- Количество слайдов: 15
New Hampshire’s Advisory Board for SPDG Amy Jenks, Grant Coordinator NH RESPONDS Grant (SPDG) (603) 271 -2842/ajenks@ed. state. nh. us 1
NH SPDG Advisory Board Established Advisory Board just for SPDG Grant Representation from each grant partner Meet quarterly Face to face meetings Incentives for participation Communication via e-mail 2 Evaluation
Positive Behavior Supports Secondary Transition Literacy 3 NH Center for Effective New Hampshire University of Behavioral Interventions & Department of New Hampshire Supports Education Institute on Disability NH RESPONDS Institutions of Family & Youth New Hampshire RESPONDS Higher Organizations Statewide Advisory Board Education New Hampshire RESPONDS Leadership Team Local Education Professional Organizations Agencies ECE Competencies Standards Certification Outcomes Capacity Building Work Teams Comp, Standards, Certification Training & TA Demonstration Evaluation Standards Curriculum SAU-wide Outcomes Sec. Tran. Evaluation PD Training Competencies Training ECEs & Schools Students Certification Coaching PD Educators Curriculum Competencies Fidelity
NH RESPONDS Advisory Board Membership made up of Representatives from following grant partners: § NH Educator Certification and College Standards Boards § School Administrative Organizations Superintendents, Principals, Sped Dir. , School Boards, PTA § PTI and Other Parent Organizations § Institutions of Higher Education (4 partners on our grant) § LEAs § Other State Agencies (VR, DHHS, DCYF, Early Childhood) § Resource Library § NH RESPONDS Leadership Team Members 4
Poll Question: • A. B. C. D. 5 How often do your advisory boards meet? Monthly Quarterly Annually Other [please specify in the chat box]
NH RESPONDS Advisory Board Details Commitment of members: § Representative from each organization § Commit for 5 years of grant § Quarterly meetings • 2 -3 hours face to face § Review other correspondence • Newsletters, statewide trainings, website § Advice grant leadership team on overall direction of grant and sustainability § Notification of change in representative 6 Commitment of SPDG Coordinator: § Contact each organization for representative § Share 1 pager on Advisory Board with SPDG executive summary § E-mail mtg reminders, mtg agendas and notes § Ongoing contact by e-mail with representatives § Preparation of mtgs with NH RESPONDS Leadership Team § Post Advisory Board Presentations on website
Advisory Board 1 Pager § § § Includes Grant letterhead/Logo Grant overview Membership Advisory Board purpose Commitment requirements • How long? • How often will meet and duration? • By what means (face to face, webinar, newsletter)? § Incentives to participate (certificate of PD hours, invitation to grant statewide trainings and alignment of initiatives, give input) § Contact information for who to call if questions 7
Poll Question: How many of your advisory board stakeholders have prior experience in a community collaborative? A. 75 -100% B. 50 -75% C. 25 -50% D. 0 -25% 8
NH RESPONDS Advisory Board Meeting Format § Introductions § Brief update or presentation on grant • Grant activities, trainings, evaluation process, data and outcomes § Question and Answer time § Focus Questions – Small group discussion • Professional development, alignment with other initiatives, resources/website and data and outcomes § Report out from small groups § Process Meeting- Evaluation (Ask: What worked? What didn’t work? What could we do differently? Ah Has from today? ) § Next Steps 9
Sample Small Group Questions Advisory Board Focus: Initial Mtg – Grant Activities Alignment with other Initiatives Given the descriptions today of the project structure and anticipated outcomes, how do the activities of NH RESPONDS connect or complement your own initiatives and activities? Given the descriptions today of the project structure and anticipated outcomes, what (if anything) is unclear to you? Advisory Board mtg Focus: Statewide PD and Resources Parent/Community Resources and Materials What resources or materials would you recommend for parents/community members to support NH RESPONDS? What is missing or would be helpful to develop or provide, and suggestions do you have regarding the selection and/or development of materials? Professional Development and RTI What RTI PD activities are being provided throughout the state this year? How can we align 10 them with NHRESPONDS? (Discuss timeframe, audience, location, organizing strands for our NHRESPONDS statewide trainings?
Sample Small Group Questions Advisory Board mtg Focus: Data and outcomes Outcomes of Grant How should we tell our NH RESPONDS project story? What information will be most beneficial to constituents, and how best to share the information? What information should we post on our website and what should the format be? Professional Development –Leadership Institute –We are planning an RTI SAU Leadership Team Training in the fall for our Demonstration sites. What is the district role in RTI Implementation/what are the biggest challenges? 11
Examples of Using Advisory Board Small Group Discussion Input PD and RTI Trainings § Check PD schedules of all organizations to avoid conflicts § Require school teams to attend trainings not individuals § Multiple ongoing sessions that build on one another § Connect NH RESPONDS training to NH State RTI Task Force’s RTI Framework 12 Data and Outcomes § Updating our Grant website: § List of grant assessment tools and data collection § Exploring how we can share our NH RESPONDS work through student case study format § Leadership Institute § Focus on process part of RTI § Managing Complex Change (Implementation Stages framework presented to SAU Leadership Teams of Demo Sites)
SPDG Advisory Boards CHALLENGES Advisory Board Structure Decision STRATEGIES Create new group, adapt existing, Keeping Consistent Membership Maintaining Interest /Usefulness Incentives for participation Efficient use of members time Advisory Board Effectiveness 13 other method Ongoing communication/process to bring new members up to speed Mtgs must be informative, chance for input, networking, use feedback Invites to statewide trainings, PD hour certificates, networking Use technology and other methods (Newsletters, webinars, wikis, teleconference call in option) Evaluation – process meeting, survey or focus groups, partner organization members knowledge of grant
NH SPDG Lessons Learned 14 Prefer to use existing group if it meets grant needs Importance of branding or logo for Grant Develop process/materials for keeping board members informed Be clear about Advisory Board purpose and member’s role Identify and use incentives to keep members involved Be creative use other means of communication and technology (wikis, webinars, newsletters, forums, etc. ) (sample newsletter: http: //www. education. nh. gov/nhresponds/documents/ne ws_200904. pdf Focus on specific areas/questions to get input and then use the feedback you receive to improve your grant Build flexibility into SPDG budget (for use of new technology) Need to evaluate Advisory Board and it’s effectiveness May need to consider mid-course correction if Advisory Board format is not effective just make sure to get OSEP approval
Any Questions? 15