneous turbulence ?

Alpha-Omega Dynamo Ø Induction(Mean-Field mean magnetic field: equation for Approach) Ø Electromotive force: Alpha-Omega Dynamo Ø Induction(Mean-Field mean magnetic field: equation for Approach) Ø Electromotive force:

Generation of the mean magnetic field due to the dynamo Mean magnetic field: Dynamo Generation of the mean magnetic field due to the dynamo Mean magnetic field: Dynamo number:

Physics of the alpha-effect Ø The -effect is related to the hydrodynamic helicity in Physics of the alpha-effect Ø The -effect is related to the hydrodynamic helicity in an inhomogeneous turbulence. Ø The deformations of the magnetic field lines are caused by upward and downward rotating turbulent eddies. Ø The inhomogeneity of turbulence breaks a symmetry between the upward and downward eddies. Ø Therefore, the total effect of the upward and downward eddies on the mean magnetic field does not vanish and it creates the mean electric current parallel to the original mean magnetic field.

Mean-Field Dynamo Do one need hydrodynamic helicity in order to generate a large-scale magnetic Mean-Field Dynamo Do one need hydrodynamic helicity in order to generate a large-scale magnetic field in a homogeneous turbulent flow ?

Mean-Field Approach Ø Induction equation for mean magnetic field: Ø Electromotive force: Mean-Field Approach Ø Induction equation for mean magnetic field: Ø Electromotive force:

The ''shear-current The ''shear-current" effect Ø The large-scale shear motions implies a nonzero mean vorticity : Ø The ''shear-current" effect is related to the term, Ø Therefore, the ''shear-current" effect. term determines

Comparison of the alpha-effect with the ''shear-current Comparison of the alpha-effect with the ''shear-current" effect Ø The effect is caused by a uniform rotation and inhomogeneity of turbulence: , where Ø The ''shear-current" effect is related to the term and is caused by mean shear and nonuniform mean magnetic field, , where Ø Therefore,

Physics of ''shear-current Physics of ''shear-current" effect Ø In a turbulent flow with the mean velocity shear, the inhomogeneity of the original mean magnetic field breaks a symmetry between the influence of the upward and downward turbulent eddies on the mean magnetic field. Ø The deformations of the magnetic field lines in the ''shear-current" dynamo are caused by the upward and downward turbulent eddies which result in the mean electric current parallel to the mean magnetic field and produce the magnetic dynamo.

Generation of the mean magnetic field due to the shear-current effect Mean velocity shear: Generation of the mean magnetic field due to the shear-current effect Mean velocity shear:

Necessary condition for the shear-current dynamo The growth rate of B: The parameter : Necessary condition for the shear-current dynamo The growth rate of B: The parameter : The Kolmogorov Scaling (large Re and Rm): Rogachevskii and Kleeorin (2003): there is shear-current dynamo Small Re and Rm (weak turbulence): In a good agreement with: Rädler and Stepanov (2006) Rüdiger and Kitchatinov (2006) there is no dynamo for: (SOCA)

Generation of the mean magnetic field (kinematic dynamo) The growth rate of B: Critical Generation of the mean magnetic field (kinematic dynamo) The growth rate of B: Critical dynamo number: Solution for the symmetric mode: The magnetic scale at maximum :

Generation of the mean magnetic field (kinematic dynamo) The growth rate of B: Critical Generation of the mean magnetic field (kinematic dynamo) The growth rate of B: Critical dynamo number: Solution for the antisymmetric mode: The magnetic scale at maximum :

Generation of the mean vorticity and magnetic field in sheared turbulence Mean velocity shear: Generation of the mean vorticity and magnetic field in sheared turbulence Mean velocity shear: The mean magnetic field The growth rate of B The mean vorticity The growth rate of

Generation of the mean vorticity in turbulence with mean velocity shear Elperin, Kleeorin and Generation of the mean vorticity in turbulence with mean velocity shear Elperin, Kleeorin and Rogachevskii, PRE, 68, 016311 (2003) Mean velocity shear: The growth rate of the mean vorticity

The shear-current nonlinear dynamo (algebraic nonlinearity) Dynamo number: Shear number: Mean magnetic field: Nonlinear The shear-current nonlinear dynamo (algebraic nonlinearity) Dynamo number: Shear number: Mean magnetic field: Nonlinear shear-current effect:

Nonlinear shear-current effect Weak magnetic field: Strong mean magnetic field: There is no quenching Nonlinear shear-current effect Weak magnetic field: Strong mean magnetic field: There is no quenching of the nonlinear "shear-current" effect contrary to the quenching of the nonlinear alpha effect, the nonlinear turbulent magnetic diffusion, etc.

Method of Derivation Equations for the correlation functions for: ØThe velocity fluctuations ØThe magnetic Method of Derivation Equations for the correlation functions for: ØThe velocity fluctuations ØThe magnetic fluctuations ØThe cross-helicity tensor The spectral t-approximation (the third-order closure procedure)

The shear-current nonlinear dynamo (algebraic nonlinearity) Dynamo number: Shear number: Mean magnetic field: Nonlinear The shear-current nonlinear dynamo (algebraic nonlinearity) Dynamo number: Shear number: Mean magnetic field: Nonlinear shear-current effect:

Nonlinear “shear-current” dynamo (algebraic nonlinearity) Nonlinear “shear-current” dynamo (algebraic nonlinearity)

Nonlinear “shear-current” dynamo (algebraic nonlinearity) Nonlinear “shear-current” dynamo (algebraic nonlinearity)

Magnetic Helicity Total magnetic helicity is conserved for very large magnetic Reynolds numbers Magnetic Magnetic Helicity Total magnetic helicity is conserved for very large magnetic Reynolds numbers Magnetic part of alpha effect: The nonlinear function: Dynamics of small-scale magnetic helicity:

Dynamics of magnetic helicity Kleeorin and Ruzmaikin (1982); Gruzinov and Diamond (1994); Kleeorin and Dynamics of magnetic helicity Kleeorin and Ruzmaikin (1982); Gruzinov and Diamond (1994); Kleeorin and Rogachevskii (1999); Kleeorin, Moss, Rogachevskii and Sokoloff (2000); Blackman and Field (2000). In the absence of the magnetic helicity flux, i. e. , catastrophic quenching (Vainshtein and Cattaneo, 1992) In the presence of the flux of magnetic helicity:

The shear-current nonlinear dynamo (algebraic and dynamic nonlinearities) Mean magnetic field: Magnetic part of The shear-current nonlinear dynamo (algebraic and dynamic nonlinearities) Mean magnetic field: Magnetic part of alpha effect: The nonlinear function: Dynamical nonlinearity: magnetic helicity evolution

The shear-current nonlinear dynamo (algebraic and dynamic nonlinearities) Mean magnetic field: The shear-current nonlinear dynamo (algebraic and dynamic nonlinearities) Mean magnetic field:

Direct Numerical Simulations Ø Ø A. Brandenburg, Astrophys. J. 625, 539 -547 (2005). A. Direct Numerical Simulations Ø Ø A. Brandenburg, Astrophys. J. 625, 539 -547 (2005). A. Brandenburg, N. E. L. Haugen, P. J. Käpylä, C. Sandin, Astron. Nachr. 326, 174 -185 (2005). 1. Non-helical forcing 2. Imposed mean velocity shear 3. Open boundary conditions (non-zero flux of magnetic helicity)

Astrophysical clouds Ø We apply the universal mechanism of generation of large -scale magnetic Astrophysical clouds Ø We apply the universal mechanism of generation of large -scale magnetic fields due to shear-current effect to several astrophysical objects: merging protostellar clouds merging protogalactic clouds colliding giant galaxy clusters Ø Interactions of protostellar clouds, or colliding protogalactic clouds or giant galaxy clusters produce large-scale shear motions which are superimposed on small-scale turbulence.

Parameters Mass R (pc) V (cm/s) Protostellar Clouds Protogalactic Giant Galaxy Clouds Clusters Parameters Mass R (pc) V (cm/s) Protostellar Clouds Protogalactic Giant Galaxy Clouds Clusters

Chernin (1993). Non-central collision Chernin (1993). Non-central collision

Different cloud sizes, Chernin (1993) Different cloud sizes, Chernin (1993)

Parameters (cm/s) (cm) u (cm/s) (cm) (years) Protostellar Clouds Protogalactic Giant Clouds Galaxy Clusters Parameters (cm/s) (cm) u (cm/s) (cm) (years) Protostellar Clouds Protogalactic Giant Clouds Galaxy Clusters

Parameters (cm/s) (cm) (years) Protostellar Clouds Protogalactic Clouds Giant Galaxy Clusters Parameters (cm/s) (cm) (years) Protostellar Clouds Protogalactic Clouds Giant Galaxy Clusters

References Ø I. Rogachevskii and N. Kleeorin, Phys. Rev. E 68, 036301 (2003). Ø References Ø I. Rogachevskii and N. Kleeorin, Phys. Rev. E 68, 036301 (2003). Ø I. Rogachevskii and N. Kleeorin, Phys. Rev. E 70, 046310 (2004). Ø I. Rogachevskii, N. Kleeorin, A. D. Chernin and E. Liverts, Astron. Nachr. 327, 591 -594 (2006). Ø I. Rogachevskii, N. Kleeorin and E. Liverts, to be submitted to GAFD (2006).

Conclusions Ø Generation of large-scale magnetic field is caused by a new ''shear-current Conclusions Ø Generation of large-scale magnetic field is caused by a new ''shear-current" effect which acts even in a nonrotating and nonhelical homogeneous turbulence. Ø During the growth of the mean magnetic field, the nonlinear ''shear-current" effect is not quenched and it only changes its sign at some value of the mean magnetic field which can determine the level of the saturated mean magnetic field.

Conclusions Ø We have taken into account the transport of magnetic helicity as dynamical Conclusions Ø We have taken into account the transport of magnetic helicity as dynamical nonlinearity. The magnetic helicity flux strongly affects the magnetic field dynamics during the nonlinear shear-current dynamo. The level of the saturated mean magnetic field is of the order of the equipartition field. Ø The estimated saturated large-scale magnetic field for merging protogalactic clouds and colliding giant galaxy clusters is about several microgauss, and for merging protostellar clouds is of the order of several tenth of microgauss.